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DREHER HIGH SCHOOL CLUB RUSH 2013. Sponsored by Student Council. academic Scholars Against Peer Pressure (A.S.A.P.P.).
DREHER HIGH SCHOOLCLUB RUSH 2013 Sponsored by Student Council
academic Scholars Against Peer Pressure (A.S.A.P.P.) • Mission: Our mission is to provide students with the best prevention tools possible to deal with the issues of negative peer pressure such as underage drinking, other drug use, gang activity, impaired driving, and other destructive decisions. • Events: Speak to other troubled teens, attend Arbitration Hearings, attend neighborhood community meetings, & participate in fundraisers. • Meetings: Room #107 on the 4th Thursday during club time. • Dues: No dues • Requirements: No discipline referrals and minimum GPA of 2.0 Sponsored by Officer Edmunds in Room 107
Brass Ensemble • Mission: It is our mission to perform the world’s greatest brass chamber music • Events: We perform at school, district and community events • Meetings: We practice weekly year round, and meet on Thursdays during club time. • Requirements: C average policy. Sponsored by Dr. Chris Lee in Room 143
Career Club • Mission: To give students the opportunity to learn about and explore career fields that are of interest to them. It will help students better plan when deciding on majors when they go to college or technical trade school. • Events: Each meeting a new career professional will be invited to talk to the club members about their job and their career path. • Meetings: 1st Thursday during club time • Dues: None (except if t shirts are ordered at a later date) • Requirements: Just a curiosity to explore some careers! Sponsored by Courtney Holden in Room 310
Chinese Club • Mission: The mission of our organization is to introduce and promote Chinese culture to the students of Dreher High through videos, activities, and food. Anyone who is interested in Chinese Culture is welcome to join. • Events: Chinese New Year Banquet- February TBA, International Festival- April TBA , Chinese Language Competitions- TBA • Meetings: Room 216, 2nd Thursday during club time. • Dues:None, to join is free. Some events may require money. • Requirements: Anybody with an interest in Chinese culture can join. Sponsored by Qian Yuan in Room 216
Cultural awareness club • Sponsored by Janie Langley in Room 240 • Mission: To celebrate cultures not well known to students • Events: Watching foreign movies and preparing food from the respective culture. • Meetings & Dues: Third Thursday during club time • Requirements: An Interest in learning • more about other cultures
Dance Society • Mission: To foster an appreciation and passion for the art of dance and develop dance critiquing skills. Students involved in Dance Society will have the opportunity to see monthly dance performances and be a member of National Dance Honor Society. • Meetings: Once a month (Every 1st Thursday) • Dues: $5 for NDHS ($12 for seniors graduating with honors in dance for their chord). Other money will be collected for club t-shirts and any community performances. • Requirements: Good standing in the Dreher dance program. Sponsored by Kathleen Lee in Room 131
DRAMA CLUB(Improv Troupe, Technical Theatre, & International Thespian Society) • Mission: To involve students in the art of theatrical productions at DHS, either through participation on the stage, backstage, or audience. • Meetings: The 2nd & 4th Thursdays monthly. We Will meet as one group, elect presidents of each “subclub,” and then meet individually during club time. • Requirements: Audition or interview • Dues: None Sponsored by Jeanette ArvayBeck in Room 133
Environmental Club • Mission: Our mission is to make Dreher a more sustainable school • Events: Recycle, improve campus environment, neighborhood clean-ups, work with Keep the Midlands Beautiful, to prepare teams for Envirothon, and perform quarterly clean-ups of our adopted waterway, Lake Katherine. • Meetings: Weekly to recycle, 4th Thursday during club time to plan/carry out plans • Dues: No dues Sponsored by Judi Ray in Room 207
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Mission: To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches. Events: Bible studies, PowderPuff football game, prayer breakfasts, See You At the Pole National Day of Student Prayer, attendance at athletic events Meetings: One large group meeting the 4th Thursday of the month during club time, several Bible study opportunities monthly (morning or at lunch) Dues: $3.00 Requirements: Must attend AT LEAST one large group meeting and one Bible study per semester Sponsored by Clark McCarthy in Room 223 The Heart & Soul of Dreher Athletics
Fiddle Group • Mission: The purpose of the Dreher High School Fiddle Group is to give students an opportunity to learn, perform, and have FUN in the art of American and Celtic fiddling. • Events: Will be performing at Dreher High School Orchestra Concerts and Fundraisers throughout the year. • Meetings: Once a week • Dues: None • Requirements: Must have orchestral experience on a stringed instrument and must have a good attitude to be a part of the group! Up to the director's discretion. Sponsored by April Johnson Cull in Room 142
French Club • Mission: To learn about and enjoy the unique French culture. • Events: Various service projects throughout the year (MS Walk, Harvest Hope, etc.), Foreign Language Assembly • Meetings: Third Thursday during club time. • Requirements: Enrollment in a French Class. • Dues: $5.00 Sponsored by Janie Langley in Room 240
Future Business Leaders of America • Mission: To bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Events: SC FBLA Fall Leadership Conference, FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference, SC FBLA District Leadership Conference, Dreher FBLA Installation Program, SC FBLA State Leadership Conference, Dreher End-of-Year Banquet, FBLA National Leadership Conference, Feeding of the Homeless, Social Activity/Fellowship. Meetings: Every Monday during both lunches in room 250and the 2nd Thursday of the month during club time. Requirements: At least a 3.0 GPA and no discipline problems in school or the community. • Dues: Dues is $25.00. It includes (1) local, state, and national. Sponsored by Gwendolyn Fludd in Room 250
Inklings (a creative writing club) SponsoredbyShannonTownes in room 304
INTERACT CLUB Sponsored by Kathleen Lee in Room 143 Mission: Dedicated to community and international service; Interact members will create a club project with the intent of having a lasting impact on society worldwide. Meetings: A Day MONDAYS before school. Dues: TBA Requirements: Is it time for you to reach out to a community in need? Do you want to work with youth in another country to develop a service project? Do you want to learn about customs and cultures of a faraway place or serve your local community? Then join Interact club.
Key Club • Mission: The Key Club is part of the international Kiwanis organization dedicated to community service. • Events: MS Walk, Pennies for Patients, Supply Drive for Sister Care and Children's Garden, CARE for Danny (Cancer Assistance and Recovery Effort) • Meetings: The 2nd Thursday of the month during club time in the cafeteria • Dues: $15.00 to cover national dues and sponsor the MS Walk t-shirts • Requirements: Commitment to service in the school and community often after school hours. Key Club is limited to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Sponsored by Mary Lu Dalton in Room 320
Latin Club • Mission: Latin Club/Junior Classical League is affiliated with the South Carolina Junior Classical League and the National Junior Classical League. We strive to cultivate awareness of the profound impact of the Roman and Greek cultures on the modern world and the great debt we owe to these cultures. • Events: Wewill participate in the Fall Workshop and the Spring Forum. • Meetings: The 1st Thursday of the month during club time. • Dues: $8.00, most of which is used to pay state and national dues. • Requirements: While most members are current or past Latin students, we welcome anyone interested in classical culture. Sponsored by Robert Lominack in Room 242
Mock Trial • Mission: Participate in the S.C. Bar's High School Mock Trial competitions. • Event: High School Mock Trial • Meetings: October through February, • 2-3 times per week, and more often as • the competition nears. • Dues: No dues Sponsored by Robert Lominack in Room 242
National Honor Society (NHS) • Sponsored by Janie Langley in Room 240 • Mission: To serve others through community outreach and school activities. • Events: Various service projects throughout the year, peer tutoring in the tutoring center • Meetings: The first Thursday of the month during club time. • Membership: Members are invited to join during their Junior year. Members must have a 3.5 GPA or higher, participate in at least 4 school activities per year and receive favorable teacher recommendations. • Dues: $15.00
The Outdoor Club • Mission: Enjoy the outdoors, physical exercise, making new friends, challenging activities. • Events: Kayaking, biking, hiking, climbing at the rock wall. • Meetings: No meetings during school. Members will be contacted via email for club events by Mr. Nelson. Interested members should email Mr. Nelson at: dnelson@richlandone.org. • Dues: No dues Sponsored by Dave Nelson in Room 323
Positive Image • Sponsored by Sandra Savage & Neaco Green in Room 119 • Mission: To empower young girls to embrace leadership roles, volunteer for community service, and strive for academic success. • Events: Annual school-wide collection of food, coats and blankets for the Oliver Gospel Mission/ SisterCare non-profit organizations. • Meetings: 4th Thursday of each month. • Meeting location TBA • Dues: None • Requirements: No prior referrals
Prom Club • Sponsored by Debra Kinder in Room 124 • Mission: To plan, organize, and host the 2014 Junior/ Senior prom and leave a legacy to Dreher High School • Events: The Junior/Senior Prom will be held on Saturday, April 5th, 2014 at Leaside Club House • Meetings: Students will meet once a month on the 3rd Thursday during club time beginning in September-December. Starting in January-April, the club members will meet twice a month on the 1stand 3rd Thursday during club time in room 124.Dues: No dues • Requirements: Must be a junior or • senior in good standing.
Robotics – Los Pollos Locos • Mission: Our mission is to inspire students to be science and technology leaders, through engaging them in a mentor-based program. • Events: We build a robot, to participate in FIRST robotics competitions. We plan to attend 2 competitions, and hope to qualify for nationals. As a team we work at USC football games to sell programs for fundraising, and go to various other events with our robot for demonstrations and/or fundraising. Additional fundraising will be decided as a team. • Meetings:. During fall semester, meetings will be announced. Meetings will either be during school, or after school as necessary. When build season starts, we will meet after school regularly from 3:30-5:30 to build the Robot (this is between January and March). Volunteers for fundraising are needed at all USC home games. • Dues: $20.00 initially, additional costs may be associated with traveling—depending on fundraising success. • Requirements:2.0 to be on the team, 2.5 to travel with the team. No failing grades. No discipline issues. The travel team is limited to the number of students who can travel with the robot. Additional qualifications to travel (See Ms. Slocum). Sponsored by Brooke Slocum in Room 231
Spanish Club • Sponsored by Mayra Vargas in Room 241 • Mission: To bring together students who are interested in the Spanish language and culture • Events: Hannah House Fundraiser and sponsor a family at Christmas • Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month in room 241 • Requirements: Be a Spanish student • Dues: $5.00
Student Council Mission: To promote social unity and encourage spirit within the school and community. Events: Blood drives, pep rallies, talent shows, fundraisers, etc Meetings: Every 3rd Thursday during club time in the cafeteria & once a month after school in the Media Center. Dues: $20 for t-shirts, state dues, national dues, banquet, & installation Requirements: Min. GPA of 2.0, clean disciplinary & attendance records Sponsored by Mona Elleithee in room 210
Ultimate Frisbee • Mission: It is our mission to spread the love that is Ultimate to as many people as possible! • Events: We compete in tournaments throughout the state and the South, host a fall and spring tournament, and help organize the state tournament in May. • Meetings: We practice weekly year round, meet the 2nd Thursday of the month during club time, and help with recycling weekly. • Requirements: C average policy and school insurance Sponsored by Judi Ray in Room 207
WeekLY CLUB SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE • 1st ThursdayNational Honor SocietyDanceLatin • Mock Trial • Career • 2ndThursdayKeyDramaFBLA Chinese Ultimate Frisbee • Blue Harmony Show Choir 3rd ThursdayStudent CouncilDanceLatinSpanish French Prom Cultural Awareness 4th ThursdayFCAPositive Image DramaEnvironmentalASAPP Inklings
Acknowledgements • Ms. Elleithee would like to thank the Student Council members who made this year’s Club Rush a success: • AnnaJamieson Beck • & Milton Frederick Advisor Questionnaire & PowerPoint • Anna Jamieson Beck Club Catalog • NickSeymour Electronic Club Rush Form • Ms. ShawnSmith Preparing Weekly Club Schedule • Student Council would like to extend a very special thank you to all of the club advisors who work tirelessly to provide our students with positive and engaging ways to stay involved!