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The Basis For Real Happiness

The Basis For Real Happiness. Lessons From the Beatitudes Number Seven. An Introduction To The Beatitudes. This series of eight poetic statements begins the single longest recorded sermon of the Savior (Matthew 5:3-10)

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The Basis For Real Happiness

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  1. The Basis For Real Happiness Lessons From the Beatitudes Number Seven

  2. An Introduction To The Beatitudes This series of eight poetic statements begins the single longest recorded sermon of the Savior (Matthew 5:3-10) The term “Beatitude” is a derivative of the Latin word used for “Blessed” which is translated as “Happy” or “Fortunate” (cf. 1 Corinthians 7:40) That is, being “Happier” is what the gospel is about, though in ways different than the way the world sees

  3. Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” As with the other beatitudes, the context for this statement matters a great deal… • Remember that the beatitudes were written to be the polar opposite of earth-based “wisdom” • Remember that most Jews anticipated a “less-than-meek” King (see beatitude # 3) • Remember these same Jews desired a WAR-making, militarized Messiah to lead them

  4. Myths About Peacemakers It’s important to “clear up” some misconceptions… 1 – Peacemakers are not “Push-Overs” 2 – Peacemakers are not Weaklings 3 – Peacemakers are not Unprincipled “Go Alongs” Otherwise, Jesus would be ALL THREE of these! - see Isaiah 9:6 Being A Peacemaker Is, However, Unnatural. It Requires A Determination To Be Different!

  5. TRUTHS About Peacemakers Scripture helps us identify three key hallmarks of peacemakers 1 – Peacemakers are void of selfishness - Beatitude # 1! - Philippians 2:3 (ESV  “More Significant…”) 2 – Peacemakers attempt to avoid quarrels - 2 Timothy 2:24 - Proverbs 20:3!

  6. TRUTHS About Peacemakers 3 – Peacemakers are willing to suffer unfairly - many will express “Myth” statements about us if we try to be peacemakers - 1 Peter 3:13; 4:16 - Jesus showed this perfectly! As with all things, God expresses a trait that He desires in us and shows us (with scripture) what that means!

  7. What Peacemakers Do… Note three things that Peacemakers Do (and do well!) 1 --- A peacemaker works to control his temper - remember that peacemakers are human - and consequently get frustrated - Proverbs 14:29 “Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.” (ESV)

  8. What Peacemakers Do… 2 --- A peacemaker works to control his tongue - James 1:19-20; 3:5-8 - Proverbs 20:19; 21:23 - Titus 3:2 Peacemakers are effective in what they say… But more so in what they refrain from saying!

  9. What Peacemakers Do… 3 --- A peacemaker considers ALL the consequences of his action or inaction Perhaps Paul is the BEST writer on this subject - 1 Corinthians 8:9-13 - 1 Corinthians 9:11-12 - 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 The cause of Jesus Christ is GREATER than any one person, and peacemakers are WELL aware of this fact!

  10. Where Peacemakers Matter… Of course, the positive effect that peacemakers have means that they are important EVERYWEHRE - note three particular venues where they’re vitally important 1) In general society (remember Romans 12:2!) 2) In families (Ephesians 5 & 6) 3) In the church (Don’t you wish this WASN’T the case?)

  11. God’s Praise of Peacemakers They shall be called sons of God Note that GOD is the One who calls us His children, not us!! Paul tells us that Christ Jesus was essential to this: - Colossians 1:19-23 Fact 1 -God either praises us as His children or not Fact 2 – We are in control of how we act and react so as to take part in this process

  12. WHAT ABOUT ME? Am I A Peacemaker?

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