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Smaller Bodies in the Solar System

Smaller Bodies in the Solar System. By Kynsey Creel. http://www.agdesktop.com/wallpapersspacestarsstar-0005.jpg. Topics. Asteriod Belt Pictures History of Discovery Kuiper Belt Theories Comets Meteoroids Meteors Merteorites The Difference Between the three.

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Smaller Bodies in the Solar System

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  1. Smaller Bodies in the Solar System By Kynsey Creel http://www.agdesktop.com/wallpapers\space\stars\star-0005.jpg

  2. Topics • Asteriod Belt • Pictures • History of Discovery • Kuiper Belt • Theories • Comets • Meteoroids • Meteors • Merteorites • The Difference Between the three http://www.astronomy.com/asy/objects/images/hubble-galaxy-silhouettejpg.jpg

  3. The Asteroid Belt • The Main Belt • Located roughly between Mars and Jupiter • Comprised of asteroids and minor planets • Half the mass in 4 bodies • Ceres (smallest Dwarf Planet) 4 Vesta, 2 Pallas, 10 Hygiea • Diameter more than 400 m • Smallest bodies range down to dust particles • Asteroids can be classified by spectra • carbonaceous (C-type), Silicate (S-type), Metal-rich (M-type)

  4. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/InnerSolarSystem-en.pnghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/InnerSolarSystem-en.png

  5. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__e2VLp6gwyk/SUaIeuNzilI/AAAAAAAABm8/wu2sJGWesPE/s320/275px-PallasHST2007.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/__e2VLp6gwyk/SUaIeuNzilI/AAAAAAAABm8/wu2sJGWesPE/s320/275px-PallasHST2007.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Ceres_optimized.jpg 2 Pallas Ceres 10 Hygiea 4 Vesta http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/gallery/Vesta.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5PcuUnvp1a4/SfzS3GYRNyI/AAAAAAAAAW0/warXj5RyD4w/s400/hygiea.jpg

  6. History of Observations • In 1800 astronomer Franz Xaver von Zach assembled the Celestial Police • Searching for “the missing planet” between mars and Jupiter • Based off Predictions byJohann Daniel TitiusvonWittenburg • In 1801 Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the planet “Ceres” • William Herschel categorized Ceres and the other dwarf planets as asteroids , “star like” Giuseppe Piazzi http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Giuseppe_Piazzi.jpg

  7. Kuiper Belt • Lays outside Neptune’s orbit • Similar to Asteroid belt except much larger • Comprised of frozen volatiles • Methane, ammonia, water (ice) • Pluto, Haumea, Makemake • Discovered in 1992 after the discovery of Pluto (might not be alone)

  8. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/81/Outersolarsystem_objectpositions_labels_comp.pnghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/81/Outersolarsystem_objectpositions_labels_comp.png

  9. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/GerardKuiper.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/GerardKuiper.jpg History and Theories • Fredrick Leonard: First Astronomer to suggest outer Neptunian bodies • Kenneth Edgeworth: hypothesized that the region beyond Neptune was too widely spaced for Planets • Gerard Kuiper: suggested a “disk” outside Neptune Gerard Kuiper

  10. Comets • Small Solar System bodies that orbit the sun • Orbital periods take up to hundreds of thousands of years • Short period comets originate in the Kuiper Belt • Thrown out of the belt by gravitational pulls • Coma (fuzzy “atmosphere”) and a tail • Ice, dust, rocky particles • Range from a few km- 10 km across • 3,648 known comets (increasing)

  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Comet-Hale-Bopp-29-03-1997_hires_adj.jpghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Comet-Hale-Bopp-29-03-1997_hires_adj.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:060227comet.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:17pHolmes_071104_eder_vga.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jupiter_showing_SL9_impact_sites.jpg

  12. Meteoroids/Meteors/Meteorites • Meteoroids- sand (micrometeoroids) to boulder size, part of meteor showers • Orbit the sun at various velocities • Collide with Earth if in retrograde motion at speeds ~70km/s • Meteoroids that enter earth’s atmosphere are meteors • Meteors that reach Earth’s surface are meteorites

  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:IMG_8505n3.JPG

  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Meteor_burst.jpg

  15. Summary Asteroid Belt/Main Belt Mars and Jupiter Discovery by Guiseppe Piazzi Kuiper Belt theories behind it (Gerard Kuiper) Comets Meteoroids/Meteors/Meteorites http://jzholloway.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/jupitermilkyway070108-sb-1b.jpg

  16. The End Complements to wiki

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