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Physics Lecture: Acceleration in 1D Systems

Understand acceleration in 1D motion with zero and constant acceleration. Solve problems using vector algebra in Cartesian and polar systems. Reading assignment on motion in 2D. Learn about velocity, acceleration, and average values. Discover concepts like constant acceleration, displacement, and gravity. Explore examples and experiments in physics.

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Physics Lecture: Acceleration in 1D Systems

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  1. Physics 207, Lecture 3 • Today (Finish Ch. 2 & start Ch. 3) • Understand acceleration in systems with 1-dimensional motion and non-zero acceleration (usually constant) • Solve problems with zero and constant acceleration (including free-fall and motion on an incline) • Use Cartesian and polar coordinate systems • Perform vector algebra Reading Assignment: For Wednesday: Read Chapter 3 (carefully) through 4.4

  2. “2D” Position, Displacement y time (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 position -2,2 -1,2 0,2 1,2 2,2 3,2 (x,y meters) x position vectors origin

  3. x displacement vectors “2D” Position, Displacement y time (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 position -2,2 -1,2 0,2 1,2 2,2 3,2 (x,y meters) position vectors origin

  4. x displacement vectors 12 23 34 45 56 Position, Displacement, Velocity y time (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 velocity vectors Velocity always has same magnitude & length  CONSTANT

  5. v0 v1 v1 v1 v3 v5 v2 v4 v0 Acceleration • Particle motion often involves non-zero acceleration • The magnitude of the velocity vector may change • The direction of the velocity vector may change (true even if the magnitude remains constant) • Both may change simultaneously • E.g., a “particle” with smoothly decreasing speed

  6. Average & Instantaneous Acceleration • Average acceleration

  7. Average & Instantaneous Acceleration • Average acceleration • The instantaneous acceleration is the limit of the average acceleration as ∆v/∆t approaches zero

  8. Average & Instantaneous Acceleration • Average acceleration • The instantaneous acceleration is the limit of the average acceleration as ∆v/∆t approaches zero • Note: Position, velocity & acceleration are all vectors, they cannot be added directly to one another (different dimensional units)

  9. x t vx t Position, velocity & acceleration for motion along a line • If the positionx is known as a function of time, then we can find both the instantaneous velocityvxand instantaneous accelerationax as a function of time! ax t

  10. x t vx t Position, velocity & acceleration for motion along a line • If the positionx is known as a function of time, then we can find both the instantaneous velocityvxand instantaneous accelerationax as a function of time! ax t

  11. v1 v0 v3 v5 v2 v4 a a a a a a t 0 Going the other way…. • Particle motion with constant acceleration • The magnitude of the velocity vector changes • A particle with smoothly decreasing speed: v a Dt vf = vi + a Dt = vi + a (tf - ti ) t 0 tf ti a Dt = area under curve = Dv (an integral)

  12. So if constant acceleration we can integrate to get explicit v and a x x0 t vx v0 t ax t

  13. Rearranging terms gives two other relationships • If constant acceleration then we also get: Slope of x(t) curve

  14. vx t An example problem • A particle moves to the right first for 2 seconds at 1 m/s and then 4 seconds at 2 m/s. • What was the average velocity? • Two legs with constant velocity but …. Slope of x(t) curve

  15. vx t An example problem • A particle moves to the right first for 2 seconds at 1 m/s and then 4 seconds at 2 m/s. • What was the average velocity? • Two legs with constant velocity but …. • We must find the displacement (x2 –x0) • And x1 = x0 + v0 (t1-t0) x2 = x1 + v1 (t2-t1) • Displacement is (x2 - x1) + (x1 – x0) = v1 (t2-t1) + v0 (t1-t0) • x2 –x0 = 1 m/s (2 s) + 2 m/s (4 s) = 10 m in 6 seconds or 5/3 m/s Slope of x(t) curve

  16. A particle starting at rest & moving along a line with constant acceleration has a displacement whose magnitude is proportional to t2 1. This can be tested2. This is a potentially useful result

  17. Speed can’t really kill but acceleration may… “High speed motion picture camera frame: John Stapp is caught in the teeth of a massive deceleration. One might have expected that a test pilot or an astronaut candidate would be riding the sled; instead there was Stapp, a mild mannered physician and diligent physicist with a notable sense of humor. Source: US Air Force photo

  18. Free Fall • When any object is let go it falls toward the ground !! The force that causes the objects to fall is called gravity. • This acceleration on the Earth’s surface, caused by gravity, is typically written as “little” g • Any object, be it a baseball or an elephant, experiences the same acceleration (g) when it is dropped, thrown, spit, or hurled, i.e. g is a constant.

  19. A “biology” experiment • Hypothesis: Older people have slower reaction times • Distance accentuates the impact of time differences • Equipment: Ruler and four volunteers • Older student • Younger student • Record keeper • Statistician • Expt. require multiple trials to reduce statistical errors.

  20. Gravity facts: • g does not depend on the nature of the material ! • Galileo (1564-1642) figured this out without fancy clocks & rulers! • Feather & penny behave just the same in vacuum • Nominally, g= 9.81 m/s2 • At the equator g = 9.78 m/s2 • At the North pole g = 9.83 m/s2

  21. Gravity Map of the Earth (relief exaggerated) A person off the coast of India would weigh 1% less than at most other places on earth.

  22. Gravity map of the US Red: Areas of stronger local g Blue: Areas of weaker local g Due to density variations of the Earth’s crust and mantle

  23. y When throwing a ball straight up, which of the following is true about its velocity v and its acceleration aat the highest point in its path? Exercise 1Motion in One Dimension • Bothv = 0anda = 0 • v  0, but a = 0 • v = 0, but a  0 • None of the above

  24. When throwing a ball straight up, which of the following is true about its velocity v and its acceleration a at the highest point in its path? Exercise 1Motion in One Dimension • Bothv = 0anda = 0 • v  0, but a = 0 • v = 0, but a  0 • None of the above y

  25. t a v v v t Exercise 2 More complex Position vs. Time Graphs In driving from Madison to Chicago, initially my speed is at a constant 65 mph. After some time, I see an accident ahead of me on I-90 and must stop quickly so I decelerate increasingly “fast” until I stop. The magnitude of myacceleration vs timeis given by, •  •   •   • Question: My velocity vs time graph looks like which of the following ?

  26. Exercise 3 1D Freefall • Alice and Bill are standing at the top of a cliff of heightH. Both throw a ball with initial speedv0, Alice straightdownand Bill straightup. • The speed of the balls when they hit the ground arevAandvBrespectively. (Neglect air resistance.) • vA < vB • vA= vB • vA > vB Alice v0 Bill v0 H vA vB

  27. Exercise 3 1D Freefall : Graphical solution • Alice and Bill are standing at the top of a cliff of heightH. Both throw a ball with initial speedv0, Alice straightdownand Bill straightup. back at cliff cliff Dv= -g Dt turnaround point v0 vx t identical displacements (one + and one -) -v0 vground ground ground

  28. The graph at right shows the y velocity versus time graph for a ball. Gravity is acting downward in the -y direction and the x-axis is along the horizontal. Which explanation best fits the motion of the ball as shown by the velocity-time graph below? Home Exercise,1D Freefall • The ball is falling straight down, is caught, and is then thrown straight down with greater velocity. • The ball is rolling horizontally, stops, and then continues rolling. • The ball is rising straight up, hits the ceiling, bounces, and then falls straight down. • The ball is falling straight down, hits the floor, and then bounces straight up. • The ball is rising straight up, is caught and held for awhile, and then is thrown straight down.

  29. Problem Solution Method: Five Steps: • Focus the Problem - draw a picture – what are we asking for? • Describe the physics • what physics ideas are applicable • what are the relevant variables known and unknown • Plan the solution • what are the relevant physics equations • Execute the plan • solve in terms of variables • solve in terms of numbers • Evaluate the answer • are the dimensions and units correct? • do the numbers make sense?

  30. Coordinate Systems and vectors • In 1 dimension, only 1 kind of system, • Linear Coordinates (x) +/- • In 2 dimensions there are two commonly used systems, • Cartesian Coordinates (x,y) • Circular Coordinates (r,q) • In 3 dimensions there are three commonly used systems, • Cartesian Coordinates (x,y,z) • Cylindrical Coordinates (r,q,z) • Spherical Coordinates (r,q,f)

  31. Vectors • In 1 dimension, we can specify direction with a + or - sign. • In 2 or 3 dimensions, we need more than a sign to specify the direction of something: • To illustrate this, consider the position vectorr in 2 dimensions. Example: Where is Boston ? • Choose origin at New York • Choose coordinate system Boston is 212 milesnortheastof New York [ in (r,q) ]OR Boston is 150 milesnorth and 150 mileseast of New York [ in (x,y) ] Boston r New York

  32. A A Vectors... • There are two common ways of indicating that something is a vector quantity: • Boldface notation: A • “Arrow” notation: A =

  33. A A = C B C A = B, B = C Vectors have rigorous definitions • A vector is composed of a magnitude and a direction • Examples: displacement, velocity, acceleration • Magnitude of A is designated |A| • Usually vectors include units (m, m/s, m/s2) • For vector algebra a vector has no particular position (Note: the position vector reflects displacement from the origin) • Two vectors are equal if their directions, magnitudes and units match.

  34. Comparing Vectors and Scalars • A scalar is an ordinary number. • A magnitude without a direction • Often it will have units (i.e. kg) but can be just a number • Usually indicated by a regular letter, no bold face and no arrow on top. Note: Lack of a specific designation can lead to confusion • The product of a vector and a scalar is another vector in the same “direction” but with modified magnitude. B A = -0.75 B A

  35. Vector addition • The sum of two vectors is another vector. A = B + C B B A C C

  36. B B - C -C C B Different direction and magnitude ! B+C Vector subtraction • Vector subtraction can be defined in terms of addition. = B + (-1)C B - C

  37. See you Wednesday Assignment: • For Wednesday, Read through Chapter 4.4 • Mastering Physics Problem Set 2

  38. U = |U| û û • Useful examples are the cartesian unit vectors [i, j, k] • Point in the direction of the x, yand z axes. R = rx i + ry j + rz k y j x i k z A special vector: Unit Vector • A Unit Vector is defined as a vector having length 1 and no units • It is used to specify a direction. • Unit vector u points in the direction of U • Often denoted with a “hat”: u = û

  39. y x Resolving vectors, little g & the inclined plane • g (bold face, vector) can be resolved into its x,yorx’,y’ components • g = - g j • g = - g cos qj’+ g sin qi’ • The bigger the tilt the faster the acceleration…..along the incline y’ x’ g q q

  40. By C B Bx A Ay Ax Vector addition using components: • Consider C=A + B. (a) C = (Ax i + Ayj ) + (Bxi + Byj ) = (Ax + Bx )i + (Ay + By )j (b)C = (Cx i+ Cy j ) • Comparing components of (a) and (b): • Cx = Ax + Bx • Cy = Ay + By

  41. Exercise Vector Addition • {3,-4,2} • {4,-2,5} • {5,-2,4} • Vector A = {0,2,1} • Vector B = {3,0,2} • Vector C = {1,-4,2} What is the resultant vector, D, from adding A+B+C?

  42. tan-1 ( y / x ) Converting Coordinate Systems • In polar coordinates the vector R= (r,q) • In Cartesian the vectorR= (rx,ry) = (x,y) • We can convert between the two as follows: y (x,y) r ry  rx x • In 3D cylindrical coordinates (r,q,z), r is the same as the magnitude of the vector in the x-y plane [sqrt(x2 +y2)]

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