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Rehabilitation for the Betterment of Alaska: A Feasibility Study

Rehabilitation for the Betterment of Alaska: A Feasibility Study. ENGL: 212 Technical Writing Amber Betancourt. Overview. Introduction Methods Criteria Results Conclusion Recommendations. Create to: Narconon. Introduction. The Alaska prison system is flooding with human traffic

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Rehabilitation for the Betterment of Alaska: A Feasibility Study

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  1. Rehabilitation for the Betterment of Alaska: A Feasibility Study ENGL: 212 Technical Writing Amber Betancourt

  2. Overview Introduction Methods Criteria Results Conclusion Recommendations Create to: Narconon

  3. Introduction • The Alaska prison system is flooding with human traffic • Most of the people that are arrested are caught for drug possession, or they are re-offenders • Re-offenders have little to no rehabilitation and go back to drug use • These offenders: • Commit petty crimes to support their habits • Do not have stable lives/ jobs • Cause the most damage to themselves/ their families

  4. Introduction • These types of offenders are taking time away from lawyers, judges, cops who have much more serious crimes. • My proposal of a state run rehab facility lockup center would: • Reduce the number of drug offenders • Educate inmates/ residents • Help them develop methods to eliminate their drug use • And build a healthy productive life

  5. Methods • Researched court views on drug/ alcohol abuse • Researched the benefits of a state run rehabilitation center • Researched the cost of offenders to be put in prison • Researched the Alaska prison system • Interviewed a couple of local offenders • Distributed a questionnaire to 12 of Alaska residents

  6. Criteria • Is there a growing need in the community for a center such as this? • Will there be public support of building a state run rehabilitation center? • Will this help lower the number of re-offenders?

  7. Do you know anyone that has been negatively affected by drugs and alcohol? • This graph shows 11 participants responded yes out of 12 • These findings mean a lot of people are affected and it is one that should be solved to help our society grow and prosper

  8. Have you or know someone who has gone to a treatment facility? • It is more likely that less people have gotten treatment because many people refuse to admit their problem • This shows us the need for a facility as I am proposing because more people know someone with a problem.

  9. People need help in order to stop using drugs and alcohol? • This graph shows the need for there to be a facility to care for those with addiction problems if their family members do wish to get them some help to quit.

  10. Conclusions • From the data gathered, the community would support this facility. • The projections journals sources and other publications there is a great deal of evidence to support the belief that this facility would in fact reduce the number of alcoholics and addicts that we see in our prison systems.

  11. Recommendations • To conduct more research on the cost of such a facility • More interviews with parolee • More interviews with law makers • More interviews with psychologists in this field • Conduct a survey that encompasses a larger and broader scope of people

  12. I hope you enjoyed my presentation!

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