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SCECHs State Continuing Education Clock Hours . Laurie Schmitt (269) 673-2161 x3744 lschmitt@alleganaesa.org . Changes to SB-CEUs . NEW!. The Michigan Legislature adopted new rules on May 18, 2012 for renewal of Professional Teaching Certificates.
SCECHs State Continuing Education Clock Hours Laurie Schmitt (269) 673-2161 x3744 lschmitt@alleganaesa.org
Changes to SB-CEUs NEW! • The Michigan Legislature adopted new rules on May 18, 2012 for renewal of Professional Teaching Certificates. • SB-CEUs are now known as State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs). • Instead of earning 3.0 SB-CEUs at an offering, you will earn 30 SCECHs. The amount of credit is the same, it is only calculated differently. • Also, in addition to SCECHs and College Credit, you can now use district-provided professional development clock hours toward your renewal.
Workshop SCECH Issuance Process After you have completed a workshop or activity: • The workshop Monitor compiles paperwork and submits it to the SCECH Coordinator. • Your eligibility is verified by the AAESA SCECH Coordinator. • Your record is uploaded to the SCR by the SCECH Coordinator using the email address you provided on your Participant Application. • An email is automatically sent to your email address with instructions on how to complete the REQUIRED ONLINE evaluation on the SCR. • Once the evaluation is complete, the SCECHs are awarded online on the SCR. • Failure to complete the evaluation will result in the forfeiture of your SCECHs.
Requirements for AAESA Workshop SCECH Credits • Attendance is REQUIRED at all sessions, no exceptions (not even funeral, family emergency, illness, etc.) • Sign-in at the designated time before the workshop • Sign-out at the designated time after the workshop • Submit a completed Participant Application Form • Pay a non-refundable $15.00 Participant Application Fee • If required, complete and submit an assignment • Complete the REQUIRED ONLINE evaluation form within 30 days of email notification
How do I find workshops with SCECHs? Visit www.solutionwhere.com/mi_sbceu
You can also earn SCECHs for: • School Committees/Staff Meetings • Supervising a Student Teacher • Mentoring a New Teacher/Administrator • Contact Susan Gonsior, AAESA SCECH Coordinator, at sgonsior@alleganaesa.org for more information.
How do I renew my certificate? • Certificate renewal takes place on MDE’s Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) at www.michigan.gov/MOECS
Requirements for Renewing Certificates NEW! • In order to renew a Professional Teaching Certificate, a combination of the following must be earned within the five years prior to the renewal: • 6 College Credits (in semesters—undergrad OK) • 180 SCECHs • 150 District Provided PD Clock Hours (DPPDCHs)
Possible combinations of credit to renew professional certificates are illustrated below: OR OR OR OR OR OR
How do I use District Provided PD Clock Hours towards my renewal? NEW! • District provided professional development clocks hours (DPPDCHs) are earned in your district at the PD offerings you already attend. • Here are the steps required: • Attend your district’s PD • Keep track of your DPPDCHs on the “DPPD Record for Certificate Renewal” form (available on MOECS) http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_5683_5703-60168--,00.html • Have your Principal sign the form • Enter your DPPDCHs on MOECS • Fax your “Record for Certificate Renewal” to MDE
Do I Need SCECHs? • SCECHs are used to renew the following certificates: • Professional Education Certificate • Occupational Education Certificate • School Guidance Counselor License • School Psychologist Certificate (after September 1, 1992) • School Administrators are required to complete the same requirements.
Provisional Certificate • Teachers holding Provisional Certificates cannot currently use SCECHs. They must be in a planned course of study at a Michigan University. • The Provisional Certificate requires renewal every three years. • Starting September 1, 2013, the renewal requirement includes the evidence that he or she has earned since the issuance of the certificate: 6 semester credit hours in a planned program at an approved teacher preparation institution or 180 clock hours of state continuing education in approved professional development activities appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement (s) of the certificate that he or she holds or a combination of semester credit hours and state continuing education hours; or that he or she holds an earned master’s or higher degree in areas appropriate to kindergarten to grade 12 teaching.
September 1, 2013 Advancement to the Professional Certificate • 3 years of successful teaching experience. • Appropriate reading credit (3/6 content + 3 diagnostics). • And ONE of the following since the issuance of the Provisional Certificate: • 6 semester hours in a planned course of study at an approved educator preparation institution (3 credits of diagnostics can count). • 180 SCECH. • 150 DPPD hours in accordance with Michigan School Code Sections 380.1527. • Combination of the three= a total of 180 • 30 SCECH =1 semester credit hour = 30 clock hours of DPPD
Social Worker CEUs • Social workers cannot use SCECHs towards their renewal. Social Work Continuing Education Units (SW-CEUs) are different from SCECHs. For more information on social worker certification, visit www.socialworkcec.com
CEUs are not SB-CEUs/SCECHs • Only SCECHs issued by the Michigan Department of Education are accepted toward certificate renewal. • Susan Gonsior is the AAESA SCECH Coordinator (269) 673-2161 x3744 sgonsior@alleganaesa.org
Attendance Requirements • SCECH policy requires 100% verifiable attendance. Sign-in/out sheets are required. Sign-in/out sheets are the ONLY MDE-recognized method of verifying attendance. They cannot be altered in any way. • Participants are individually responsible for signing-in/out.
It is a criminal offense to use or attempt to use a State Board of Education Continuing Education Unit (SB-CEU) transcript or certificate of completion that is fraudulently obtained, altered, or forged to obtain and/or maintain school administrator, teacher, and/or school psychologist certification or other State Board approval. • See PA 96 of 1995 for more information.
District Provided Professional Development should be: • Relevant, ongoing and job-embedded; • Specific to the teacher's needs • Aligned to the School Improvement Plan and individual professional development plans (as appropriate); and • Focused on increasing student learning. “Guidelines for Professional Development that Qualifies for Michigan Legislative Requirements” http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_5683_5703---,00.html
Website www.michigan.gov/teachercert • Highly Qualified information: /mde-hq • Certification Information: /teachercert -Including the FACTS documents -approved Michigan EPIs • Informational Podcasts: Certification, Permits, and School Safety.
Important Dates • Renewals can be applied for anytime after January 1 of the year, in which it expires without any loss of validity. • Michigan certificates expire on June 30th of any given year. • July 15 – Last day to apply for permits for previous school year. • August 1 – Applications for new school year permits may be submitted.
Questions? • Contact: • Susan Gonsior AAESA SCECH Coordinator (269) 673-2161 x3744 sgonsior@alleganaesa.org