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Place Value

Place Value. Unit 3. Roman Numerals. I = 1 One V = 5 Five X = 10 Ten L = 50 Fifty C = 100 One-hundred D = 500 Five-hundred M = 1000 One-thousand. Answers. http://www.romannumerals.co.uk/. Place Value . Key Themes Whole Quantity Column/exchange. $ 10, 609, 318.

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Place Value

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  1. Place Value • Unit 3

  2. Roman Numerals I = 1 One V = 5 Five X = 10 Ten L = 50 Fifty C = 100 One-hundred D = 500 Five-hundred M = 1000 One-thousand

  3. Answers • http://www.romannumerals.co.uk/

  4. Place Value Key Themes • Whole • Quantity • Column/exchange

  5. $ 10, 609, 318 $ 3, 462, 141 $1, 323, 835 $6, 251, 514 $ 3, 047, 362 $1, 413, 395 $879, 890

  6. Whole Amount 1) Number is complex involving size, manyness and numerosity 2) Brings the ordinal and cardinal aspects of numbers together

  7. Quantity 3) Place value can be considered from the perspective of ordering numbers and putting them in their relative positions Place Value ITP

  8. Column http://www.nsonline.org.uk/node/47754 Dienes Materials

  9. Place Value Chart

  10. Key features of our place value system • Uses the digits 0-9 • The column determines the value • Each column is 10 times bigger than the one preceding it

  11. Independent Study Tasks For Claire’s session Read Thompson, I. (2003) ‘Place value: the English disease?’ in Thompson, I. Enhancing Primary Mathematics Maidenhead: OUP • Develop your understanding of ‘Quantity value’ and ‘Column Value’ • Consider why children need to understand both aspects of place value • What does Thompson suggest is particularly difficult about ‘teens’ numbers? For Clare’s session • Discuss Place Value Audit with a partner/group

  12. Independent Study Task • Thompson, I. (date unknown) ‘The influence of structural aspects of the English counting word system on the teaching and learning of place value’ Available at: http://www.ianthompson.pi.dsl.pipex.com/index_files/the%20influence%20of%20structural%20aspects%20of%20the%20english%20counting%20word%20system%20on%20the%20teaching%20and%20learning%20of%20place%20value.pdf(E) • Kari, A. R. and Anderson, C. B. (2003) ‘Opportunities to develop place value through student dialogue’ Teaching Children Mathematics. Available at: http://www.math.ccsu.edu/mitchell/math412tcmplacevaluestudentdiaglogue.pdf(E) • Find the guidance paper entitled Oral Mental Work on the Learning Network. Familiarise yourself with the 6 Rs of the oral mental starter and consider its implications for learning. Use overview sheet of the 6 Rs and create an activity for each R and each year group

  13. Today’s schedule

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