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The Septic Sytem Management Plan Component of the SJR IRWM

The Septic Sytem Management Plan Component of the SJR IRWM. Jason Uhley Senior Civil Engineer Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Acknowledgements. Purpose of SSMP Effort. Address SJR IRWM Requirements First Phase of TMDL SSMP Facilitate Pursuit of Grants.

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The Septic Sytem Management Plan Component of the SJR IRWM

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Septic Sytem Management Plan Component of the SJR IRWM Jason Uhley Senior Civil Engineer Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District

  2. Acknowledgements

  3. Purpose of SSMP Effort • Address SJR IRWM Requirements • First Phase of TMDL SSMP • Facilitate Pursuit of Grants

  4. Background • San Jacinto River IRWMP • Septic System Management • Groundwater • Surface Water

  5. Background • Importance of Septic System Management • Potentially 36,000 Septics in Watershed • Almost All GW Aquifers impaired for nitrogen • Canyon Lake/Lake Elsinore nutrient impairment

  6. SJR IRWM SSMP • Order of Magnitude Effort • Characterizes Risk • Identifies Likely Septic Locations • Develops Risk Assessment Framework for prioritizing actions • Identifies typical management measures • Provides mechanism to pursue grants

  7. Characterize Risk

  8. Risk Management Zones 1a 1b 1c 2

  9. Septic Systems by Zone

  10. Possibly 56 Near Lakes

  11. Control Measures • Public Education • General Awareness • System Owner Outreach • Critical Management Zone Outreach

  12. Control Measures • Tracking System and Maintenance Requirements for Critical Management Zone • Maintenance Standards • Enforcement • Monitoring • Additional Surveys

  13. What’s Happening Now • Quail Valley Moratorium • Cherry Valley Moratorium • County EH Oversight • Various Lake/Watershed Studies

  14. Next Steps • Identify Grants/Funding Opportunities • Await AB885 Regulation Promulgation • Latest Draft March 2007 • Complete TMDL SSMP • Implement TMDL SSMP

  15. Conclusion • Meets IRWM Requirements • Initial Effort for TMDL SSMP • Facilitates Pursuit of Grants

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