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M Dedicated Server in Serbia Choose Dedicated Server from our Best Dedicated Server in Serbia Data Center Get Lowest Latency Rate When Your Dedicated Server in Serbia Customer Visit Your Mission Critical Application Server Loca?on Belgrade Processor Intel Xeon E3-1240 v3 3.4 GHz 4 cores Hard Drive 1× 1 TB (HDD SATA) RAM 8 GB DDR3 $312.60 Price See Details Server Loca?on Belgrade Processor Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5 3 GHz 4 cores Hard Drive 1× 1 TB (HDD SATA) RAM 8 GB DDR4 $322.19 Price See Details Server Loca?on Belgrade Processor Intel Xeon E3-1270 v3 3.5 GHz 4 cores Hard Drive 1× 1 TB (HDD SATA) RAM 16 GB DDR3 $336.06 Price See Details Server Loca?on Belgrade Processor Intel Xeon E3-1275 v5 3.6 GHz 4 cores Hard Drive 1× 1 TB (HDD SATA) RAM 16 GB DDR4 $401.41 Price See Details Dedicated Server in Serbia What is a Dedicated Server? Chat Live With Us
A dedicated server is a smart and highly talented server to meet the hos?ng criteria successfully. This maximizes the speed and power of any website making it more fluid and smooth. All the resources, applica?ons, and tools with the IP address are dedicated solely and nothing gets shared at all. Business and Technology in Serbia Serbia is a country resided in Europe. The economy of the country has solid founda?ons. Manufacturing Industries, several companies running the business smoothly. The agricultural base is also strong. The technology is also modern and standard. Belgrade is the capital and one of the old largest ci?es. Hos?ng Ultraso aims to be a provider of a solid dedicated server hos?ng supply with the best-dedicated server. We operate globally and have a wide range of dedicated servers spread in more than 119 countries worldwide including Serbia. Our data center is loacted in Belgrade. Why do you need a Dedicated Server in Serbia? Simply when the business grows steadily with high volume customer engagement to the business site. It needs a strong and robust dedicated server to maintain the intensive performance with the flexibility and if further required, the website will be boosted up. Our dedicated server is Serbia is made so that easily can meet the business specifica?ons. The gigan?c resources set comes fully accessible by you with a smarted Cpanel loaded with advanced applica?ons and tools that are also fully customizable. Our dedicated server in Serbia also comes with an empha?c security system that secures the resources from severe cybera?acks like DDoS. The IPMI technology is there to make the remote opera?on to the server successfully done from anywhere in the world and the dedicated IP makes the website free from SEO issues. We assure you of the lowest latency rate with our dedicated server in Serbia with the fast ac?on of the data center in load balancing. We have an extremely professional technical team to solve all of your issues in just no ?me and provide you 24/7 support. Different Operating Systems that we provide CentOs: A free pla?orm compa?ble with Red Hat Enterprise and it is one of popular Linux distribu?ons with a huge community. Ubuntu: A Linux distribu?on and compa?ble with Debian that is open-source and free. Debian: It is known as Debian GNU also. It is one of very popular Linux distribu?on that is free and open-source. Fedora: A Linux distribu?on and powerful pla?orm supported by the large Fedora community. Free BSD: A Unix based pla?orm originated from Berkeley So?ware Distribu?on and it is also free. Windows Server: All Opera?ng Systems provided by Windows Branded as Windows server and no other products here included except the OS. Different types of Dedicated Server in Seoul that we provide We mainly supplying an unmanaged dedicated server that needs to be managed fully by you. We also provide a managed dedicated server on special business needs. There is the op?on to avail of a cheap dedicated server. Our Windows dedicated server and Linux Dedicated Server both running nicely. Configurations of our Dedicated Servers Intel Xeon E3 is the quality processor that comes with the dedicated server in Serbia. We are offering 1 Gbps 15 TB bandwidth. There are 8 and 16 GB DDR3 RAMs available. The hard drives are so compact to make your secondary backup suitable. We also provide an extra free IP address with no installa?on charge and also support both IPV4 and IPV6 address formats. There is the op?on for server clustering through which you can have your own customized sever. What are the benefits that one gets from Hosting Ultaso with our Dedicated Server in Serbia? Buy a dedicated server from us and you can avail of some solid benefits that will suit your dedicated web hos?ng plan. Option for Managed Dedicated Servers: We have the managed dedicated hos?ng facility for special business needs. Extra IP address facility: The IP address is a?ached with every ac?ve website and We facilitate with an addi?onal free IP address. If you need more, please, let us know. Bitcoin Payment op?on: Don’t worry, we also have the Bitcoin payment facility to serve you an even be?er way. Moneyback Guarantee: We value money and in any case, if you find any dispute, we pay you back with your money. IPMI Technology: Intelligent Pla?orm Monitoring Interface or IPMI is a smart technology that takes care of server health and also makes the remote access to your server possible with authen?city. We have this op?on for our dedicated server in Serbia.
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