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Know about latest exam pattern of CSIR NET exam. Also get reference books for CSIR NET.
CSIR NET syllabus for Paper 1 and 2 CSIR is Council for Scientific and Industrial Research which conducts National Entrance Test for lectureship in various universities in India. The exam is conducted as paper 1 and paper 2 in two sessions namely morning and afternoon on the same date. The question booklet is printed in English and Hindi and candidate may choose the preferred language. All are multiple choice questions. The CSIR NET syllabus consists of five main subjects as below: 1. Chemical Sciences : This includes topics from inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry, interdisciplinary chemistry and physical chemistry are the main topics under this subject. There will be three parts and each part is divided as A, B and C with 20, 40 and 60 questions respectively. Part A and B will be 2 marks each questions and Part C will be 4 mark each questions. There will be a negative marking of 25% for wrong answers. 2. Earth Sciences : This branch of science covers Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary Sciences for CSIR NET exam. These are the CSIR NET important topics under earth Sciences. There will be three parts namely A B and C with 20, 50 and 75 questions respectively. Part A and B will be 2 marks each questions and Part C will be 4 mark each questions. There will be a negative marking of 25% for wrong answers. 3. Life Sciences : Life sciences covers the studies of living organisms relating to their organization, relationships, life process etc. This is also known as bioscience. The CSIR NET important topics are molecules and their interaction relevant to biology ; cellular organization ; fundamental processes ; cell communication and signaling; developmental biology; system physiology – plant and animal ; diversity of life forms; ecological principles ; evolution and behavior; applied biology; methods in biology. It is divided into three parts namely A B and C with 20,50 and 75 questions respectively. Part A and B will be 2 marks each questions and Part C will be 4 mark each questions. There will be a negative marking of 25% for wrong answers. CSIR NET Books 4. Mathematical Sciences: Mathematical sciences is basically mathematical analysis which includes algebra, topology, numerical equations, differential equations, calculus, classical mechanics, statistics and data analysis. Here the subject is divided as A, B and C with 20, 40 and 60 questions respectively. Part A and B will be 2 marks each questions and Part C will be 4 mark each questions. There will be a negative marking of 25% for wrong answers. 5. Physical Sciences: The syllabus under this subject is mainly about the study of inanimate objects including physics, chemistry, astronomy and related subjects. Divided into part A ,B and C with 20, 25 and 30 questions respectively Part A is for 2 marks each, part B is for 3.5 marks each and Part C is for 5 marks each. There will be a negative marking of 25% for wrong answers. This is how the syllabus is divided for CSIR NET exam. Make sure you cover all the mentioned CSIR NET important topics.