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Prince Faisal at Versailles, 1919

Prince Faisal at Versailles, 1919. Arab Disappointment. The Balfour Declaration incorporated into British Mandate over Palestine. Iraq, Jordan and Palestine all more or less under British control. Only the Arabian peninsula truly independent. The Middle East Between the Wars. The British in

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Prince Faisal at Versailles, 1919

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  1. Prince Faisal at Versailles, 1919 Arab Disappointment. The Balfour Declaration incorporated into British Mandate over Palestine. Iraq, Jordan and Palestine all more or less under British control. Only the Arabian peninsula truly independent.

  2. The Middle East Between the Wars

  3. The British in Palestine (1919-1947)

  4. British Mandate in PalestineCreatedJuly, 1922. Transjordan divided from Palestine.

  5. Jews & Arabs in Palestine, 1920 • In 1920, there was 1 Jew toevery 10 Arabs inPalestine. • By 1947, the ratio was 2 Arabs forevery Jew. The Arabs felt that they were losing control of their “country!”

  6. Jewish Settlements: The Kibbutz System • First one founded in 1908. • Communal living. • “Make the DesertBloom!”

  7. Jewish immigration to Palestine during the British Mandate

  8. Palestine Arab Revolt: 1936-1939 Their Goals: • An end to Jewish immigration to Palestine. • An end to the transferof lands to Jewish owners. • A new “generalrepresentative government.”

  9. The Peel Commission Partition Plan, 1937

  10. British White Paper of 1939 • Limited Jewish immigration toPalestine to 75,000 over the next five years. • It ended Jewish landpurchases. • Independence forPalestine within 10 years. • It is NOT British policythat Palestine become aJewish state.

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