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SEASONS. This is the season , When children ski And Grandfather Frost Brings the New Year Tree. This is the season , When snowdrops bloom . When nobody likes To stay in the room . This is the season , When birds make their nests , This is the season , We all like best.
Thisistheseason, WhenchildrenskiAndGrandfatherFrostBringstheNewYearTree.
Thisistheseason,Whensnowdropsbloom. WhennobodylikesTostayintheroom.Thisistheseason,Whenbirdsmaketheirnests, Thisistheseason,Wealllikebest.
Thisistheseason,Whennightsareshort,AndchildrenhaveplentyOF Funandsport.Boating, swimmingAlltheday,WithamerrysongOnasunnyday.
Myfavouriteseasonis...Thereismuch… inwinter. Theweather IS…in winter.I can… andplay… inwinter.
Myfavouriteseasonis…Theweatheris…and warm.Thetreesarelight…inspring. I can… in the street and play… in spring.
Myfavouriteseasonis …TheWeather is…andhot.It'ssometimes…insummer.I can… in the river and… sports.
Myfavouriteseasonis …The Weather is…inautumn.The trees change their colourfromgreento…I can go… and play… inautumn.
How do you think if the song is funny or sad?Who is the main character oF this song?What is it about?What holiday do we mean speaking about snowman?