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51. Provide shelter for travelers, Copying Greek and Roman text by hand, Caring for the sick or poor. 52. Military service and an oath of loyalty.
51. Provide shelter for travelers, Copying Greek and Roman text by hand, Caring for the sick or poor. 52. Military service and an oath of loyalty. 53. The warrior, knights (landowners) also served as warriors, the primary measure of wealth was land, the system emerged in response to people need for protection. 54. Forgiveness for all the sins. 55. First (1096-9) 56. Gothic 57. Chivalry 58. One Third 59. Hit-and-run attacks by small groups of soldiers replaced organized charges of infantry and cavalry.
60. The war greatly increased the sense of “nationhood” in both England and France, Both England and France began to employ large standing (permanent) armies, The power of the English and French monarchs increased; especially their power to impose taxes. 61. Sui 62. Construction of the Grand Canal. 63. Confucianism 64. Genghis Khan 65. Kublai Khan 66. By controlling most of Eurasia the Mongols helped to encourage increased trade between East and West.
67. Samurai 68. Hinduism 69. Islam 70. Theravada and Mahayana 71. Had to survive in the artic north and lived in igloos while hunting fish through holes in the ice. 72. Maize (Corn) 73. Teotihuacan 74. The Olmec's 75. Yucatan Peninsula 76. Uxmal, Tikal, Chichen Itza
77. They developed an extremely accurate solar calendar of 365 days, Their system of mathematics included the concept of zero, They developed a complex written language, which they inscribed in books made of tree bark as well as on stone monuments. 78. Corn, beans, squash 79. Human sacrifice 80. Most victims were prisoners of war, captured during the Aztecs’ conquest of neighboring tribes. 81. Hernando Cortez 82. They built terraces into the sides of mountains, supporting the sides of the terraces with stone walls.
83. He officially owned everything in the Inca Empire—including land, animals, and people. 84. Francisco Pizarro 85. To propel a hard rubber ball through a stone hoop, without using one’s hands. 86. Farming—an essential precursor to the development of civilization—developed in Mesoamerica earlier than in North America. 87. The Iroquois 88. Because of the rubber trees that grew in the area that they lived. 89. Italy 90. Humanism
91. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael. 92. Machiavelli, Sir Thomas More, William Shakespeare. 93. State a problem—Make Observations—Form a hypothesis—Test the hypothesis—Record results—State a conclusion. 94. The Printing Press 95. The sale of indulgences 96. John Calvin 97. The Astrolabe, The Compass, The Caravel 98. The Columbian Exchange 99. They established plantations and employed slave labor to produce cash crops. 100. Middle Passage