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ND’s LIBRARY SUMMER PROGRAM 2002. by Laura Bayard http://www.nd.edu/~lbayard ALA Annual Conference LAMA Breakthroughs in Cultural Diversity Toronto, Ontario, Canada 23 June 2003, 1:30-3:30. A LAMA Cultural Diversity Grant Award Winning Proposal.

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  1. ND’s LIBRARY SUMMER PROGRAM 2002 byLaura Bayard http://www.nd.edu/~lbayard ALA Annual Conference LAMA Breakthroughs in Cultural Diversity Toronto, Ontario, Canada 23 June 2003, 1:30-3:30 A LAMA Cultural Diversity Grant Award Winning Proposal

  2. University Libraries & Kresge LawLibraryDiversity Program

  3. LAMA Cultural Diversity Grant Opportunity Provided: • the impetus to expand our diversity program • an opportunity to work with the resident • the rationale for the library administration’s support to implement the project • the focus for creating a Web site & database • national attention to the libraries’ diversity efforts

  4. PROJECT’S GOAL • To introduce academic librarianship as a desirable career destination to college-bound high school students who can contribute to diversity within the profession and the university

  5. PROPOSAL • Hire 4 high school students who can contribute to diversity and who intend to go to college • Employ the students as library student assistants for 40 hrs./wk., 10 wks. in various functional areas of the libraries • Provide additional programming • Create a Web presence that includes an online form and a database to facilitate communication • Present a plaque to each student at completion

  6. http://www.nd.edu/~libdivco/

  7. PROGRAMMING • Training • Informational sessions • Tours • Lunches • 1-day workshop

  8. ASSESSMENT Q. What did you like bestabout your experience as a summer student assistant at the University Libraries and the Law Library? Why?

  9. ASSESSMENT A. I liked working in… A. Everyone was very kind and friendly

  10. ASSESSMENT Q. What did you like leastabout your experience as a summer student assistant at the University Libraries and the Law Library? Why?

  11. ASSESSMENT A. Nothing I disliked, but… A. I took on too many hours A. Not enough work to do A. Some work too physically demanding

  12. ASSESSMENT Q. What is your opinion about the extra programming that we provided for you? Is it worthwhile? Should we offer the programming in the future? Or would you have preferred just to work?

  13. ASSESSMENT A. The tours…

  14. ASSESSMENT Q. What did you learn about library resources that will be useful to you in your future?

  15. ASSESSMENT A. Everything I learned this summer I can use in one way or another

  16. ASSESSMENT Q. What did you learn about academic libraries that is interesting to you?

  17. ASSESSMENT A. “That all librarians are not old ladies with glasses, telling you to be quiet.” A. “That there’s a lot more to running a library than the obvious.” A. Ask-a-Librarian

  18. ASSESSMENT Q. What suggestions do you have for changes to the program and why?

  19. ASSESSMENT A.Have enough for the students to do

  20. ASSESSMENT Q. Should we continue this program in the future? Would you recommend it to your friends?

  21. ASSESSMENT A.Yes and Yes

  22. ASSESSMENT Q. Is it necessary for us to visit high schools and interview for this program in order to get applicants? Would you have applied if, for example, we had simply sent a flyer to your school announcing the program and asking you to send a written application to Notre Dame?

  23. ASSESSMENT A. Continue to interview at the high schools

  24. ASSESSMENT Q. One of the goals of this summer program is to promote the library profession. Please indicate whether you would like to be contacted in the future regarding your academic career.

  25. ASSESSMENT A. “No” (4 times) A. “Yes” (1 time)

  26. OUTCOMES • Over the summer, the students became less shy and more willing to chat with us • Summer Program 2003 exists • When interviewing students for 2003, several had applied last year and were reapplying this year • 2 students returned this year to work as student assistants in regular positions

  27. LAMA Cultural Diversity Grant Support • Awarded $500 • Expenditures: • $240.00 plaques • $16.53 photo duplication costs • Cost-share: $243.47

  28. SUCCESSFUL PROPOSALS: • national impact • understanding of current issues & needs • far-reaching impact • creative solutions and leadership

  29. THE END

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