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org.eclipse.jface.action-api. org.eclipse.jface.action. Provides support for shared UI resources such as menus, tool bars, and status lines. . Package Specification. Contribution managers
org.eclipse.jface.action-api org.eclipse.jface.action Provides support for shared UI resources such as menus, tool bars, and status lines.
Package Specification • Contribution managers • coordinate contributions to shared UI resources such as menus, menu bars, tool bars, and status lines. • maintains the contributions as a dynamic list of contribution items (IContributionItems). • Separators (Separator) can be included in contribution lists to break up the list's visual representation. • contribution lists can be organized into named groups via special group markers (GroupMarker) to facilitate programatic insertion at specific positions within the list. • Three specific contribution managers are provided: • a hierarchical menu manager (MenuManager). • a tool bar manager (ToolBarManager), and • a status line manager (StatusLineManager),
Actions • Actions (IAction) • are commands which can be triggered from the UI, like the ones found in menus, toolbars, and buttons. • Menus and tools bars are typically populated with contribution items that delegate to actions (ActionContributionItem).
IContributionItem • represents a contribution to a shared UI resource such as a menu or tool bar. • managed by a contribution manager. • For instance, • in a tool bara contribution item is a tool bar button or a separator. • In a menu bar a contribution item is a menu, and • in a menu a contribution item is a menu item or separator. • can realize itself in different SWT widgets, using the different fill methods. • can be used in different types of managers such as a MenuBarManager, a ToolBarManager, or a StatusLineManager. • internal api to the framework!!
IContributionManager • A contribution manager organizes contributions to such UI components as menus, toolbars and status lines. • A contribution manager keeps track of a list of contribution items. • Each contribution item may has an optional identifier, which can be used to retrieve items from a manager, and for positioning items relative to each other. • The list of contribution items can be subdivided into named groupsusing special contribution items that serve as group markers.
IContributionItem • fill(Composite parent) • Fills the given composite control with controls representing this contribution item. • fill(CoolBar | Menu | ToolBar parent, int index) • Fills the given parent cool bar (menu, tool bar) with controls representing this contribution item. index = -1 => append. • boolean isDirty(),isDynamic(), isEnabled(boolean), is/setVisible([boolean]) , isGroupMarker() , isSeparator() • Returns whether this contribution item is dirty (, dynamiv, visible in its manager,… ). • A dynamic contribution item contributes items conditionally, dependent on some internal state.
getId() :String • return the id of this item • dispose() • Disposes of this contribution item. Called by the parent manager when the manager is being disposed. Clients should not call this method directly. • saveWidgetState() • Saves any state information of the control(s) owned by this contribution item. • setParent(IContributionManager parent) • Sets the parent manager of this item void • update([Strign id] ) • Updates any SWT controls cached by this contribution item with any changes (for the given id property) which have been made to this contribution item since the last update.
ContributionItem • implements IContributionItem • constructors: • ContributionItem([String id]) ; • IContributionManagergetParent() • Returns null if it has no contribution manager. • String toString()
possible implementations • Separator IContributionItem { … publicvoid fill(Menu menu, int index) { if (index >= 0) { new MenuItem(menu, SWT.SEPARATOR, index); } else { new MenuItem(menu, SWT.SEPARATOR); } } publicvoid fill(ToolBar toolbar, int index) { if (index >= 0) { new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.SEPARATOR, index); } else { new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.SEPARATOR); } }
IContritutionManager • provides general protocol for adding, removing, and retrieving contribution items. • provides convenience methods to contribute actions. • should be implemented by all objects that wish to manage contributions. • known Implementions in this package, • MenuManager, • ToolBarManager • StatusLineManager
IContributionManager • item management • add items : • add(IContributionItem | Action ) • append/prependToGroup(String groupName, IAction | IContributionItem ) • append or prepend the given item [for the action ] to the end [start] of the named group. • insertAfter/Before( String itemName, IAction | IContributionItem ). • remove items : • IContributinoItem remove(String id | IContributinoItem ) • removeAll() ;
item query • IContributionItemfind(String id) • Finds the contribution item with the given id. • IContributionItem[]getItems() • Returns all known contribution items. • boolean isEmpty() • voidmarkDirty() , isDirty(), update(boolean force) • Marks this contribution manager as dirty. • Returns whether the list of contributions is dirty. • Updates this manager's underlying widget(s) with any changes made to it or its items. • Normally changes to a contribution manager merely mark it as dirty, without updating the underlying widgets. This brings the underlying widgets up to date with any changes. • IContributionManagerOverridesgetOverrides() • The ContributionManager implementation of this method declared on IContributionManager returns the current overrides.
abstract ContributionManager • implements IContributionManager • This class • maintains a list of contribution items and a dirty flag. • coalesces adjacent separators, hides beginning and ending separators. • deals with dynamically changing sets of contributions. • When the set of contributions does change dynamically, the changes are propagated to the control via the update method, which subclasses must implement. • Note: A ContributionItem cannot be shared between different ContributionManagers. • Construcotor: protected ContributionManager();
protected booleanallowItem(IContributionItem) • allows subclasses to prevent certain items in the contributions list. • protected booleanhasDynamicItems() • Returns whether this contribution manager contains dynamic items. • [protected] indexOf(ICOntributinoItem | String id) • insert(int index, IContributionItem item) • Insert the item at the given index. • protected voidinternalSetItems(IContributionItem[] items) • An internal method for setting the order of the contribution items. • booleanreplaceItem(String id, IContributionItemnewIem) • Replaces the item of the given id with another contribution item. • setOverrides(IContributionManagerOverrides newOverrides) • Sets the overrides for this contribution manager • protected itemAdded(IContributionItem item) ,itemRemoved(IContributionItem item) • The given item was added/removed to/from the list of contributions. mark the manager as dirty and updates the number of dynamic items, and the memento.
Interface IContributionManagerOverrides • used by IContributionItem to determine if the values for certain properties have been overriden by their manager. • This interface is internal to the framework. • Method summary • IntegergetAccelerator(IContributionItem item), • StringgetAcceleratorText(IContributionItem item), • StringgetText(IContributionItem item) • not intended to be called outside of the workbench. • deprecated in 3.1. • BooleangetEnabled(IContributionItem item) • Boolean.TRUE if the given contribution item should be enabled, • Boolean.FALSE if the item should be disabled, and • null if the item may determine its own enablement.
IAction • An action represents the non-UI side of a command which can be triggered by the end user. • Actions are typically associated with buttons, menu items, and items in tool bars. • The controls for a command are built by some container, which furnished the context where these controls appear and configures them with data from properties declared by the action. • When the end user triggers the command via its control, the action's run method is invoked to do the real work. • Actions support a predefined set of properties (and possibly others as well). • Clients of an action may register property change listeners so that they get notified whenever the value of a property changes.
Clients should subclass the abstract base class Action to define concrete actions rather than implementing IAction from scratch. • This interface exists only to define the API for actions. It is not intended to be implemented by clients.
IMenuManager • IContributionManager, IContributionItem • provides protocol for managing contributions to a menu bar and its sub menus. • An IMenuManager is also an IContributionItem, allowing sub-menus to be nested in parent menus. • internal to the framework; not to be implemented outside the framework. • concrete menu manager implementation • MenuManager.
IMenuManager • MenuEvent source • add/removeMenuListener(MenuListner). • IMenuManagerfindMenuUsingPath(String path) • IContributionItemfindUsingPath(String path) • Finds the contribution item at the given path. • Finds the manager for the menu at the given path. • path format: item_id (“/” item_id)* . • boolean get/setRemoveAllWhenShown(boolean) • Returns whether all items should be removed when the menu is about to show, but before notifying menu listeners. The default is false.
MenuManager • extends ContributionManager (IMenuManager ) • A menu manager realizes itself and its items in a menu control; either as • a menu bar, • a sub-menu, or • a context menu. • This class may be instantiated; it may also be subclassed. • Constructors: • MenuManager([String text [, String id]]) • Creates a menu manager with the given text and id.
MenucreateContextMenu(Control parent) • Creates and returns an SWT context menu control for this menu, and installs all registered contributions. • MenucreateMenuBar(Decorations parent) • Creates and returns an SWT menu bar control for this menu, for use in the given Decorations, and installs all registered contributions. • MenucreateMenuBar(Shell parent) • Deprecated.use (2) instead.
MenugetMenu() • Returns the SWT menu control for this menu manager. • StringgetMenuText() • Returns the text shown in the menu.