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Surviving and Thriving in a Recession: ...how to get ahead of the competition with agile.

Surviving and Thriving in a Recession: ...how to get ahead of the competition with agile. Keith Richards DSDM Consortium Director www.dsdm.org. Twitter: #KRCatAPMG. Presentation Structure. Introductions What exactly is Agile? It is here to stay but go carefully

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Surviving and Thriving in a Recession: ...how to get ahead of the competition with agile.

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  1. Surviving and Thriving in a Recession:...how to get ahead of the competition with agile. Keith Richards DSDM Consortium Director www.dsdm.org Twitter: #KRCatAPMG

  2. Presentation Structure • Introductions • What exactly is Agile? • It is here to stay but go carefully • Be realistic about the change • Traditional thinking: the good, the not so good • Agile thinking: the good, the scary stuff! • What you need to do right now • Three things to take away today that will make a difference • Close.

  3. Introductions • DSDM • Consortium and the method formed in the mid-nineties • Public domain method – free to use, free to view • Created from best practice – always evolving • www.dsdm.org • KRC/Keith Richards • is a pioneering training and consultancy company • Specialising in Agile approaches • 15+ years experience in PRINCE2 and DSDM Framework • Author of ‘Agile Project Management’ (TSO) • Voted ‘Most Valuable Agile Player’ UK Agile Awards.

  4. “Agile” – what is it? • Very broad term • Surrounded with hype • Poorly understood? • Poorly defined • ...but it is here to stay • ...and it is a ‘game changer’.

  5. Agile – hard to define? • Methods? • e.g. Scrum, DSDM, Lean, Kanban, XP • Techniques? • e.g. User Stories, Stand-up meetings, Timeboxes and Sprints • Beliefs? • e.g. Collaboration, Self-organising, Minimalism • Context? • e.g. BAU, Projects, IT only, Non-I.T., Programme, Organisation.

  6. The key questions to answer • Is there flexibility with the scope? • Will people collaborate? • Will communication be good? • Can you build iteratively and incrementally? • Do you have a productive environment? • Is the agile philosophy accepted? ...if the prevailing feeling is ‘yes’... ...the you can be agile!

  7. Why everyone has to change! • Life has moved on! • The world is a different place • We need to be quick • Quality needs to be high • We need to be responsive • We need to understand opportunity cost.

  8. This is different; very different! Traditional Approach DSDM Approach Time Cost Features Fixed Quality Quality Time Cost Features Variable

  9. How do we handle the contrast? • Are we trying to mix oil and water? • Do opposites attract? • Can we find synergies?

  10. Traditional Project Management/Waterfall World • Lighten up a bit! • Move away from: • Fixed and detailed requirements • Fixed and detailed estimates • Inflexible ‘contractuals’ • Command and control • Keep going with: • Business case driven • Stages • Manage by Exception • ‘good old project management’ • .....and Project Managers!

  11. The Agile World • Don’t go crazy! • Do this: • MoSCoW prioritisation • Timebox and feel the pain! • Visualisation • Self-organise • Enjoy! • But go careful with: • ‘The Product Owner’ • Starting with a backlog/Scrum • ‘Happy clappy’ • ‘Techie led’.

  12. Get organised and face up to this reality • Where are you and where do you want to be? • What is realistic? • What is the scope of your move to Agile? • This is a journey • How are you set up? • How do you want to be set up? • Do you have an agile plan?

  13. Three things to start doing now (or someone else will!) • Put flexing the scope centre stage • Timebox for real, fail fast! • ...and if you really want to deliver more... ...deliver less! The Monty Hall Problem – counter-intuitive but true!

  14. Further Information / Next Steps • APMG webinar “Agile Project Management & Scrum: How to get the perfect blend!” July 30th @ 2pm. • Register your free place at www.agilekrc.com/apmg • Join ‘The DSDM Group’ on LinkedIn • Follow us on Twitter @DSDM, @agilekrc • Free downloads, including today’s slides @ www.agilekrc.com • Visit the DSDM Consortium website: www.dsdm.org

  15. Survive and thrive with Agile!Thank you! k.richards@agilekrc.com www.agilekrc.com www.dsdm.org

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