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CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis

CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. What is the status of the CPB? What are we doing? Why is it fun to work for the CPB?. 5 Misconceptions about the CPB. CPB is (only) doing macro economy CPB is centrally planning the economy

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CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis

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  1. CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis • What is the status of the CPB? • What are we doing? • Why is it fun to work for the CPB?

  2. 5 Misconceptions about the CPB • CPB is (only) doing macro economy • CPB is centrally planning the economy • As part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs CPB cannot be independent • All research at CPB is done with one large model • CPB people are boring and old

  3. Vision Broadly trusted source of independent policy relevant economic analysis

  4. Broadly trusted source of independent policy relevant economic analysis • Broad: for various target groups • Trust: independent, neutral, balanced, quality, authority, integrating, continuity • Source: delivers when asked and unasked • Independent: no influence on content, no political colour • Policy relevant: enhance the quality of policy through analyses (no advises) • Economic analysis: covers the whole social-economic field, including forecasting

  5. Vision has to materialize in the form of… • quality publications with policy impact • all parties (Ministries, political parties, …) ask for information and analysis • CPB staff finds the way to the media as expert

  6. Mission CPB The Dutch top institute for policy relevant economic analysis and as such also internationally leading

  7. Top institute • all our products satisfy high quality standards • some of our products are outstanding • our methods are scientifically up-to-date • top economists want to cooperate with us • we are “employer of choice” for economists with interest for policy

  8. Internationally leading • our products are also appreciated and trusted in international fora (EU, OECD, IMF) • our choices for themes and methods are followed • we are seen as an attractive partner by international research institutes

  9. What are we doing at the CPB? • Analyses • Government • Parliament • Ministries • Social partners • CPB

  10. Recent examples • Capital income taxation in Europe: trends and trade-offs • Higher education reform: getting the incentives right • Analysis of Dutch health care reform • ‘Refereeing’ during general elections and coalition formation

  11. Research Topics • Knowledge Economics • Industrial Economics • Physical Surroundings • Internationalisation and European Integration • Development National Models • Public sector

  12. Forecasts - recent examples • Election and coalition formation • Scenarios • MEV/CEP

  13. Organisation • 150 full-time positions (170 persons) • 2/3 academic economists • Budget about 12 million euro • Five departments • Models, Labour and Income • Fiscal affairs and Short Term Analysis • Sectors of Industry • Institutional Analysis • Physical Aspects • Small units (average 5 or 6 persons)

  14. Five reasons why you want to work for the CPB • Unique position: independent and mix between academic research and policy • Cooperative people, strong corporate identity • Large impact and exposure • Professional and informal • Carreer opportunities

  15. Five reasons why you don’t want to work for the CPB • You want an academic carreer, but can’t get a job just now • You like planning • You find academic work too complicated: policy work is easier • You want to advise those ‘eggheaded bureaucrats’ what to do • You like Kleinknecht, Bomhoff,Verbon, Eyffinger c.s.

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