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When carrying out any sort of construction work that involves an excavation, it is essential to conduct a thorough survey of the site before commencing work.<br><br>
ItIsAlwaysNecessaryToObtainPlansFromUtilitiesBeforeDoingAnyFormOfExcavationItIsAlwaysNecessaryToObtainPlansFromUtilitiesBeforeDoingAnyFormOfExcavation When carrying out any sort of construction work that involves an excavation, it is essential to conduct a thorough survey of the site before commencing work. Certainly, the first thing to do is to obtain plans or other suitable information about all underground services in the area in which you are going to work. That means that you need to contact the owners and operators wherever possible, and also remember that some services may have more than one owneroroperator.
here are also certain services that you can contact which can often provide information, such as Linesearch BeforeUdig. The more information you can obtain, the better. If it isnot possibleto obtain detailed information, for example,ifcarryingoutemergencywork,itisvitalthattheworkiscarriedout onthebasisthattherewillbeundergroundservicesinthearea. Most electrical services belong to the regional distribution network operator, but some electrical cables may belong to the MOD, the highways authority, streetlightingauthority,NationalGrid,arailwayoperator,orothercompanies.
Most of the gas pipes are owned by the public gas transporter, but some new developments are supplied by independent gas transporters, and others may befedbybulkstoredLPGsuppliers. There may be other services on or around hospitals, universities, MOD sites, research parks, petrochemical, and other sites, in which case it is necessary to contactthesiteowners.
It is also necessary to realise that the plans and services that you obtain details of may not be accurate. There can be many reasons for this, but unfortunately it is a fact. All plans should be obtained at the design stage so that the position of underground services canbetakenintoconsideration. It is essential to note the following from the HSE guide HSG47: “Plansalonearenotsufficienttoidentifyandlocateservicesbefore startingwork.Theyprovidebasicinformationonwhichtobasea thoroughsitesurveybeforeworkbegins”.
HSG47 also goes on to note that “Time spent on a survey at this stage can save significant costs and delays to the work by allowing for the avoidance ofdamagetoundergroundassetsandefficientprogrammingofthework”. Moreimportantly,it canhelptoavoidseriousinjurytothe workers engaged in the actual excavation. HSG47 quotes an incident where a self- employed contractor was burnt when using an electrical breaker to break up some concrete when he hit a 415volt electric cable. The cable had been protectedbya conduit andthelocationwasknown.Theclientfailedtotell thecontractorbeforehestartedwork,andthecontractordidnotask.
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