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The Many Roles of the President - Chief Citizen to Commander-in-Chief

Discover the diverse roles of the U.S. President, from ceremonial duties to legislative powers, and the process of presidential succession. Learn about qualifications, perks, and the historical significance of the Vice Presidency. Explore the Cabinet's role and the evolution of vice presidential selection.

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The Many Roles of the President - Chief Citizen to Commander-in-Chief

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  1. Ch. 13 - The Presidency

  2. The Executive Branch The White House

  3. The Many Roles of the President 1. Chief of State • Ceremonial head of the country • Acts as the “face of the U.S.” • Welcomes foreign dignitaries • For example…

  4. The Many Roles of the President 2. Chief Executive • Ensures that the nation’s laws are enforced and carried out • Head of the executive branch

  5. The Many Roles of the President 3. Chief Administrator • Head of the entire bureaucracy – people to implement policies • Appoints top levels of the bureaucracy, with approval of a majority of the Senate • May fire any appointed person

  6. The Many Roles of the President 4. Chief Diplomat • Develops the nation’s foreign policy stances • Meets and befriends leaders of foreign countries

  7. BFF! I ♥ USA!

  8. The Many Roles of the President 5. Commander-in-Chief • Top commander of all branches of the armed forces • All are subject to his immediate control

  9. The Many Roles of the President 6. Chief Legislator • Proposes Laws to Congress • Chooses whether to sign bills into law or veto them • For example…

  10. The Many Roles of the President 7. Chief of Party • Undisputed leader and face of the party that helped elect him • Plans future strategy and direction of the party

  11. The Many Roles of the President 8. Chief Citizen • Work to help the public as a whole, rather than private interests • Represent what all American people should be (in terms of character)

  12. Best Form?


  14. Qualifications • 35 years old • Natural Born U.S. Citizen • Resident of the U.S. for 14 years

  15. Terms • Pres. serves a 4 year term • Limited to 2 terms by the 22nd Amendment • Thus, most possible years = 10

  16. $ Perks $ • $400,000 plus…pension ($203,700) • $50,000 in expenses • Free medical care for life • Live in the White House • Air Force One, Marine One, other transportation

  17. The White House Is the official residence of the President and family.

  18. Presidential Succession What happens if the President dies or cannot serve as President? • The ______-____________ of the U.S steps in to take over power. • According to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 The order is: 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ Vice President Vice-President Speaker of the House President Pro-Tempore Secretary of State

  19. The Vice President • The Vice-President serves if the President is unable. • Until 1967 when a V. P. took over as President, there was no new person to fill in as the V.P. • The Vice Presidency has been vacant __ times 18

  20. The 25th Amendment in Action 25 • The ____ th Amendment, passed in 1967 changed this. • When a vacancy occurs, the President will nominate someone who will take the office upon a majority confirmation vote of both houses of Congress. • In 1973, Richard Nixon was President • 1973: _______________resigned the V.P. ______________became the new V.P. • 1974: ________________ resigned as President • 1974: _________________ becomes the new V.P. Spiro Agnew Gerald Ford Agnew Richard Nixon Nelson Rockefeller Rockefeller

  21. Gerald R. Ford Became the first President to take office who was never elected as either Pres. or V.P.

  22. Disability • The 25th Amendment meets this problem • The Vice President will become acting President: 1. If the President informs __________________ in writing that he cannot discharge the powers 2. The Vice President and a majority of the ____________ inform Congress that the President is incapacitated (unable to serve) Congress Cabinet

  23. So What do They Really Do? Reagan didn’t let me do anything. • They do whatever the president lets them do

  24. How to Pick a V.P. • Balance the Ticket – pick a guy with qualities that will draw voters you wouldn’t

  25. President Reagan West Coast Conservative Idea man Vice-President Bush East Coast Moderate conservative Technocrat Example of Balancing the Ticket

  26. Presidential Selection • Constitution says – “president shall be chosen by a number of electors” • These electors are the electoral college

  27. Because you’re an idiot. Why not by average citizens like me?

  28. Original PlanOld Plan The Election of 1800 • Each elector gets 2 votes • 1st Place becomes president • 2nd Place becomes vice-president • Then, a crisis occurs…

  29. The Election of 1800read only • Political Parties had just appeared • Jefferson & Burr – Democratic Republicans • Adams & Pinckney – Federalists • Each elector casts his 2 ballots for his party’s 2 candidates

  30. The Election of 1800read only • Final Result: • Thomas Jefferson - 73 • Aaron Burr - 73 • John Adams - 65 • Charles Pinckney - 64 • John Jay - 1

  31. The Election of 1800background only • Burr had run intending to become Jefferson’s Vice, then realized he had a legitimate claim to win! • Took 36 votes in the House of Reps. to settle the dispute and pick Jefferson

  32. The 12th Amendment Darn straight, they did. • Requires presidential and V.P. elections to be separate

  33. Electing The President Primary Election Step 1: The __________ ___________:/Caucus • Candidates attempt to win the party’s nomination to the big general election in November by winning delegates in each of the 50 states. • Republicans vs. Republicans • Democrats vs. Democrats

  34. The Nominating Process • Candidates must win a majority of delegates • Each state gets delegates based on the number of electoral college votes

  35. State’s Options – How to Vote • Primary Election – election among the public to choose a nominee • Open Primary – all eligible voters • Closed Primary – only party members

  36. State’s Options – How to Vote • Caucus – meeting of party members to debate and vote

  37. State’s Options – How to Award Delegates • Winner-Take All • Proportional Representation

  38. The Conventionread only • Delegates “vote” – everyone knows who will win • President officially nominates his running mate

  39. The Convention • Democrats 2016 • In Philadelphia • Republicans in 2016 in Cleveland

  40. Electing the President General Election Step 2:The __________ ____________: • Occurs on the first ________ after the first ____________ in _____________. • Why?-- • The parties candidates run against each other for the office of President. • _______ party candidates run as well-they rarely win in a major election but they can have an impact on the election. (i.e. Independents, Green Party, Libertarians, Socialists, etc.) Tuesday Monday November Third

  41. The General Election directly • In the General Election, the people of the United States do not vote ________ for the President. A group of people called the _________ _________ actually votes for the President. The people vote for the electors and then the electors vote for the President. • Our founding fathers didn’t trust the _______ people to such an important task as electing a President. That is why the E.C. exists. Electoral College The People The Electoral College The President common

  42. 2008 Ballot

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