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Genetically Modified

Genetically Modified. Organisms in Portugal. It is understood by genetically modified organism (GMO) any organism which genetic material , by biotechnology techniques , was altered to encourage some characteristic desired , so it does not occurs naturally.

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Genetically Modified

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  1. GeneticallyModified Organisms in Portugal

  2. Itisunderstoodbygeneticallymodifiedorganism (GMO) anyorganismwhichgenetic material, bybiotechnologytechniques, wasaltered to encourage some characteristicdesired, so it does not occurs naturally.

  3. DesiredobjectiveswiththeGOM

  4. Characteristics mostly desired to obtain

  5. Most genetically modified organisms are transgenic food, however, these two concepts are not synonymous. GMO foods GMO Footer text here

  6. 1983 First GMO cultivation (United States / France) • 1993 First GMO cultivation in Portugal (Tomato /Potato) • 1994 First crop commercialized (FlavrSavr tomato)

  7. Advantages Disadvantages

  8. Advantages Tolerance to Herbicides- IncreasedProductivity Tolerance to Insects - Reduction of Chemicals Used Reduction of use of Fertilizer Improving the Quality of Food EndingtheWorldHunger Footer text here

  9. Disadvantages PollutionoftheEnvironment ReductionofBiodiversity IncreasedofAllergy Risk of genetic pollution of soils Footer text here

  10. Risksto HumanHealth Footer text here

  11. Thesafetystudyof GMO productsusuallyinvestigatesthe: Footer text here

  12. Risks to theEnvironment Footer text here

  13. Socioeconomicimpacts Footer text here

  14. Labelling In order to be marketed, theGOM shouldbe, initially, subjected to a very rigorous evaluation process and then, labeled, respecting the rules on labeling and traceabilityofproducts. All food products containing more than 0.9 percent of GMOs in its composition, must include this information on the label. Footer text here

  15. WorldwideCultivation Footer text here


  17. Areas of Cultivation of GMOs in Portugal

  18. In Portugal the cultivation of GMOs are only of transgenic corn. Portugal is at position 22 in countries with transgenic crops in 2012, with 5 million ha planted.

  19. The corn crops have a transformation named as: MON810 Genetically modified with a gene to survive pests.

  20. The main reason for the cultivation of transgenic corn by portuguese farmers are resistance to attack by the borer, a pest that can reach serious proportions, affecting crops.

  21. Data Relatingto a 23-08-2012

  22. Exampleofproductsconsumed

  23. Legislation

  24. It is essential increase the information available on this topic and transmit it to society to understand what GMOs are, and so express your freedom to choose, even though many technical aspects are complex, one has to know!

  25. Thank you for your attention!

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