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Whole-genome shotgun assembly and analysis of the genome of Fugu rubripes (pufferfish) Presented by Charu Gupta Kumar. Aparicio et al and Brenner S. Whole-genome shotgun assembly and analysis of the genome of Fugu rubripes. Science. 2002 Aug 23;297(5585):1301-10. .
Whole-genome shotgun assembly and analysis of the genome of Fugu rubripes (pufferfish)Presented by Charu Gupta Kumar • Aparicio et al and Brenner S. Whole-genome shotgun assembly and analysis of the genome of Fugu rubripes. Science. 2002 Aug 23;297(5585):1301-10.
Classification of bony vertebrates…. • Euteleostomi (bony vertebrates) • Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) • Actinopteri • Chondrostei • NeopterygiiTeleosts Tetraodonts Fugu Rubripes • Polypteriformes • Polypteridae (bichirs) • Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes) • Coelacanthimorpha • Coelacanthiformes • Dipnoi (lungfishes) • Ceratodontimorpha • Tetrapoda (tetrapods) • Amniota (amniotes) MammaliaHumans • Amphibia (amphibians) 450 million years since their last common ancestor
365 Mbp genome 31,059 predicted gene loci 33,609 predicted peptides Intron size is 79 bp modal, with 75% < 425bp 1/6 of genome is repetitive elements Fugu has reduced intergenic regions Number of introns is comparable in both Fugu and Human 2.91 Gbp genome ~29,181 predicted gene loci 31,780 nonredundant peptides Intron size is 87 bp modal, with 75% < 2605bp ~43% of genome is repetitive elements Fugu Genome Human Genome
Preliminary Annotation • 33,609 predicted Fugu peptides • Gene containing fraction of genome is a mere 108 Mb of the euchromatic 320Mb • Intron-exon structure of most genes is preserved between Fugu and Human • Conservation of synteny between Fugu and Human. Allows one to identify chromosomal elements from the common ancestor • 75% of Fugu loci have Tblastx hits against human genome
Identification of novel putative gene loci in Hs…. Fugu Proteins Blast against Ensembl Hs peptides 8,761 Fugu proteins have hits > 10-3 (27,779 have hits < 10-3) Tblastn against masked Hs genomic sequence 1800 match Used these as input to build Hs genes through an EnsEMBL Hs pipeline 1260 remain as apparent Novels Filter for low-complexity peptides, search NCBI again 961 Fugu proteins that are novel gene loci in Humans
Genome Analysis…. • RepeatMasker analysis showed 2.7% of genome matches interspersed repeats (LINEs, SINEs, MIR, etc) • Total number of introns about the same in Fugu and Humans. • Majority of Fugu gene loci are scaled in proportion to the compact genome size. • Observed intronless Fugu orthologs in Humans. But some genes were 1.3X or greater in size compared to Human
Distribution of ratios for gene locus sizes of putative Fugu-human orthologous pairs.
Conservation of synteny…. • Orthologous gene loci are linked in two species, regardless of gene order or presence of intervening genes.
Duplications in Fugu Genome • Compared Fugu to itself using windows of 1 kb and 500bp. • ~0.15 % and 1.3% respectively of the Fugu genome contained duplicated segments. • In Humans, ~ 5% of the genome was duplicated in segments of > 1 kb. • More evidence comes from existence of ancient paralogous segments. When occur after speciation event, called in-paralogs.
Comparison of Fugu and Human predicted proteomes…. • 3/4 of predicted human proteins have a strong match to Fugu. • Remaining 1/4 (8109) appear to have no pufferfish homologs. • Reciprocally, ~6000 (19%) Fugu predicted proteins lack significant homology in human. • A significant part of this 8109 set could represent • evolution of proteins between two vertebrates so that they are no longer mutually recognizable at the sequence level, or • Loss of genes common to other vertebrates in Fugu, or • Gain of sequences specific to tetrapod or mammalian orders, or • Erroneous human gene predictions
Distribution of protein similarities between Fugu and Human proteomes.
In conclusion…… • Compact Fugu genome, and low abundance of repeats. Easy to characterize regulatory elements in noncoding sequence • More similarities than differences between Fugu and Human Rapid evolution of proteins may account for most of the observable differences. • Often gene order and orientation preserved in vertebrates. • Comparative Analysis with Fugu genome powerful for discovering vertebrate homologs, and discovering synteny.