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A Masonic Journey to Hull and Back

A Masonic Journey to Hull and Back. Right Worshipful Brother Richard John Anderson The Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire North and East Ridings 2002 – 2013. Richard John Anderson. Born Saltburn -by-the-Sea in 1939 One of a pair of identical twins.

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A Masonic Journey to Hull and Back

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  1. A Masonic Journey to Hull and Back Right Worshipful Brother Richard John Anderson The Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire North and East Ridings 2002 – 2013

  2. Richard John Anderson Born Saltburn-by-the-Sea in 1939 One of a pair of identical twins. Qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1962 • Round Tabler, becoming their National Secretary • Married to Sue • Gifted with a son Paul, daughter Charlotte and 3 lovely grand children

  3. let us review your Masonic journey From little acorns mighty oak trees do grow

  4. Early years with two key lodges • Huntcliff Lodge Lodge No. 4539 • grandfather was a founding member. • initiated 3rd December 1981 • exalted into Hunctcliff Chapter 20 Nov 1984 • Master 1995/96 • Tees Tablers Lodge No 9564 • Founder Member 1994 • Secretary until 2001

  5. Provincial • 1993 Provincial Grand Pursuivant • 1996 Founder Member Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge • Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies • then Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies • Provincial Grand Master Yorkshire North and East Ridings • Appointed on 13 November 2002 • Installed 8 February 2003. There followed many Provincial and Grand Lodge honours, great achievements with many lodge visits each providing leadership, guidance and inspiration. We have time to review only a few …

  6. Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys 2006 First achievement was completing the initiative of the preceding Provincial Grand Master Target £2 million • Raised£2,325,736

  7. Charity Appeals 2008 year long appeal aim £75,000 raised £151,000 Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service Great North Air Ambulance Service 2010 Yorkshire Cancer Research £124,000 plus £ 80,000 Masonic Charity Fund £204,000 total to support Professor Norman Maitland Prostate Cancer Research

  8. St John Ambulance – Defibrillators • PGL initiative to introduce Defibrillators into All Lodges • 10th March 2008 Bro Ronald Jackson of our own lodge collapsed • His heart stopped beating • WBros Sam Judah and Mike Steel gave mouth to mouth and cardiac massage • Two defibrillators shocks delivered by Bro David Duffill Bro Ron Jackson continues to attend, participates and inspires with expert ritual

  9. Festival 2018 • To an audience of 700 brethren • Simple aim to raise £1.6 Million for the Masonic Charity Fund • Immediate announcement of £250,000

  10. Lennox Lodge No.123 - 250 years

  11. To Hull – De La Pole Lodge No 1605 • 11th Sept 2013, WM John Todd, to install WBro Jim Kerr 3 Visits to De La Pole • 14th June 2002, WM SSS Judah, to raise Bro George Taylor • 10th Sept 2010, WM Ray Platten, to install WBro Ron Stone

  12. Appointments and Promotionsin the years 2002 to 2013

  13. A Masonic Journey to Hull and Back Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Richard John Anderson Congratulations Thank You Bon Voyage

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