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The Best Piles Fissures in Hyderabad provides you Specialist Doctors for all types of Treatments.
What is a Fistula? A fistula is an abnormal connection between an organ and another structure. Fistulas develop when an organ becomes inflamed or injured. They are a very common complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), occurring more frequently in Crohn’s disease than ulcerative colitis.
What are symptoms of fistula? Symptoms of a fistula depend on where the connection has formed. • Fluid or waste may leak continually from the anus or vagina or seep through the wall of the abdomen. • If you have a perianal fistula, you may have ongoing rectal pain or swelling.
How are internal fistulas evaluated? The procedures used to diagnose internal fistulas include: • X-ray with barium contrast material • MRI • Computed tomography (CT) scan
To know more detailed information about Fistula or how to recover from the Fistula visit the below link. http://www.stopiles.com/fistula-treatment-clinic-in-hyderabad-bengaluru/