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Tæknin í upplýsingasamfélaginu I nformation S ociety T echnologies, IST programme Sjötta rammaáætlun ESB um rannsóknir og þróun Snæbjörn Kristjánsson, verkfr. stjórnarnefndarfulltrúi IST RANNÍS Kynningarfundur 7. júlí 2005 Háskóla Íslands. Hvað er IST áætlunin.
Tæknin í upplýsingasamfélaginuInformation Society Technologies, IST programmeSjötta rammaáætlun ESB um rannsóknir og þróun Snæbjörn Kristjánsson, verkfr. stjórnarnefndarfulltrúi IST RANNÍSKynningarfundur 7. júlí 2005Háskóla Íslands
Hvað er IST áætlunin • Tæknin í upplýsingasamfélaginu byggir á: • Notkun og þróun á upplýsingakerfum (Telematics) • Fjarskiptakerfi (ACTS) • Þróun á hug- og vélbúnaði í tækjum og upplýsingatæknikerfum (ESPRIT) Lykilatriði í öllum umsóknum er: Hugmynd - Nýnæmi - Afrakstur - Ávinningur
Tímaáætlun 6.RÁ 5. lýsing eftir umsóknum • Nóvember 2004 ………Vinnuáætlun IST 2005 - 2006 • 6. apríl 2005 …………Tillaga ESB um FP7 • 17. maí 2005 …………Auglýsing á 5. lýsingu eftir umsóknum • 7. júlí 2005 …………. Kynningarfundur um 5. lýsingu • 21. sept. 2005 ………..5. lýsing skilafrestur umsókna kl 17.00 í Brussel • 22. sept – 25 nóv …….Mat umsókna • 14. - 25. nóv. 2005 ….”Hearing” verkefna sem eru yfir þröskuldum • Haust 2005 ……………Specific programmes þmt ICT í FP7 • 9. desember ………… Niðurstaða mats (ESR) úr 5. lýsingu send ISTC • Desember 2005 ………Fyrstu drög 7. Rammaáætlunin • Haust 2006 …………....Lýst eftir umsóknum í IST í 7RÁ • 12. jan 2006 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tillaga að úthlutun (DIP) til stjórnarnefndar ISTC • 1. feb 2006 .………….. Samningar við fyrstu verkefni í 5. lýsingu
IST í 6RÁ: Lykilatriði Helstu markmið • Styrkja samkeppnishæfni Evrópu og tæknigrunn • Byggja upp upplýsinga- og þekkingarsamfélag fyrir alla Stefnumörkun • Samþjöppun og einbeiting, byggja upp nauðsynlegt hópteymi (critical mass) • Byggja á styrkleika Evrópu • Framsýn og framúrstefnu verkefni (til lengri tíma / áhættusöm) • Svið verkþátta: Kjarna tæknisvið og notkunarsvið
IST Framtíðarsýnin ISTAG (IST Advisory Group) • Byggja upp þekkingarsamfélagið fyrir alla • Færa notendurna – fólkið í forgrunn athyglinnar • Og byggja upp tæknikerfi sem eru áreiðanleg og örugg, og eru í bakgrunninum (því sem næst ósýnileg) • Sá tími kemur þegar: ‘Umhverfi okkar eru skil okkar við IST upplýsingakerfin og þjónustu’ Tölvan hverfur,,,er allsstaðar (Ubiquitous Computing) • Könnun lausna sem koma eftir úreldingu skila sem byggja á PC, skjáum & lyklaborðum • Fjölskynjunar, gagnvirk tjáning með tölvun og netvinnslu • ‘allsstaðar’, íofin í hversdagshluti(t.d.: húsgögn, föt, faratæki, vitræn efni ,,,,,, )
6RÁ: Tegundir verkefna (Instruments for priority areas) • Integrated Projects IP Heildræn verkefni • Objective driven • Networks of Excellence NoE Öndvegisnet • Exploratory research • Article 169 • Member states initiative • Specially Targeted Research projects STREP • (address specific issues) • Co-ordination actions CA • Specific Support Actions SSA
Heildræn verkefni (IP) : Markmið Styðja rannsóknir og þróun sem knúin er áfram af skýru markmiði og niðurstöðum(object and result driven) • Skýrt skilgreind markmið og afrakstur • Sérhvert Heildrænt verkefni ætti að • samtvinna þá tegundir verkþátta sem þarf til að ná þar tilgreindum árangri • samþætta nauðsynlegan krítískan massa (critical mass) aðfanga sem þarf til að ná settu marki • sameina/samþætta alla íhluti tæknikeðjunnar til að ná settum markmiðum • styðja samvinnu fyrirtækja og háskóla þ.m.t. LMF
Verkþættir heildræns verkefnis • Verkþættir sem eru samþættir í heildrænt verkefni geta náð yfir allt rannsóknar- og þróunarrófið • rannsóknar- og tækniþróunarþættir (RTD) • sannreyniverkþættir (demonstration activities) • tækniyfirfærsla og verkþættir við að taka í gagnið nýja tækni (take-up activities) • endur- og símenntun • kynning á niðurstöðum / afrakstri verkefnis
Vinnuáætlun IST 2005 - 2006Fimmta lýsing:50 milljarðar Íkr.638 m€ 17. maí 05 - skilafr. 21. sept. 05 í Bx Technology components • Photonic components 65/35 47m€ • Micro/nano based sub systems 70/30 58m€ • Embedded Systems 60/40 68m€ • Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services 70/30 62m€ • Software and services 60/40 67m€ • Research networking test beds 65/35 18m€ • Multi modal interfaces 60/40 54m€ • ICT for networked businesses 55/45 46m€ • Collaborative Working environments 70/30 40m€ • Acess to and perservation of cultural and scientific resources40/60 36m€ • eInclusion 50/50 29m€ • ICT for Environmental Risk Mangements 60/40 40m€ Integrated systems Sectorial applications
Evaluation Criteria STREPS 1. Relevance (threshold score 3 out of 5) • The extent to which the proposed project addresses the objectives of the work programme. 3. S&T excellence (threshold score 4 out of 5) The extent to which: • the project has clearly defined and well focused objectives. • the objectives represent clear progress beyond the current state-of-the-art. • the proposed S&T approach is likely to enable the project to achieve its objectives in research and innovation
Evaluation criteria ca. bls 93 í WP 6. Mobilisation of resources (threshold score 3 out of 5) The extent to which: • the project foresees the resources (personnel, equipment, financial…) necessary for success. • the resources are convincingly integrated to form a coherent project. • the overall financial plan for the project is adequate.
2.5.4 Advanced Grid Technologies Systems and Services Industry& Business Grids e-Science “A Grid provides an abstraction for resource sharing and collaboration across multiple administrative domains…” (Source: NGG Expert Group, 16 June 2003 “European Grid Research 2005-2010) • Benefits • Increased productivity by reducing Total Cost of Ownership • Any-type, anywhere, anytime services by/for all • Infrastructure for dynamic virtual organizations • Backbone for future service-oriented utility Examples Ad-hoc Grid services for emergency response Cost-effective simulation for automotive and finance More efficient drug design and healthcare www.cordis.lu/ist/grids
Application Pull Grid-enabled Applications & Services for business and society Research, development, validation and take-up of generic environments and tools TechnologyPush 2.5.4 Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services í 5. lýsingu e-business, e-health, e-gov, e-learning Environment, … Application Sector 1 Application Application Sector 3 Application Sector 2 Sector n Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services Grid Foundations Architecture, design and development of technologies and systems for building the invisible Grid Network-centric Grid Operating Systems Potential new fabric layer for future distributed systems and services www.cordis.lu/ist/grids
2.5.5 Software and Services • Pervasiveness of SW, SW is becoming a key to competitiveness • Need to advance capabilities to engineer and manage Software systems, e-services, … • Main technical issues: • Open and interoperable platforms • Methodologies, tools • Middleware • Standards
2.5.5 Software and Services - Focus • New features for software and services development • Dynamic composability and adaptability • Context awareness, autonomy • Semantic interoperability [IP, NoE, STREP] • Complex systems: principles, methodologies and tools for development, simulation and management [IP, STREP]
2.5.5 Software and Services - Focus frh • Free/open source Software: technologies for supporting development, deployment, evolution, etc. [IP, STREP] • Software systems: • Foundational and applied research addressing properties like self-adaptability, flexibility, robustness, evolvability • Emphasis on high-level methods and concepts (early phases of software life-cycle), system integration and testing, agile methodologies and distributed development, end-user development [NoE, STREP]
FP6 Software Projects - overview Software Engineering Service Computing AOSD IntraWebs SECSE MODELWARE AMIGO Distributed and complex systems ASG GORDA DeDISys PROMISE W2S RODIN SODIUM MADAM CALIBRE F/OSS TOSSAD EDOS PYPY FLOSSWORLD Total of 18 projects and 73M€ funding www.cordis.lu/fp6/projects.htm
2.5.8 ICT for Networked Businesses Key Objectives • Software solutions to the needs of local/regional SMEs: • Supporting organisational networking & process integration • Improving adaptability to market demands & customer requirements • Distributed & collaborative ambient intelligence-based network-oriented systems for: • Efficient, effective & secure product & service creation/delivery • To contribute to innovative products, services & business environments
2.5.8 ICT for Networked Businesses Focus • Digital business ecosystems for SMEs: • To provide an open-source environment & models enabling SMEs to co-operate: • in production of software services, components & applications The work covers: • Design, development and take-up of flexible & adaptable software applications interoperable with proprietary systems • To support spontaneous composition, sharing, distribution of business solutions & knowledge
Instruments 2.5.8 ICT for Networked Businesses Digital Ecosystems Extended products & services Horizontal actions Indicative Budget(46 M€) NoEs 55% IPs STREPS SSAs 45% CAs
2.5.10 – Access to and preservation of cultural & scientific resources Defines two core objectives • Access - support the emerging complexity of digital cultural and scientific objects and repositories, through enriched conceptual representations, and advanced access methods • Digital preservation - explore how to preserve the availability of digital resources over time, through novel concepts, techniques and tools
2.5.11 eInclusion þátttaka ALLRA • To mainstream accessibility in consumer goods and services, to ensure: • equal access • independent living • participation for all in the Information Society • To develop next generation assistive systems to allow people with disabilities and aging citizens to: • play a full role in society • increase their autonomy • realize their potential.
eInclusion: Integrated projects (IP) • Experience and application research leading to large scale demonstrators, particularly in the areas of: • Smart environment • Next generation mobiles • Digital TV • Future related services. • Possible focus of demonstration scenarios: • Living environments for older persons • Educational environments for children • Work environments for people with disabilities.
Specific targeted research projects STREP • Development of innovative solutions for persons with cognitive disabilities, including the demographic changes. • Possible applications: • Support to the ageing population • Support to children in developing their potential and learning new skills.
2.5.12 ICT for Environmental Risk Management To overcome the market fragmentation by developing systems & services relevant to risk & emergency management which are: • Interoperable • Open • Evolutionary • Adaptive • Applicable to cross border operations Approx. Budget 40 million €
Theme 1 1. In-situ monitoring (IP & STREPs): • Systems architecture and services ( no sensor devlpt) • Smart sensors networks with communication capability (terrestrial and remote sensing HAP ) - measurement platforms -focus on generic sensor network architecture accommodating a wide range of sensors (static and moving). Based on: • Clear end-user requirements • State of Art and emerging technologies • Cost/benefit analysis
Theme 2 2. RTD on public safety communication (IP & STREPs): • robust, secure and computerised early warning data collection and alert systems; • All media alert communication from the authorities to the citizen and feedback to the authorities • rapidly deployable emergency telecommunications systems. • Using positioning systems Considering: • Safety needs of personnel in the front line; • Enhanced international response to major disasters; • Communication and positioning also indoors
Theme 3 3. Support Actions (SSA/CA) to achieve full interoperability by: - extending the work on the common information and services infrastructure to the broader scope of environmental stresses - appropriate mechanisms to support early adoption of a common GMES information and service architecture; - supporting the convergence effort in the field of public safety communication. ( public safety communication stakeholder forum)
IST Bakland • Björn Þór Jónsson Háskólanum í Reykjavík • Helgi Þorbergsson, Háskóla Íslands • Guðmundur Ásmundsson, Samtökum Iðnaðarins • Guðbjörg Sigurðardóttir, Forsætisráðuneytið • Sigurður Guðmundsson, Rannsókaþjónusta HÍ • Snæbjörn Kristjánsson, RANNÍS • Hjördís Hendriksdóttir, RANNÍS
Nánari upplýsingar: www.cordis.lu/ist http://www.cordis.lu/ist/projects/projects.htm http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/call_details.cfm?CALL_ID=208 http://www.cordis.lu/fp7/roadmap.htm IST helpdesk E-Mail : ist@cec.eu.int - Official Journal (invitation texts) - Guides for Proposers - Handbook on eval. & sel. procedures Snæbjörn Kristjánsson skr@rannis.is Helgi Þorbergsson thorberg@hi.is Sigurður Guðmundsson sigurgud@hi.is Björn Þór Jónsson bjorn@ru.is