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Quick View- Possessive Noun Rules

Quick View- Possessive Noun Rules. Singular Possessive Nouns- To show the possessive of singular nouns add 's . (the student’s pencil) Plural Possessive Nouns-To form the possessive case of a plural noun that does not end in s , add an apostrophe and an s.(the children’s room)

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Quick View- Possessive Noun Rules

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  1. Quick View- Possessive Noun Rules • Singular Possessive Nouns-To show the possessive of singular nouns add 's. (the student’s pencil) • Plural Possessive Nouns-To form the possessive case of a plural noun that does not end in s , add an apostrophe and an s.(the children’s room) • To form the possessive case of a plural noun ending in s, add only the apostrophe.(boxes’ lids) • Think of the apostrophe mark as a hook or hand reaching out to take ownership of the object. Without the little hook or hand grabbing onto the ‘s’ or the next word, the noun is simply plural.

  2. Possessive Nouns Words that show ownership are called possessive nouns. A noun is possessive if a phrase can be changed to say that an item or idea belongs to someone else. Example:The paintbrush that belonged to the artist was lost. The artist’s paintbrush was lost.

  3. Rule To show the possessive of singular nouns add 's. Examples:  Fluffy Fluffy’s tail Sally Sally’s recipe the man the man’s hat the teacher the teacher’s pencil

  4. Possessive nouns are used Possessive nouns are used to show that someone owns something. An apostrophe (') is used to show the ownership to show that someone owns something. An apostrophe (') is used to show the ownership

  5. The possessive form can also show an feature or characteristic. • Examples:  • river river’s edge • train train’s wheels • sun sun’s heat

  6. To form the possessive case of a singular noun, add an apostrophe and a s. • Examples: a student’s grant • The child’s toy • Tess’s painting

  7. To form the possessive case of a plural noun that does not end in s , add an apostrophe and an s. • Examples: geese’s feathers • Children’s books • Men’s clothing

  8. To form the possessive case of a plural noun ending in s, add only the apostrophe • Examples: boxes’ lids • Beetles’ shells • Ten minutes’ time

  9. Possessive Nouns • Many people have trouble distinguishing between possessive nouns and plural nouns. Possessive nouns and pronouns demonstrate ownership or some similar relationship over something else. Plural nouns indicate more than one person, place or thing. • Look for the Apostrophe • Possessive nouns typically include an apostrophe. For example: • •Jennifer’s imagination ran wild as she pictured the accident. • •The kitten’s toy is a stuffed catnip mouse. • Think of the apostrophe mark as a hook or hand reaching out to take ownership of the object. Without the little hook or hand grabbing onto the ‘s’ or the next word, the noun is simply plural.

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