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1. Is this your first NASCIO conference? (All). Yes No. 223 of 390. 0. 2. The average tenure of a state CIO is 2 years. How long have you been with your company? (Corporate Only). 2 years or less 2-4 years 4-7 years 7-10 years 10+ years Not much longer. 0.
1. Is this your first NASCIO conference? (All) Yes No 223 of 390 0
2. The average tenure of a state CIO is 2 years. How long have you been with your company? (Corporate Only) 2 years or less 2-4 years 4-7 years 7-10 years 10+ years Not much longer 0
3. Has your organization adopted a BYOD (bring your own device) policy or strategy? (All) We do not have a BYOD policy or strategy Policy is under development We have an operational BYOD policy in place BYOD is not permitted and I don’t expect it to be in the future 0
4. Will your next IT budget grow or shrink and by how much? (State Government Only) Increase Flat Reduce up to 10% Reduce up to 20% What budget? 0
5. Are budget cuts forcing you to push back standard refresh cycles? (State Government Only) Yes, I am now refreshing at 5-7 years instead of 2-4 years No, my refresh cycle is the same Yes, but it is unclear how long the new cycle will be 0
6. Do you currently use GSA schedule 70 for procuring IT goods and services? (State Government Only) Yes No My state prohibits using GSA schedule 70 I don’t know 0