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SPP in Practice The Swiss Experience

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SPP in Practice The Swiss Experience

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    1. SPP in Practice – The Swiss Experience Brasilia, 26 April 2012

    2. Outline Organisation of Public Procurement in Switzerland Framework Conditions for Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) “Recommendations for the federal procurement offices” concerning Sustainable Procurement Tools Product Criteria Success Factors Obstacles / Challenges Case study - Electric Scooter (Swiss Post) Link List

    3. Organisation of PP in Switzerland

    4. Framework conditions for GPP/SPP Inclusion of Sustainable Development in the Federal Constitution (FC), article 2, “Aims” and article 73 “Sustainable Development” Sustainable Development (SD) Strategy 2012-2015 of the Federal Council Federal Act and Ordinance on Public Procurement Environmental Management System (EMS) in the whole Federal Administration Publication „Sustainable Procurement“ - Recommendations for the federal procurement offices Masterplan Cleantech of the Federal Council Training

    5. Federal Constitution

    8. Federal Act on Public Procurement

    9. Federal Ordinance on Public Procurement (PPO)

    12. Ordinance on the Organisation of PP Art. 3, Org-VöB: Centralised procurement with three procurement entities for goods, buildings and some services Federal Office for buildings and Logistics (Office equipment, stationary, ICT…. and buildings) armasuisse (textiles, food, vehicles…) Swiss Government Travel Centre (Federal Roads Office; construction of national roads) Procurement of most of the services is decentralised. Art. 20, Org-VöB: Ecological Procurement Service (FOEN)

    26. Link list Federal Act on Public Procurement http://www.bbl.admin.ch/bkb/02532/02535/index.html?lang=de Sustainable Procurement – Recommendations for the Federal Procurement Offices http://www.bbl.admin.ch/bkb/02617/02632/index.html?lang=de Sustainable Development Strategy of the Federal Council http://www.are.admin.ch/themen/nachhaltig/00262/00528/index.html?lang=en Swiss Federal Constitution http://www.admin.ch/ch/e/rs/1/101.en.pdf Environmental Management System – RUMBA Env. Report of the Federal Administration http://www.rumba.admin.ch/de/dokumentation_umwelt.htm

    28. Thank you for your attention! Obrigada! ˇGracias! eveline.venanzoni@bafu.admin.ch http://www.bafu.admin.ch/produkte/02076/index.html?lang=en

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