THE EFFECT OF N- AND TRACE ELEMENT- FERTILISATION ON THE ZN CONTENT OF MEADOW GRASSSchmidt, R – Szakál, P.University of West Hungary Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences9200. Mosonmagyaróvár Vár 2. E-mail: schmidtr@mtk.nyme.hu5th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop6-11 March, Opatija, Croatia
Zn is an indispensable element for plants, animals and humans Zn in the soil can be found in the form of bivalent ion, the absorption complex of the soil binds it strongly. Its solubility increases with rising H+ ion concentration; its complex forming ability is similar to that of copper. The solubility of different zinc compounds decreases with the increasing pH Zn first of all plays important role in the function of enzymes of the intermedier metabolism Zn in plants is necessary for triptophan synthesis. Since triptophan is the precursor of indol-acetic-acid plant growth is indirectly regulated by Zn.
The essentiality of Zn was proved around the 30ies of the 20th century. • From animal health point of view this knowledge became practically important when the parakeratosis disease of swine was identified as Zn-deficiency.
Zinc Deficiency in Ruminants • Loss of appetite • Excessive salivation • Parakeratosis • Loss of crimp in wool fibers • Bowing of hind limbs • Stiffness of joints and swelling of hocks • Hypogonadism • Impaired immune response • Impaired wound healing
Zn status of cattle in Hungary • According to the survey of Régiusné (1988) the proportion of Zn-deficient animals in cattle herds is 20-30% in saline and diluvial soils and 12% in loess soils. • This problem occurs not only in Hungary but all over the world. Bonomi et al. (1988) proved that in numerous Italian dairy farms there was a direct relationship between Zn-deficiency and the occurrence of foot diseases.
Zn status of Hungarian soils • 1982. The 1st series of soil tests finished. • Result: 46% of the soils studied was deficient in Zn. ( Békés and Fejér counties 85-87%) • 1.4 mgkg-1 !!! 73% satisfactory (In some parts of the country 64% good, 23% medium, 13% poor) • Nearly one-half of the soils in the world are considered zinc-deficient
Trace element status of Hungarian soils according to the 1st soil test series(Elek, Patócs, Kádár)
Hanságliget Fertőd Oroszlány Location of the experiments
The effect of Zn treatments on the Zn content(in per cent of the control)
Conclusions • Zn deficiency in soils is common throughout the world • The average Zn-content of grasses is about 15-30 mg/kg • Zn-fertilisation generally increased the Zn-content • The 20 kg/ha Zn-dose increased the Zn-content, but it is not enough to maintain an adaequate level of Zn • The aftermath of the 20 kg/ha Zn-dose lasts for about 2 years, after this time the Zn-content decreases • Raising the Zn-content in a short time to about 40-50mg/kg requires 80-100 kg/ha Zn • Regarding the chemical forms Zn-chloride and Zn-amin were the most effective