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The English Utopias I. Early Modern Fantasies. The Birth of English Utopia: Thomas More. Dates. 1478 : birth of Thomas More 1516 : Utopia first published 1517 : entering King’s service 1529 : Lord Chancellor 1532 : Confutation of Tyndale's Answer 1534 : refusal to take the oath
The English Utopias I. Early Modern Fantasies • The Birth of English Utopia: Thomas More
Dates 1478: birth of Thomas More 1516: Utopiafirstpublished 1517: enteringKing’s service 1529: LordChancellor • 1532: Confutation ofTyndale's Answer • 1534: refusaltotaketheoath • 1535:trial and execution 1475: firstbookin English 1509-1547: rule of Henry VIII 1526: firstprinted English Bible (Worms, Germany) – by W. Tyndale 1533-1540: separationfromRome 1547-1553: rule of Edward VI 1553-1558: Mary I (Bloody Mary)
Editions The firstfive editions of More’s Utopia came out inLouvain, Paris, Basel and Florence from1516 to 1519; there was no printingof the Latin original in England until 1663 and Scotland until 1750;of More’s Latin writings, only his Epistola ad Brixium in 1520 and hisResponsio ad Lutherum in 1523 (twice) issued from an English press. LotteHellingaandJ. B. Trapp eds. The CambridgeHistory of the Bookin BritainVol. III. 1400-1557(Cambridge: CUP, 1999), 290.
Editions/Translations 1516Louvain 1517 Paris 1518 Basel 1524Basel, Germantranslation (onlyBook II) 1548 Venice, Italian translation (Italy-criticism) 1551 Paris, Frenchtranslation 1559 Lyon, Frenchtranslation 1585 Paris, Frenchtranslation of Book II only BM: Suppressing of poliphony; no placefor a religionbasedonreason Balázs Mihály, „Thomas Morus és JacobusPalaeologus,” in Boros Gábor szerk., Reneszánsz Filozófia (Budapest: NMFT, Tudástársadalom Alapítvány, 2009), 113-134. (NMFT Közlemények 4., Világosság-könyvek 4.)