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RTD Actions Supporting e Safety

RTD Actions Supporting e Safety. Juhani Jääskeläinen Head of Sector, Mobility Services DG Information Society Unit ICT for Transport and the Environment. Contents. Emerging Results from the RTD Under Framework Programme 5 (FP5) Ongoing RTD Projects Under the Framework Programme 6 (FP6)

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RTD Actions Supporting e Safety

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  1. RTD ActionsSupporting eSafety Juhani Jääskeläinen Head of Sector, Mobility Services DG Information Society Unit ICT for Transport and the Environment

  2. Contents • Emerging Results from the RTD Under Framework Programme 5 (FP5) • Ongoing RTD Projects Under the Framework Programme 6 (FP6) • Future Activities: Moving Towards the Co-operative Systems

  3. Emerging Results – FP5 (2) • CHAMELEON • Detecting dangerous • situations • Mitigating • consequences • through passive • safety devices • (airbags, seat belts)

  4. Emerging Results – FP5 (3) SAVE-YOU • Uses three different technologies for Pedestrian Detection • Sensor Fusion • Automatic braking CYBERCARS • Developing key technologies for guidance, collision avoidance • Pre-cursor for new transportation concepts

  5. 4 Function fields 8 Vertical Subprojects 3 Cross-functional activities 3 Horizontal Subprojects Ongoing RTD - FP6 (1) Prevent – Preventive Safety PReVENT will develop, test and evaluate safety related applications, using advanced sensor and communication devices integrated into on-board systems for driver assistance • 52 partners • -Industry • -Public • Authorities • -Research • Institutes • 1/12/04 • 4 years • Cost 55M€ • EU funding • 30 M€

  6. Ongoing RTD - FP6 (2)GST – Global System for Telematics Service Provider Service Provider Service Provider Ease of Market Access OpenTelematicsMarket Ease of Market Access Service User Service User Service User Goal: open and standardised framework architecture enabling end-to-end in-vehicle telematics services • Technological Subprojects: • Open Systems • Certification • Security • Service Payment • March ’04 – 3 years. • 21, 5 M€ • - EU: 11 M€. • 49 partners • Safety Services Subprojects: • Rescue • Enhanced Floating Car Data • Safety Channel www.gstproject.org

  7. Ongoing RTD - FP6 (3) AIDE Vision: An Adaptive Integrated Driver-Vehicle InterfacE Integration of ADAS, IVIS and nomad devices into the driver's environment Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) In-vehicle information systems (IVIS) Driver-/vehicle-/ environment monitoring Adaptive Integrated Driver-vehicle Interface Nomad devices • March ’04 – Feb. ’08 • HMI IP • 28 partners • Costs: 12.5 M € • EU funding: 7.3 M € haptic visual auditory www.aide-eu.org

  8. Ongoing RTD - FP6 (4)HUMANIST - NoE • Aim:To create an European Virtual Centre of Excellence on Human Factors and ergonomic research applied to road transport, federating strengths fragmented over EU. • Start: March 2004, 4 years • Total budget/EU funding: 5.6 M€ • Focuses on HMI research on driver behaviour, driver cognitive engineering and user centred design; has strong links with AIDE. 22 partners from 14 countries 108 researchers, 27 PhD www.noehumanist.org

  9. Moving Towards Co-operative Systems (1) Individual Integrated Large scale Co-operative Large-scale ADAS Approach IPs in in-vehicle Systems Co-operative technologies ADASE-II safety IPs Systems Initiative FP6 4th Call 2004 FP7 FP 4 1994-1998 FP5 1998-2002 FP6 1st Call 2002 2004

  10. Moving Towards Co-operative Systems (2) Co-operative systems in which the vehicles communicate with each other and infrastructure have the potential to greatly increase traffic efficiency and increase safety, beyond the level obtained by stand-alone systems On-board autonomous functions On-board autonomous functions + vehicle - vehicle communication On-board autonomous functions + vehicle - vehicle communication+ vehicle - infrastructure communication Pictures: ADASE 2

  11. Moving Towards the Co-operative Systems (3) The 4th Call – End of 2004 1) Co-operative Systems • Objective: To provide for greater transport efficiency and increased safety through co-operative V/V & V/I systems (IP, NoE, STREP) 2) In support of the eSafety initiative: • Research in accident causation analysis • Research to assess the potential impact and socio-economic cost/benefit of intelligent vehicle safety systems, up to 2020 • Actions which will sustain the work of the eSafety Forum (SSA) TENTATIVE INFORMATION

  12. Moving Towards the Co-operative Systems (4) The 4th Call – End of 2004 • Proposals shall indicate how vehicles will be used across Europe and internationally • Consortia have to ensure the involvement of all stakeholders • Road Operators • Road Authorities • Service Providers • Automotive Industry • OEM Suppliers • System Integrators • Communications Providers

  13. Mail box: INFSO-eSafety@cec.eu.int • Web-site: http://europa.eu.int/information_society/programmes/esafety/index_en.htm • eScope: www.eScope.info

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