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FBI . By: Ariana Lee Hendricks. Thesis Statement.

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  1. FBI By: Ariana Lee Hendricks

  2. Thesis Statement An FBI agent dwells upon the evidence, ponders over missing links in a case, and then cracks it. In the future, an FBI agent will need additional skills in computer technology as that takes over the paper work portion of the job. This means that an FBI agent has to go in the field, to confirm his doubts or to eliminate them. Going in the Field includes surveillance activities and encounters with criminals. An FBI agent always has to be on his toes and needs to be alert all the time. Field activity also involves arresting the criminals, when needed.

  3. Different Jobs There are a small variety of different jobs for the agency. There is the office. They have a On Field Job. There is a Off the Crime Scene. They use Linguists in some parts of the agency. And they have Special Agents.

  4. People There are not a large variety of people who work with the FBI. People who do work with the FBI are usually local Police Officers. State wide CIA. And Nation wide CSI. But, they can all be local, state, and Nation wide.

  5. Their Uniform FBI agents wear a helmet to protect their head, goggles to help them see at night sometimes, gloves to help their hands not get so dirty, kneepads to protect their skin when they slide, boots to wear on their feet, and a gas mask for any toxic fumes. They also wear a vest. Their vest it bullet-proof, they have a FBI-identifying patches on their shoulder and chest. The vest is equipped with MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment). Their vest also contains a magazine pouch for extra ammunition.

  6. Tools & Weapons They use a lot of technology to help them survive in a crime scene and in battle. Their radio package consists of an ear piece, a microphone attached to the shoulder strap, and a transmitter in the shoulder pouch. Their primary weapon is a H&K (Heckler & Koch) MP5 sub-machine gun that is equipped with a flashlight on the front. Their sub load is a waist belt with a thigh harness which is designed to keep a pistol stationary and it also supports pouches for extra ammunition and other gear such as metal handcuffs and a night stick. Their additional tools are usually a breacher (battering ram), a hallagan (crow bar), and a collapsible sledge hammer.

  7. Transition In the future, an FBI agent will need additional skills in computer technology as that takes over the paper work portion of the job. In order to have more knowledge of technology, they will need to go to school to study. The new technology may need more practice on how to work it, but FBI agents will eventually catch on. The schooling portion will require a lot of knowledge and more money for college.

  8. Extra Schooling For more advanced technology will require more schooling. That schooling will require almost every degree. They will need a masters degree, doctorate degree, and a bachelor's degree. Maybe a PHD degree as well.

  9. Changes in Technology The changes in technology may be very dramatic to some people. The computers will become smart computers. The smart computers will do printing, scanning, copying, getting rid of the paperwork portion, and hopefully a lot more. FBI office people will want to buy smart computers because having printers, scanners, copiers, and a whole stack of papers may be stressful to them. VS

  10. Conclusion In conclusion, the main purpose of the FBI agency is to prevent danger occurring to innocent people. Sometimes there may be an unsub in an investigation. They catch criminals and put them in their place for harming people. The reason they catch criminals is because they are trying to keep the city safe. FBI agents will always try their best to keep people from getting harmed. They might not always catch them right away but they will eventually.

  11. Facts The very heart of FBI operations lies in the investigations-which serve, as the mission states, to protect and defend the United states against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats and to enforce the criminal laws of the United States. The FBI’s motto is, “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity.” In fiscal year 2011, the FBI’s total budget is approximately $7.9 billion dollars. On March 14, 2010 marked the 60th anniversary of the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted List. Sometimes, there can be customers at the FBI head quarters to tell them about a crime and such.

  12. Terms The Agency- The Cia. Also, “The Company”, “Intelligence”, and “penny-loafers.” Agent- An employee of the FBI. Unsub- The unknown subject of an investigation. Occurring- To happen. Costumers- A person who has to deal with another person.

  13. Bibliography http://www.ask.com/web?q=what+imact+does+FBI+agents+have+on+people&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir http://ex-fbi-agents.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/facts-and-figures-2010-2011/working-for-the-fbi http://www.westwood.edu/request-info/online-learning/criminal-justice-online-degree/?whoRC=OLGSANNAISGO&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=FBI%20agents&utm_campaign=CriminalJustice_Nationwide_CareerPath_FBI http://www.allcriminaljusticeschools.com/legal-careers/law-enforcement/fbi-agent http://beaconbulletin.com/2010/03/14/998/%20%20%20

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