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True Color s Personality Health y Nativ e Communitie s Fellowship1 1

True Colors, Personality, and the Healthy Native Communities Fellowship Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin. TRUE COLORS, PERSONALITY, AND THE HEALTHY NATIVE COMMUNITIES FELLOWSHIP.

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True Color s Personality Health y Nativ e Communitie s Fellowship1 1

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  1. True Colors, Personality, and the Healthy Native Communities Fellowship • Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin TRUE COLORS, PERSONALITY, AND THE HEALTHY NATIVE COMMUNITIES FELLOWSHIP The Orange temperamentwantstodothings now. Their motivationistobefree. Theylike varietyandtobespontaneous.Aschildren, they learnbestbydoing.Asadultstheyliketosolve practical problems. Theyaretheartisansand craftspeople,painting,sculpting,dancing, singing,actingandmakingfinefurniture.They enjoyaction, participatinginsportsor watching sportingevents. Week 2 focuses on dialogue and how groups work together. People in groups represent a variety of learning styles and personalities. Understanding a little more about these styles and preferences can help facilitators to be more effective. Therearealot of wordsthat have beenusedtodescribepersonalitystyles, preferences,andlearningstyles. Thefellowship isnotapsychologycourse,andwewon’tbe havingatest onwhat thewordsall mean. This informationisofferedasanothersetoftoolsthat canhelpyouinyourhealthycommunitieswork. The Gold temperamentisthekeeperofour traditions.Theirmotivationistobelong. They looktothepasttodeterminewhatmustbedone inthefuture.Theyvaluemembershipingroups andwant toknowwheretheystandinthe hierarchyof thegroup. Aschildren, theyare morewillingtofollowtherules.Mostteachersin theelementarysystemtendtobeGolds.Golds aretherecordkeepers, theinspectorsand caregivers.Theyenjoyfamilytraditionssuchas birthdaypartiesandfamilygatherings. Before coming to session 2, fellows and faculty will have had a chance to try a private on-line assessment tool, usingthe“true-colors”model. Ifyouareinterestedintryingotherwaysof lookingatyourownpreferences,thefollowing sitesofferfreetesting: Sitesthat OfferFree Testing: The Green temperamentisalwaysquestioning thestatusquo.Theirmotivationisaquestfor power. For them, knowledgeispower.They striveforcompetency.Aschildren,theyare alwaysasking“Why?”Theyaretheinventors. They may enjoyasport,butoncetheyhave masteredit,theymaymoveontosomething else. Theyseetheworldasaset ofsystems andareverygoodat organizingfor efficiency. Butevenwhentheyhavesucceededinmaking anorganizationhighlyefficient, theyhave difficultyrefrainingfrommakingfurther modifications. http://www.insightlearning.com/quiz/flash.htm(click on “primarycolor preview”) http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi- win/JTypes2.asp http://similarminds.com/jung.html http://www.personalitytest.net/types/index.htmA coupleofgood places to look for more information are in the online encyclopedia– Wiki-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MBTI A short book – “What TypeAm I?” by Renee Baron. The Blue temperamentissearchingforthe meaningoflife.Theirmotivationistofeel authentic. Theyyearnfor self-actualization, yet it isalwaysjustbeyondtheirgrasp.Theyarethe peacemakersandaschildrenfindconflict very stressful.Theyfocusonpeopleandtheir relationshipstooneanother.Theyoftenworkin careersthatinvolvehelpingpeople,suchas psychology, ministryor travel agent. The True Colors model is based on other previous models, theMyers-BriggsType InventoryandKeirsey’sTheoryof Temperaments.Theyallsortpeopleintofour “preference”groups: True Colors Personality Healthy Native Communities Fellowship1 1

  2. Keirsey found that the main factors that separated the four temperaments were the use of wordsandtools. Peopletendtouseeither concrete(“thisisahammer”)orabstract(“justice forall”)words.Also,theytendtousetoolsina cooperativeway“(I’llbringarakeandyoubring thehoe”),orautilitarianway(“weneeda Phillipsscrewdrivertodothejob”).Thefour temperamentsfitintoamatrix.(See thechart below.) People who learn through observation are going to want to ask a lot of questions, hear a detailed plan, andknowthat therearesuccessful cases out therebeforetheygoalongwithanewplan. Peoplewholearnintuitivelywillgetthebig picturealmost immediately, but will probablynot bethebest for handlingthedetails. People who make decisions based on what they have thought throughcanbringlogical, bottom- lineorientedthinkingtoateam.Peoplewho makedecisionsbasedonfeelingsmakesure thereisbuy-infromothersandthateveryone hasthought throughhowcustomersandother stakeholdersarelikelytoreact. Preferences and Working with Others People who deal with the world by organizingit maybebusyplanningprojectsandgetting thingsdone.Peoplewhodealwiththeworldby observingandunderstandingit canprovide informationandinsighttomakesuretheright jobisbeingdonetherightway. Your best bet is to be aware of the different styles and to communicate information in a way that reaches everyone. If you have to write an important report or memo, for example, start with the big picture to gain the attention of your global learners. "Thismemoisabout theXYZ issue.Ithasfoursections."Thenproceedwith listingthepointssothatyoursequentialpeople areincluded. Also, as we get older, we become betterat doingthingsbothways--introvertsmaylearnto bemoreextrovertedtodothethingstheywant toinlife.Peoplemaybalancethelogicalwayof doingthingswithtakingpeople’sfeelingsinto account. When you give a demonstration or presentation, remember that some people are going to like to see visuals, others want to hear you talk, still others want theenvironment tobepleasant, and thekinestheticlearnersmaywanttostandupor walkaroundasyoudeliverthepresentation.All of thesestylesareacceptablebehavior and, sincewespendagoodpartofourlivesinthe workenvironment,itisvaluableforustoaccept andaccommodatethestylesofpeoplewith whomwework.Withpractice,youwillbeableto identifythedifferentstylesandaccommodate theminwaysthatcreateproductive,pleasant workingrelationshipsamongyourcolleagues, teammates,andcustomers. Extroverts might want todoresearchbymaking phonecallsanddoinginterviews. Introverts mightwanttochecktheinternetandthelibrary forthesameinformation,andthinkthroughthe problemthemselves. Extroverts might want to ask questions about a new program at ameeting.Introvertsmaywant timetothinkabouttheprogramandgetbackto youafterthemeeting. True Colors Personality Healthy Native Communities Fellowship2 2

  3. TIPS ON HOW TO COMMUNICATE WHEN WORKING TOGETHER (True Colours) BLUE ORANGEGOLD GREEN !Clear expectations and project outcomes withthelatitudeto figureouthowto accomplishthemworks well. !Provide sincere recognition only when warranted. This color group does not appreciate "hoopla". !Assign tasks requiring designing new models or thinkup newapproaches. !Compliments relating tohis/herintelligence are the greatest source of esteem.!Reinforce through the contributions their knowledge provides for completing projects. !Clearly outline your expectations for performance in a friendly, but frankway. !Recognize their contribution often. !Identify rewards for achievement individually andinteams. Thisbuilds cooperationand excitement. !Couch our comments infeelingsterms."Ivalue your uniquenessandyour contribution.Youare importanttomeasa person, andI care about howyoufeel."!Provide personal contact through patsonthebackor alight touchofapproval. !Recognize their creativity and the depth of feeling theyput intotheir work. !Clearly established expectations short andlong- termgoals,andplansfor achievingthemgivespecific measuresoftheir performanceand achievement. !Tangible rewards have the greatest appeal. !Provide clear, specific !Outcome based short- termgoalswillbemost effective. !Focus on behavior and performance more than the finished products. !Reward by freeing them to act on their own initiative. !Tangible rewards and competitive situations create stronger incentives. !Set high expectations, which challenge their skills casing them, to know they have really earned the recognition received. !Clearly identify the impact their performance has on the organization. feedback regarding the work accomplished and its contribution to the organization. !Traditions, rituals and ceremonies are meaningful. When pre-planned, they provideincentivesfor performance. !Hierarchical structure and clearly defined roles aid Gold performance. Praise Their: Praise Their: Praise Their: Praise Their: !Cleverness !Skill !Quickness !Spontaneity !Versatility !Quick and timely responses !Creativity !Motivational skills !Unique contributions !Personal achievements !Personal characteristics that are valued and meaningful !Honesty and sincerity !Energetic and enthusiastic manner !Contributions to the performance of thegroup andtheorganization !Accomplishments !Thoroughness and sense of responsibility !Provide a "pat on the back" regularly and consistently !Contributions to the growth and development of theorganizationandits performancetraditions !Competence !Quality of work !Language capabilities !Independent initiative !Ingenuity !Analysis abilities !Clear, logical explanations in precise terms !Good ideas and capabilities They Dislike: They Dislike: They Dislike: !Insincerity !Hypocrisy !Deception They Dislike: !Rigidness !Authority !Rules !Non-conformity !Ambiguity !Waste !Incompetence !Unfairness !Injustice maritajones 2010-04-02 12:13:48 -------------------------------------------- 3 3 True Colors Personality Healthy Native Communities Fellowship3 4

  4. LEADING BY TEMPERAMENT Themosteffective behavior amanagercan engage in to provide leadership and motivation for those working on behalf ofhis/her objectives is theactofappreciating people in ways that theycanmost fully hear; ways that are mostunderstandable to them given theirtemperament style. Given below are some attributes of the different temperamentstyles according to which youcan deliver your affirming feedback to them. Those withanSP (Orange-Adventurous) stylelikeitwhenyou appreciate: Those withanSJ (Gold-Responsible) stylelikeitwhenyou appreciate: Cleverness, facility, grace, flair, process-orientation, observational powers, boldness, bravery, endurance, timing, adaptation Caution, carefulness,thoroughness, accuracy, product-orientation, responsibility, loyalty, industriousness Those withanNT (Green-Curious) stylelikeitwhenyou appreciate: Those withanNF (Blue-Harmonious) stylelikeitwhenyou appreciate: Ideas,intelligence, complexity, capabilities,competency,objectivity(Note:TheNTmustregardthe appreciatorasbeing“qualified”to beofferinganyfeedbackat all beforeacceptingappreciation) Uniqueness,sensitivity; feelings,communication,relationships(Note:TheNFmusthavelotsof positiveappreciationandhas difficultyinhandlingnegative criticism.) maritajones 2010-04-02 12:14:09 -------------------------------------------- 4 4 True Colors Personality Healthy Native Communities Fellowship4 5

  5. A little MoreInformation if YouWant It: As David Keirsey developed his theoryof thefourtemperaments,he began to display them to showthe aspects thefourtemperamentshave in common.AsLinda Berens expanded on his work, she began to consistently display theIdealist (thetypes with N and Fin theirtypecodes) and theGuardian(those with Sand J in theircodes) on the topof thematrix to show that thesetwotemperamentshave in commonasocial attitude—theytend to takemore affiliative roles and focus on interdependence. The Rational temperament(withN and Tin theircodes) and theArtisan(withSand Pin theircodes) are on the bottom of thematrix to show that they have in commonamore pragmatic, do-what-it-takes attitude that focuses on autonomy and independence. Ontheleftare thetwotemperamentsthat tend to speak abstractly (Idealist and Rational) and on theright are thetwo that tend to speak in moretangibleterms(Guardian and Artisan). TemperamentABSTRACTABSTRACTCONCRETE and the 16 PersonalityTypesDIRECTINGINFORMINGDIRECTINGINFORMING INFJ IDEALIST ENFJ IDEALIST INTJ RATIONAL ENTJ RATIONAL INFP IDEALIST ENFP IDEALIST INTP RATIONAL ENTP RATIONAL ISTJ GUARDIAN ESTJ GUARDIAN ISTP ARTISAN ESTP ARTISAN ISFJ GUARDIAN ESFJ GUARDIAN ISFP ARTISAN ESFP ARTISAN RESPONDING AFFILIATIVE INITIATING RESPONDING PRAGMATIC INITIATING maritajones 2010-04-02 12:15:30 -------------------------------------------- 5 5 True Colors Personality Healthy Native Communities Fellowship5 6

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