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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年 聚會 Youth Meeting 週 五 Fri 6 : 3 0 pm 週六 小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am. 請將您的手機關閉 , 謝謝 ! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!. 彈琴歌唱讚美你 (1/3) [Praise Him]. 彈琴歌唱讚美你 (2/3) [Praise Him].
禱告聚會Prayer Meeting 週三Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會Youth Meeting週五Fri 6:30 pm週六小組Saturday Group週六Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜Sunday Worship主日Sun 10:00 am
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
榮耀的王 榮耀的王 榮耀的王要進來 榮耀的王 榮耀的王 榮耀的王要進來 The King of glory, the King of glory The King of glory may come in The King of glory, the King of glory The King of glory may come in
眾城門哪 你們要抬頭 永久門戶要被舉起來 眾城門哪 你們要抬頭 永久門戶要被舉起來 Lift up your heads, O you gates You ancient doors be lifted up Lift up your heads, O you gates You ancient doors be lifted up
誰是榮耀的王 祂是萬軍耶和華(x2) 祂是榮耀的王 Who's this King of glory He's the Lord Almighty (x2) He's the King of glory
榮耀啊 榮耀羔羊 配得一切讚美尊崇敬拜 榮耀啊 榮耀羔羊 至聖至潔禜光充滿全地 Glorious King, sweet Lamb of God Worthy of all praises, come build Your throne Glorious King, sweet Lamb of God Holy King You’re glorious come fill the earth
萬物俯伏跪拜萬口宣揚 昔在今在永在全能主宰 頌讚能力愛戴歸寶座羔羊 全地唱 全地唱 哈利路亞 All creation bow down worship the King Ever living God, Your Kingdom come All the glory, and power to You on the throne Let the earth, rejoice, hal-le-lu-jah
至高聖潔的主 我俯服在祢腳前 全心獻上敬拜 Yaweh Yaweh Yaweh
至高全能的主 我全心呼求祢名 願祢同在降臨 Yaweh Yaweh Yaweh
在末後的日子 我要將我的靈 澆灌 我的百姓 澆灌 凡有血氣的 In the last days I will pour out my Spirit On all people On all people 13
兒女們啊 你們要說預言 少年人啊 你們要見異象 老年人啊 你們要作異夢 主的靈 澆灌你們 Sons and daughters, you will prophecy Young people, you will see visions Surely old men, you will dream dreams 14
聖靈 聖靈 歡迎你來 聖靈 聖靈 但願降臨我們中間 Holy Spirit, we welcome You Holy Spirit Please come and fill us oh! Lord 15
主聖靈 祢是我完全盼望 主的聖靈焚燒我心 悅納我 獻上生命為活祭 我要敬拜祢到永遠 Holy fire, You’re my complete desire Spirit of the Lord, consume me Take my life, a living sacrifice I will worship You forever
主聖靈充滿我 完全充滿我生命 祢的能力充滿我 讓祢聖靈得榮耀 Holy Spirit, fill me Fill my life completely Fill me with Your strength & pow’r That Your name be glorified
我們已蒙揀選 是聖潔的國度 要宣揚祢的大能 並要摧毀眾仇敵 We’re a holy nation chosen generation To declare the praise of God And to spoil the enemy
聖靈住在我心 祢同在何等可畏 非勢力也非才能 乃是靠主的聖靈 Holy Spirit in me How Your presence thrills me Not be might and not by pow’r By the Spirit of the Lord
我要敬拜祢到永遠 我要敬拜祢到永遠 我要敬拜祢到永遠 到永遠 到永遠 到永遠 到永遠 I will worship You forever I will worship You forever I will worship You forever, forever Forever, forever, forever
我真渴慕你恩膏 現在降臨我身 解開我身上的軛 (x2) I desire Your anointing To fall upon me To break of all that binds me (2x)
聖靈 恩膏 現在降臨(x2) Holy Spirit, come anoint me now (2x)