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Summer Reading Program Workshop 2012. Ice Breakers. Get To Know Your Neighbor Bingo Get a bingo sheet. Make your way around the room, introducing yourself to someone and asking them if they can sign for one of the squares (try to ask someone who is not sitting beside you).
Summer Reading Program Workshop 2012
Ice Breakers Get To Know Your Neighbor Bingo • Get a bingo sheet. Make your way around the room, introducing yourself to someone and asking them if they can sign for one of the squares (try to ask someone who is not sitting beside you). • After you have their signature, get them to explain the story or answer to why they signed that particular square. • First one to have a black out wins! • Remember its about networking and getting to know one another!
Ice Breakers The Human Knot Instructions 1. Stand in a circle with a group of at least four people. 2. Use your right hand to grab the right hand of the person directly across from you. 3. Use your left hand to grab the left hand of the person to the right of the person holding your other hand. 4. Untangle, as a group, back into one open circle, without letting go of hands or dislocating any joints. *Hint: Communication and team work is key to winning!
Fun Ice Breakers for Kids • The Toilet Paper game 1). Pass around a roll of toilet paper. Have kids take the amount of paper they think they will need. 2). After everyone has some toilet paper, have everyone count the number of squares they have. The number of squares the kids have is the number of things they have to tell about themselves. • Bubble Gum Art 1). Give each participant a piece of bubble gum to chew, a toothpick and an index card. (Preferably different flavors of Bubblelicious gum). 2). Allow them 10 minutes to chew the gum, place gum on index card and then design something on index card using only the toothpick as a tool - no hands. 3).Each person takes a turn going around the circle showing off their art. The others try to guess what the gum sculpture is. The person with the best and most creative design, as determined by the peer group, is the winner. If you have quite a few players you can have several categories of winners, like “Most Creative,” “Best resemblance of Program Coordinator,” etc.
More Ice Breakers for Kids Brain teasers 1). What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years? 2). If there are three apples and you take away two. How many do you have? 3). What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? Share time Have students introduce themselves and tell everyone a favorite activity or favorite food they have and what plans they have for the Summer. May have to put a time limit on the stories that pop up.
Introduction This year’s annual Summer Reading Program theme is: Imagine
About the Program The Summer Reading Program is supported by the TD Bank Financial Group. This program is designed to encourage children to visit their local libraries, participate in special activities and most importantly continue reading throughout the summer months. *Remember to be enthusiastic! Children will be motivated by enthusiastic individuals!
Poster DusanPetricic
Key Points • Marketing and Promotion • Funding • Registration Procedures • General Programming • Booking and hosting a guest speaker • Planning a trip • Ideas/ Activities (The fun stuff!) • Websites for Programming Tips and Ideas • Sharing Session: What are you planning at your library? • Questions? • Draw prizes!
SRP Website www.tdsummerreadingclub.ca One of the most important websites when it comes to planning your summer reading program. It contains a staff manual, images, craft, game and snack ideas!
Planning a Program • Find out what your budget is. Ask your Library Manager. • Define target groups. Know the age groups. • Set up a schedule. (example schedule?) • Make a supply list of materials. What do you have on hand? What materials will you need? • Remember to keep track of statistics and complete evaluation forms. Forms can be found on the website in the staff manual. • Write a letter to the sponsor. Towards the end of summer have the students write a letter or make a card to TD Bank Financial Group or other businesses you get donations from; be sure to include pictures or drawings.
Marketing and Promotion Know your audience! • School Visits (contact local schools and spread the word in the classrooms) • Hand posters throughout the community (Show Myrnam flyers) • Public Service Announcements (Local newspaper, school newspaper, radio, etc.) • Parades • Word of mouth. Spread the word and tell everyone!
Funding and Fundraising • Know your budget and how much additional money will be needed. Find out if the programs are cost recovery or financed by the library budget. • Keep track of expenses for next year’s budget. • When asking for donations at businesses make sure to explain where the funds are going. • Always send a thank-you card or letter!
Registration Procedures • Set a date. Talk to Library Manager. • Will it be ongoing throughout the summer? • Or a specific period? • Keep track of children's Health Care Number and Emergency Contact. • Waivers and Release Forms • Keep Statistics • Reading logs.
Forms Unfortunately, the staff manual in the reading club website www.tdsummerreadingclub.ca, will not have forms and templates ready until early June 2011.
Programming • Decorate the library. • Make it interesting and use lots of colors! • Provide prizes for contests • Preschool Programs • Ages 5-8 • Ages 9-12 • For All Ages! • Encourage Adult Reading also! • During silent reading, model reading yourself!
Hosting Entertainers This year NLLS is sponsoring: Ernestine Hatpin
When is your time and date? Calendar
Planning A Trip • Liability Coverage (Forms) • Waiver forms • Safety Issues (First Aid, Cell Phone) • Know your Route • List of Rules • Provincial Parks? Lakes nearby? • Parent/Teen volunteers
Alphabet Popcorn(5-8) 1. Have students stand in an open area of the classroom. Move around the area, giving each student a letter of the alphabet. Letters can be written on index-sized cards. 2. As each student receives their letter, they squat down. 3. Instruct students to listen carefully as you will be calling out different letters of the alphabet. When the letter on their index card (or a word that begins with their letter) is called, they “pop up” and then quickly squat or sit down again. 4. If the word alphabet is called, everyone pops up. 5. Once all students have had a turn to “pop up,” try spelling some words. Choose words that are presently being defined and applied in spelling, reading and writing assignments and from all subject areas. * To make activity more difficult use words seen in a book that you might have previously read instead of the Alphabet; ex: Beach, Flower, Sailboat etc. Than get students to do an action that corresponds to their word.
Time Detectives(9-12) Children discuss with team members when certain inventions were made and trends were set. Materials: PowerPoint, projector, photographs Prep: Gather photos of early prototypes of now common household devices, electronics, old and new fashion trends etc. Implementation: Children will attempt to discover the date when the device or trend was made. Give clues to help guide children. For certain trends and inventions accept answers such as early 60s or late 80s.
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
Artist For A Day Read Chalk by Bill Thomson or Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson. Activity use chalk to decorate your library’s walkway or parking lot with the children's summer drawings. Utilize a water or camp theme (Sharks, fish, mermaids, pirates, canoes, sailboats, etc.) or whatever they wish. *Poor weather? Use black construction paper inside.
Mad Lib Prep: Give children the list of words needed and time to fill in creative words. Than make a story line to place words in blank spaces. Share and prepare for some outrageous stories!
Words Needed: 1. A first name 2. A loud noise (capitalize) 3. Adjective (capitalize) 4. A large number 5. A reptile 6. An author’s name 7. Something in the bathroom 8. Part of a face 9. The name of a month 10. The name of a country 11. A zoo animal (capitalize and plural) 12. A verb ending in “ing” (capitalize) 13. A famous person’s name 14. An insect 15. A junk food snack 16. A body part (plural) 17. A mythical creature 18. Something that smells bad (capitalize) 19. A teacher’s name 20. A major holiday celebrated in Canada 21. A cartoon character 22. An occupation (capitalized and plural)
The Boy Who Wanted The Willies Visual Activity and Gallery Walk
The Boy Who Wanted the WilliesVisual Activity • Dim the lights, close your eyes and visualize the story as I read it to you (play it like a movie in your head). • Recap the story. Key points. What are some images in your head. What did Hans look like? • Have kids draw a picture from a scene in the story. What does the setting look like? The characters? • Gallery Walk! How do my images differ from others? Different ways of thinking. Make comments on sticky notes or directly on the picture (only if ok with the artist).
Dragons Day! ReadPuff the Magic Dragon by Peter Yarrow or Argus by Michelle Knudsen. Discuss the book with the children. Have kids draw questions from the pail. Craft make Clothespin Dragon. You will need; clothespins, glue gun, markers, googly eyes, green pipe cleaners. Snack make Harry Potter’s Dragon Snot. You will need; Sprite and or 7 Up, lime sherbet, green and yellow jelly candies.
Right and Left Swap Game Great game idea when students are picking books to read. Have students pick a book and sit around in a circle. I will read you the story and when I say “right” pass the book to the right when I say “left” pass the book to the left. The story I will read to you will be: The RIGHT Troop Celebrates Juliette Low‘s Birthday Right and Left swap stories can be found on www.scoutingweb.com Also Google by typing in Right/left swap game
Beach Party! • Have kids bring in beach towels, inflatable palm trees, beach balls, etc. • Make a large cardboard Sun! Memory game: have students sit in the circle. “I am going to the beach and I am going to bring…” (around the world version) Story: The Sandcastle Contest by Robert Munsch, or Beach by Elisha Cooper. Craft: Sandcastle contest
Sandcastle Contest Materials: • Toilet paper/paper towel rolls, cylinder containers (i.e., potato chip containers) • Small cardboard boxes • Pieces of cardboard • Cone paper cups • Construction paper • String • Popsicle sticks • Glue • Scissors • Paint/crayons/markers/pencils • Glitter Instructions: • Arrange the group into teams of 3 or 4, depending on the size of the group. • Put enough materials for all of the groups in the centre of the room, on a table or on the floor. • Give the groups one minute to collect materials. Monitor this so that there is not one group taking everything! • In their groups have the children construct a castle with the materials they have gathered. Give the children a time limit to complete their castle. • The parents and caregivers can serve as your “impartial judges.” • Display the “sand” castles around the library.
Crab Relay Race Crab Relay Race Instructions: • Divide the children into two teams. • Have the kids “crab walk” on all fours, with their stomach facing upwards from the starting line to a turn around point and back again. • After completing this task, each child will sit down and the next child will go. If this is too difficult, children turn over and have their stomach facing the ground. • The winning team is the team that has all of their team mates sitting first.
Reading Outside • Reading outdoors enhances a child's imagination, sets the mood and feel for the story. • Read books that deal with the outdoors. For Example, Beach by Elisha Cooper, When We Go Camping by MargrietRuurs, Camping by Nancy Hundal, Imagine a Place by Sarah Tomson. • Conduct a shared reading session. Start by showing the cover of the book. Ask students what they think will happen? Have they ever been fishing? • Read first 2 pages. Pick children to read next. Make sure the level of the book is appropriate for age of child.
Be A World Traveler ReadThe Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum, Monkey: A Trickster Tale from India by Gerald McDermott, or Adventures in the Ice Age by Linda Bailey Craft have children create their own passports and pretend they have travelled to these places you read about. Use templates from: Print passport templates from: http://www.fiarcircle.com/downloads/lessons/fc_passport.pdf Print pretend Canadian passport templates https://www.donnaward.net/news.php?cat_id=6&article_id=77
Kaleidoscope Craft Explain to children that today we are going to be scientists. ReadSuper Cool Science Experiments: Light by Dana Meachen Rau or Regards to the Man in the Moon by Ezra Jack Keats. Craft make a simple Kaleidoscope! Based on the instructions found online at: http://www.dailyorganizedchaos.com/toiletpaper-roll-kaleidoscope
Carnival Day Ask children if they have ever been to a carnival. Have a discussion. Explain that in some carnivals people sometimes wear masks to hide their identity for fun. For older groups further discuss the meaning of Mardi Gras, being the last day of feasting before lent. ReadMardi Gras by Ann Heinrichs or Carnival of the Animals by Jack Prelutsky Craft make your own carnival mask!
Paper Fun and Friendship Bracelets! ReadSadako by Eleanor Coerr, or The Paperboy by DavPilkey. Find reliable background info from net, to get kids motivated. Craft: - Paper cranes To help with your paper crane making check out the YouTube video… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSijU52XJ7w -Friendship bracelets
Homemade Ice Cream What you'll need: • 1 tablespoon sugar • 1/2 cup milk or half & half • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla • 6 tablespoons rock salt • 1 pint-size plastic food storage bag (e.g., Ziploc) • 1 gallon-size plastic food storage bag • Ice cubes How to make it: • Fill the large bag half full of ice, and add the rock salt. Seal the bag. • Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and seal it. • Place the small bag inside the large one, and seal it again carefully. • Shake until the mixture is ice cream, which takes about 5 minutes. • Wipe off the top of the small bag, then open it carefully. Enjoy!
S’Mores on a Stick What you will need: • 1 can EAGLE BRAND Sweetened Condensed Milk • 1 ½ cups milk chocolate chips • 1 cup miniature marshmallows • 11 whole graham crackers, halved crosswise • Sprinkles How to make it: • In microwave-safe bowl, microwave half of EAGLE BRAND 1 ½ minutes. Stir in 1 cup chocolate chips until smooth; stir in marshmallows. • Spread chocolate mixture evenly by heaping tablespoonfuls onto 11 graham cracker halves. Top with remaining graham cracker halves; place on wax paper. • Microwave remaining EAGLE BRAND 1 ½ minutes; stir in remaining ½ cup chocolate chips, stirring until smooth. Drizzle mixture over treats; sprinkle with desired toppings. • Let stand for 2 hours; insert wooden craft stick into center of each treat.
Playdough Recipe Ingredients: 2 cups flour, 2 cups warm water, 1 cup salt, 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 Tablespoon cream of tartar (optional for improved elasticity), food coloring & or Kool Aid drink mix. Directions: Mix all of the ingredients together, and stir in low heat (if a stove is not available make sure water is more on the hot side) . The dough will begin to thicken until it resembles mashed potatoes. When the dough pulls away from the sides and clumps in the center remove the pan from heat and allow the dough to cool enough to handle. IMPORTANT NOTE: if your playdough is still sticky, you simply need to cook it longer or add more hot water. Turn the dough out onto a clean counter or silicone mat, and knead vigorously until it becomes silky-smooth. Divide the dough into balls for coloring. Make a divot in the center of the ball, and drop some food coloring in (or Kool Aid mix). Fold the dough over, working the food color through the body of the playdough, trying to keep the raw dye away from your hands and the counter.
Helpful Websites * www.tdsummerreadingclub.ca www.ultimatecampresource.com www.dltk.com www.crayola.ca www.enchatedlearning.com http://education.alberta.ca/media/318500/handbook.pdf www.robertmunsch.com/the-sandcastle-contest/#
Sharing Session What are you planning to do for summer themed activities in your library? • What age groups? • Crafts? • Books? • Games? (Relay Races, Obstacle Course, Bobbing for apples) • Activities? (Have extra activity sheets on hand during wait time) Preparation is key! Plans!
Discussion Any questions or concerns?
Answers to Brainteasers 1). The letter ‘M’ 2). Well if you take away 2, than of course you have 2. 3). A towel.