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B read

B read. What is a B read?. B read is a food prepared from a dough of flour and water. B read. =. Water. Dough. How B read is made?. 1. Add ingredients. 2. Knead dough. 3. Put in the oven. 4. Ready to eat. Parts of B read. Crus t. White B read. Crumb. Parts of b read. Crus t.

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B read

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bread

  2. What is a Bread? • Bread is a food prepared from a dough of flour and water. Bread = Water Dough

  3. How Bread is made? 1. Add ingredients 2. Knead dough 3. Put in the oven 4. Ready to eat

  4. Parts of Bread Crust White Bread Crumb

  5. Parts of bread Crust Loaf Crumb

  6. Bread in different colours White Bread Brown Bread Yellow Bread Pink Bread Rainbow Bread Green Bread

  7. Different types of Bread White Bread Fruit Bread Sweet Bread Wholemeal Bread

  8. Different types of Bread Naan Roi Jala French baguette Mantou( Chinese Bread/bun)

  9. Bread with different texture Toasted bread (Hard) Normal bread (Soft)

  10. Bread in different sizes long loaf short loaf

  11. Bread in different sizes Big Bread Small Bread

  12. Bread in different shapes Oval loaf Bread Oval Rectangle Hotdog bun

  13. Bread in different shapes Hamburger bun Circle Square Oatmeal Bread

  14. Different ways of eating Bread Spread the Bread with jam Toast the Bread

  15. Different ways of eating Bread Dip Bread in the sauce Eat with ice cream

  16. Where can we get/buy the Breads? Bakery Supermarket

  17. Where can we get/buy the Breads? Cafe Coffee shop

  18. Where can we get/buy the Breads? Vending Machine Provision shop

  19. Bread

  20. Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3O8lKnBhu8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du86YraFv6E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV4bd9F3fso

  21. END

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