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English I. Lesson Six. daub. Definition. Example. (v) to paint coarsely or unskillfully syn : smear. Bright colors were daubed randomly over the artist’s easel. daunt. Definition. Example. (v) to make afraid or discouraged syn : dismay, intimidate, horrify ant: encourage.
English I Lesson Six
daub Definition Example • (v) to paint coarsely or unskillfully • syn: smear • Bright colors were daubed randomly over the artist’s easel.
daunt Definition Example • (v) to make afraid or discouraged • syn: dismay, intimidate, horrify • ant: encourage • Although the waves were high and the wind bitterly cold, the treasure seekers were not daunted.
dawdle Definition Example • (v) to waste time • syn: tarry, loiter • ant: hasten, expedite • “Don’t dawdle children,” the governess called up the stairs. “We must hurry.”
debonair Definition Example • (adj) carefree and self-confident in manner; elegant and gracious • syn: charming, gracious, suave • ant: gauche, awkward • I expected to see an awkward young man, so I was quite surprised to see a debonair gentleman.
decadence Definition Example • (n) moral deterioration • syn: decay, decline • ant: progress • It has often been suggested that the fall of Rome was a result of its decadence.
declaim Definition Example • (v) to speak in a dramatic, pompous, or blustering manner • ant: whisper • The judge told the actor to answer the questions simply and leave his declaiming for the stage.
defunct Definition Example • (adj) no longer in existence • I discovered too late that the bargain stock I had purchased was for a defunct corporation.
deify Definition Example • (v) to make a god of; to look upon or worship as a god • syn: to idolize, adore, exalt • ant: abhor, detest • He deified her; then he was crushed when she turned out to be a mere human like all the rest of us.
delete Definition Example • (v) to take out; cross out • syn: erase, wipe out • ant: include, add • Delete the second sentence; you already made your point, and the repetition only weakens your argument.
delude Definition Example • (v) to mislead; to fool • syn: deceive • ant: englighten • We were deluded into thinking we could trust the smooth-talking salesman.