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Explore the world of hacking with this informative PowerPoint presentation. Learn about different types of hacking, ethical hacking practices, hacker codes of conduct, and more. Discover the tools hackers use, the process of hacking, and what to do if you've been hacked. This presentation covers essential topics on computer security, hacker ethics, and Certified Ethical Hackers. Enhance your knowledge on hacking practices and stay informed on the latest cybersecurity trends.

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  1. Professional Practices Free Powerpoint Templates

  2. Introduction to hacking The process of attempting to gain or successfully gaining, unauthorized access to computer resources is called hacking. OR The process of modifying the features of a system, in order to accomplish a goal outside of the creator's original purpose.

  3. Who is hacker? • A computer hacker is someone who develops, changes or attempts to circumvent computer security hardware or software. • Intelligent, having advance knowledge of hardware and software. • Can either happen for negative (criminal) or positive reasons. • Criminal hackers develop computer malware or spyware to gain access to confidential information.

  4. Types of hacking • Website Hacking • Net Hacking • Password Hacking • Software Hacking • Ethical Hacking • Email Hacking • Computer Hacking

  5. Website Hacking • Hacking a website means taking control from the website owner to a person who hacks the website.

  6. Net Hacking • Gathering information about the domain • IP address (Address of your computer in the internet) • Port (It is logical port on your computer which hacker can use to enter in the system)

  7. Password Hacking • Password Hacking or Password cracking is the process of recovering secret passwords from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer system. • Brute force (Hackers try out all the combination of all keyboard letters) • Dictionary based (Hackers use predefine passwords. It is unsuccessful method)

  8. Software Hacking • In that hackers changes the look & execution way of that software. For example change the demo version into the full version of that software. • Modifying existing features of the software.

  9. Ethical Hacking • The process in which a person hacks to find weakness in a system and then usually patches them. • Can be used to recover lost information where the computer password has been lost. • To test security of the system. • Also called white hat computer hacking.

  10. Email Hacking • Email hacking is unauthorized access to an email account or email correspondence.

  11. Computer Hacking • Computer Hacking is when files on computer are viewed, created, edited or deleted without authorization.

  12. What should do after hacked? • Shut down /Turn off the system • Separate the system from network • Restore the system with backup Or reinstall all programs • Connect the system to the network • Good to call the police

  13. Tools of Hacking Scanners A program that automatically detects security weakness in remote host Telnet It is terminal emulation program that allows us to connect to remote system FTP FTP is one type of protocol but some time it is used as hacking tool, port 21 for the ftp. For connecting ftp we need some ftp s/w known as ftp client. For connecting ftp server you have to hammer that server.

  14. Computer Security Ethics • Being ethical is not necessarily following one’s feelings; “feelings frequently deviate from what is ethical“. • Ethics is not confined to religion nor is the same as religion. Also being ethical is not solely following the law • Example: “If a person conceives of engineering activity as only making money, then one's definition of practical ethics, one's actions and values will, be guided by this basic philosophical position. “

  15. Ethical Hackers • Performs most of the same activities but with owner’s permission such as penetration tests. • Penetration test means Legal attempt to break into a company’s network to find its weakest link Tester only reports findings

  16. Penetration-Testing Methodologies • White box model Tester is told everything about the network topology and technology and is authorized to interview IT personnel as well. Makes the job easier for him • Black box model Company staff does not know about the test. Tester is not given detail about the network so the burden is on the tester to find out the details. The test determines if the security personnel are able to detect an attack. • Gray box model This mode of test is combination of both white and black box models. The company provides the tester with partial information about the network.

  17. Hackers Code of Conduct Hacker creed (Steven Levy’s “Hackers: Heroes of Computer Revolution” - 1984 ): • Access to computers should be unlimited and total. • Always yield to the Hands-On Imperative • All information should be free. • Mistrust authority -- promote decentralization. • Hackers should be judged by their hacking. • You can create art and beauty on a computer. • Computers can change your life for the better.

  18. New Code of Ethics (90s) - Steven Mizrach : • Above all else, do no harm" • Protect Privacy • "Waste not, want not." • Exceed Limitations • The Communicational Imperative • Leave No Traces • Share! • Self Defense • Hacking Helps Security • Trust, but Test!

  19. Certified Ethical Hackers • Developed by the International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) • Based on 21 domains (subject areas) • Web site: www.eccouncil.org • Red team: Composed of people with varied skills • Conducts penetration tests

  20. Thank you!

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