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Habakkuk: Embracing Justice in the Midst of Uncertainty

Explore the profound lessons from the book of Habakkuk, a minor prophet, who embraced the cause of justice in his nation and grappled with the complexities of God's judgment. Discover the timely message of faith, trust, and patience amidst chaos, and delve into the essence of living by faith.

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Habakkuk: Embracing Justice in the Midst of Uncertainty

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  1. My Servants The Prophets Major Lessons From Selected Minor Prophets

  2. Approximate Dates Of The Minor Prophets 9th Century (Early Assyrian Period) • Obadiah (845 B.C.) • Joel (830 B.C.) • Jonah (790-750 B.C.) 6th Century (Exilic Period) Ezekiel (593-570 B.C.) Daniel (605-536 B.C.) 8th Century (Assyrian Period) • Amos (755 B.C.) • Hosea (750-725 B.C.) Isaiah (740-700 B.C.) • Micah (735-700 B.C.) 6th-5th Centuries (Post-Exilic Periods) • Haggai (520 B.C.) • Zechariah (520-518 B.C.) • Malachi (440 B.C.) 7th Century (Chaldean Period) Jeremiah (626-586 B.C. & after) • Zephaniah (630-625 B.C) • Nahum (625-612 B.C.) • Habakkuk (612-605 B.C.)

  3. Habakkuk: The Man • His name meant “Embrace” – He certainly “embraced” the cause of justice in his own country 1:2-4 – He also took to heart the cause of his Jewish brethren when he learned of God’s choice of the wicked Chaldeans to judge rebellious Judah 1:12-17 – Anything else re: him personally is unknown

  4. The Date: • Most likely, a prophecy between 612 – 605 B.C. – Babylon has already conquered Ninevah and begun its westward expansion – Babylon has not yet reached Judah & carried away the 1st captives (Daniel, etc.)2:3 3:16 – This range has Jehoiakim ruling in Judah, and his evil certainly corresponds with the prophet’s complaint 1:2-4 2 Kings 23:37

  5. Other Unique Information: • If this dating is correct, this means Habakkuk was the final prophet God sent to His people during the days of the “The Divided Kingdom”

  6. Approximate Dates Of The Minor Prophets 9th Century (Early Assyrian Period) • Obadiah (845 B.C.) • Joel (830 B.C.) • Jonah (790-750 B.C.) 6th Century (Exilic Period) Ezekiel (593-570 B.C.) Daniel (605-536 B.C.) 8th Century (Assyrian Period) • Amos (755 B.C.) • Hosea (750-725 B.C.) Isaiah (740-700 B.C.) • Micah (735-700 B.C.) 6th-5th Centuries (Post-Exilic Periods) • Haggai (520 B.C.) • Zechariah (520-518 B.C.) • Malachi (440 B.C.) 7th Century (Chaldean Period) Jeremiah (626-586 B.C. & after) • Zephaniah (630-625 B.C) • Nahum (625-612 B.C.) • Habakkuk (612-605 B.C.)

  7. Other Unique Information: If this dating is correct, this means Habakkuk was the final prophet God sent to His people during the days of the “The Divided Kingdom” Instead of speaking to the people on behalf on the Lord, Habakkuk pleads his case to the Lord on behalf of the people

  8. It’s Timely Message: • Habakkuk struggles with what he sees around him, and doesn’t understand how a righteous God can ignore such unrighteousness • His struggle is our struggle…we also observe our own world and may wrestle with issues where wickedness appears to have the upper hand over righteousness and truth

  9. It’s Timely Message: • The theme “The just shall live by faith”2:4 • An oft-repeated N.T. exhortation Rom 1:17 Gal 3:11 Heb 10:38 • This is the essence of faith/trust in God… believing Him even when things do not seem to make sense to His children

  10. It’s Timely Message: • Many want Divine retribution to “right the wrongs” that challenge God’s providence • A child of God must resist the urge for instant justice…he must remember “…the Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him”2:20 • This is the faith Habakkuk needed…us too!!

  11. Outline: • God’s judgment upon Judah 1:1 – 2:3 • God’s judgment upon Babylon 2:4-20 • Habakkuk’s prayer to God for compassion in the midst of certain judgment 3:1-19

  12. God’s Judgment Upon Judah 1:1 – 2:3 • Habakkuk’s 1st perplexity 1:2-4 • “How long…?” is an oft-repeated question asked by followers of God Job 7:19 Rev 6:10 • God’s supposed “indifference” is questioned • God’s 1st reply 1:5-11 • Jehovah was not indifferent • His solution is “unexpected” cruel Babylon • They will be God’s tool to judge wicked Judah

  13. God’s Judgment Upon Judah 1:1 – 2:3 Habakkuk’s 2nd perplexity 1:12 – 2:1 How can a holy God make such a choice?!?! He does admit he knows 3 truths 1:12 But, how can this harmonize with what else he knows? 1:13-17 Despite having such questions/doubts, he states he is willing to wait for God’s answer, and even for a reproof (correction) if warranted 2:1

  14. God’s Judgment Upon Judah 1:1 – 2:3 God’s 2nd reply 2:2-3 What He is about to tell the prophet was not for him only Habakkuk was to “record the vision” so that the one who read it may run (spread it around for others to also know) Though it wasn’t happening immediately, it was certain Isa 55:11 2 Pet 3:8

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