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Lessons Learned and Implementation Strategy. Water Harvesting and Irrigation Development in SWHISA Project. Location of the 6 Pilot woredas East Belessa Woreilu Gonchasisoenese Lalomamamidir West Belessa Delanta Dawint. Major Works.
Lessons Learned and Implementation Strategy Water Harvesting and Irrigation Development in SWHISA Project
Location of the 6Pilot woredas • East Belessa • Woreilu • Gonchasisoenese • Lalomamamidir • West Belessa • Delanta Dawint
Major Works • 56HHWHS & 6 WHS in FTC • 7 are with GPS and 2 HDWs & 2 springs • 4 SSIS, 1 sand dam & 1 check dam under construction • Number of trainings on design of SSIS & WHS, softwares, etc • Guideline & manuals prepared
1. Lessons Learned1.1. Planning and design HH(s) & site selection procedures followed was participatory & demand driven: WoARD, DAs, kebele Adm,village comm., family members participated (Can you be specific; Is it really demand driven? Why then we have some failures) Steps-Woreda awareness: kebele selection kebele awareness: village selection community meeting: awareness, HH selection site selection: visit w.shed, pond site, crop land; interview HH members & watershed owner Implementation agreement signed by partners: HH, kebele, WoARD, SWHISA
1. Lessons Learned1.1. Planning and design HH(s) & site selection procedures followed was participatory & demand driven: WoARD, DAs, kebele Adm,village comm., family members participated (Can you be specific; Is it really demand driven? Why then we have some failures) Steps-Woreda awareness: kebele selection kebele awareness: village selection community meeting: awareness, HH selection site selection: visit w.shed, pond site, crop land; interview HH members & watershed owner Implementation agreement signed by partners: HH, kebele, WoARD, SWHISA
Meeting with WoARDFrom Region: BoWRD, BoARD, EPLUA, GARC,SARC, From Woreda: WoARD, WWA, HIV AIDS SEC, W. Health
1. Lessons Learned1.1. Planning and design HH(s) & site selection…. • HH participation in site selection • In the design, blanket recommendation not accepted: shape, size, constr.materials, design
Different construction materials tested : masonry, mesh wire reinforcement, mortar, geo membrane plastic liner close supervision & selection of qualified masons has an impact on the quality Cracking observed in some of the structures Dependency syndrome in the farmers had negative impacton participation Lessons Learned1.2.Construction
Lessons Learned1.2.Construction • Geo membrane lined tanks are less costly and easy for construction • A lesson taken from Menjar woreda is considered in the design and construction • Most of the farmers can afford it GPS lined tanks • outstanding problem is how to maintain the plastic
1.3.Operation and Maintenance, and Utilization • farmer’s attitude towards HHWH is changed • participation of the beneficiaries in O & M of the scheme was not satisfactory • maintenance was undertaken by the project office and the WoARD
1.3.Operation and Maintenance, and Utilization… • Unavailability spare parts and maintenance crew in the rural areas has an impact on sustainable use of the irrigation equipments like pumps and drip systems. • Some HHs are properly manage & utilize the stored water if DAs are closely supportthem • For all good schemes, there is always smooth communication b/n DAs & HHs
1.4.Training and Capacity building • Equipments procured and trainings delivered to IDDP • Tr & CB for IDDP are valuable and highly appreciated by the office & experts and these increases the value of SWHISA in the region. However, the result achieved is not sustainable because of frequent staff turnover and two times restructuring. • However, experts are well trained in the use of soft wares for study & design of SSIP.
1.4.Training and Capacity building… trainings (TOT) could not transfer to the farmers (beneficiaries) & DAs • Woreda started institutionalize and implement WHS starting from last year. However, technical backup is required for woreda experts
1.5. Gender and HIV Aids • women headed households (14) are credited than men headed HHs a • HIV AIDS affected farmers (1)get top priority than other farmers
1.6. Challenges and Opportunities • Continuation of free support of the government, NGOs, other donars including SWHISA has a pessimistic impact on sustainability of the development • Re-structuring of the Irrigation sector for two times, Frequent staff turnover and BPR process took long time. • To change farmers attitudeand ownership of HH • Leakage observed at the time of water harvesting
1.6. Challenges and Opportunities +ANRS give concentration for the development of irrigation in the region + Establishment of IADP, IDDP, WRMP and the Enterprise is a positive step +commitment of the woredas to scale-up the development of SSI & HHWH
2. Implementation Strategy2.1.General • Processes ( IDDP, IADP, WRMP) established for the development of irrigation will have standard working manuals, procedures, templates, formats • Bureau & woreda should assign one focal person who is responsible to follow activities supported by SWHISA.
2.Implementation Strategy…2.2.Study and design + Available guidelines in SWHISA, IDDP, IADP and from others will be modified to the standard of the woreda experts and distributed to use in the scale-up program of irrigation development. + Woreda experts participated during the design of SSIS & WHS by zone & Bureau experts
2.Implementation Strategy …2.3. Construction • Runoff harvesting ponds supported by the SWHISA will be constructed by geo membrane plastic liner and HDW can be other option for rich ground water potential areas like Goncha & Delanta • SWHISA coordinate Bureau & zone to provide technical support to woredas. • Training on construction management will be given
2.Implementation Strategy …2.3. Construction • SWHISA will assist BoARD & woreda to develop strategy for improving access to credit by the farmers for procurement of irrigation pumps, drip systems, geomembrane plastic liner, etc • The Gula sand dam to be constructed in the coming year will be a demonstration and training site to scale up in other woredas of the region.
2.Implementation Strategy … 2.4.Operation and Maintenance • Technical support to woredas for repairing existing geo membrane lined tanks • Sample materials & tools for repairing of the plastic liner will be distributed to the pilot woredas and the five zones. • The region will be equipped with silt flushing machine and then, all reservoir dams can be de-silted before the next year rainy season comes.
2.Implementation Strategy … 2.5.Training and Capacity building • Trainings planned to woreda, zone and new staffs of the Bureau ( IDDP, WRMP & IADP) will be given by senior experts of the Bureau. • The previous trainings including soft wares can be repeated in this training session. • Experience sharing tour will be arranged for model farmers and DAs to Menjar for HHWHS
2.Implementation Strategy … 2.6.Monitoring and Evaluation • Technical, hydrological, cost, social data collected in the last four years will be organized to prepare one document for WH and irrigation schemes • best technologies and procedures selected and recommended for scale-up • Establish team of experts from IDDP and IADP at region, zone and woreda for monitoring of SWHISA supported activities at least once per six months
2.Implementation Strategy … 2.6.Monitoring and Evaluation… • All reservoir dams and natural lakes can be monitored using the new bathymetric equipment procured to BoWRD. The survey can continue once per year and it is also important to ARARI, BDU and researchers • IWMP will take full responsibility in managing hydrological data collection at the 4 dams .