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Region Center III Continuous Improvement and Professional Development presents Continuous Improvement Process (CIM) & Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Part I: The Brazosport Journey – Process Overview. Learning Outcomes. The participants will: Increase their level of awareness with
Region Center IIIContinuous Improvement and Professional DevelopmentpresentsContinuous Improvement Process (CIM)& Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)Part I: The Brazosport Journey – Process Overview
Learning Outcomes The participants will: • Increase their level of awareness with regard to the CIM/PDSA Model • Identify various district resources available to schools in support of implementing the CIM/PDSA Model
What is the 8 Step Instructional Process? A continuous improvement teaching and learning cycle.
8-STEP CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT MODEL • Disaggregate Test Data • Develop an Instructional Timeline • Deliver the Instruction • Administer Frequent Assessments • Tutorials • Enrichment Opportunities • Maintenance • Monitor
USE OF THE 8-STEP PROCESS ALONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE SUCCESS • Need teachers who believe all students can succeed • Proven teaching strategies • A no-nonsense supportive classroom community • Hard work by both teacher and student • Teamwork- Communication
BENEFITS OF THE 8-STEP INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS • Applicable and adaptable to any curriculum, subject-area, grade level or student group. • Promotes a culture of excellence where teachers can teach and students will learn. • Removes subjectivity and specifically identifies individual students according to data. • Ensures that all state standards are taught before the test. • Neutralizes the blame game.
Effective Schools and TQM (Total Quality Management) • The 8 Step Instructional Process has been integrated with the ideas and philosophies of both Total Quality Management (TQM) and Effective Schools research.
Total Quality Management (TQM) • At the heart of TQM are management practices designed to improve any organization (state, district, or school ) at any level (classroom or administration).
EFFECTIVE SCHOOLS AND TQM What is Total Quality Management? A management approach created by Dr. W. Edwards Deming led the effort in the United States to use quality to improve organizations. Fourteen principles were developed.
DEMING’S 14 PRINCIPLES 1. Create constancy of purpose. • Adopt the new philosophy (the mission for quality). 3. Cease reliance on mass inspection. 4. End the practice of doing business on price alone. 5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service.
and… 6. Institute training on the job. 7. Drive out fear. 8. Institute leadership. • Break down barriers between staff areas. 10. Eliminate slogans and targets for the workforce.
and… 11. Eliminate numerical quotas. 12. Remove barriers to pride and joy of workmanship. 13. Institute a vigorous program of education and retraining. 14. Take action to accomplish the transformation.
TQM’s Plan-Do-Check-Act • Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle outlines a critical path that organizations should follow to achieve total quality management (TQM). • PDCA maintains that organizations that use this cycle will constantly define and refine themselves as they meet their customers’ needs and wants.
The Plan-Do-Act Cycle PLAN DO CHECK ACT
Some Characteristics of Effective Schools • Strong instructional leadership • High expectations of student achievement • Pervasive and broadly understood instructional focus • Safe and orderly school climate conducive to teaching and learning • Measures of pupil achievement as an indicator of program success
Background: • These philosophies and ideas were originated principally by Dr. Larry Lezotte, the late Dr. Ron Edmunds, and Wilbury Brookover. Dr. Lezotte combined the effective school philosophy with “total quality” in his book entitled Creating the Total Quality Effective School.
Step 1: Disaggregate Test Data • How can you tell if your students are learning what you want them to learn?
Step 1: Disaggregate Test Data (continued) • Disaggregating data is the critical first step of the instructional process. The term ‘disaggregate” means to break up, to divide, to separate, or to break apart.
Academic Groupings • By disaggregating data, we can use student test score to identify instructional groups – organizing students by their academic performance. This help us match teaching to student need.
Benefits of disaggregating data: • Measures Student Progress • Measures teachers’ progress for professional development • Monitors student learning – deficits and strengths • Helps stakeholders communicate – students, teachers, administrators, community, etc. • Monitors teaching strategies and adopted programs
Benefits of disaggregating data:(continued) • Provides information for resource allocations • Provides early intervention – prevents students from falling through the cracks • Promotes ownership and responsibility for student learning among teachers • Promotes a spirit of teamwork and camaraderie • Exhibits learning trends – deficits and strengths
Step 2: Develop Instructional Timeline • If you know where you want to go, you have a better chance of getting there. -Anonymous
Benefits of an Instructional Timeline: • The instructional calendar serves as a graphic reminder for teachers and parents. It is a map that provides a logical path: aligning state performance standards, curriculum and assessment based on the needs of student groups, and the weight of the objective on the performance test.
Benefits of an Instructional Timeline:(continued) • An instructional calendar can be developed or any subject area, grade level, district or state accountability standards or curriculum. Content area teachers should meet before the school year begins to design the calendar.
Benefits of an Instructional Timeline:(continued) • Once the calendar is developed, it should be distributed and prominently displayed throughout the school. Everyone should know what skill is being taught that period.
Benefits of an Instructional Timeline:(continued) • The instructional timeline should remain flexible. Teachers should meet regularly to review and revise the timeline based on the data gained from periodic assessments (Step 4) and teacher observations.
Benefits of an Instructional Timeline:Summary • Is data directed • Provides a clear and direct plan • Pertains to any subject area, grade level, campus, etc. • Eliminates excessive review periods • Provides a logical sequence and relationship of skills
Benefits of an Instructional Timeline:Summary (continued) • Provides a clear perspective – daily, weekly, and yearly • Is flexible and based on student needs • Provides instructional focus • Encourages ownership • Involves staff in curriculum decision-making
Step 3: Instructional Focus • Learning is not a spectator sport. -Anonymous
Step 3: Instructional Focus(continued) • This step – where the actual teaching and learning take place – is, without question, the most critical part of the instructional process. • The emphasis is on the development and delivery of instruction.
Step 3: Instructional Focus(continued) Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Step 3: Instructional Focus(continued) • Instructional focus sheet determines what is to be mastered (objective, target areas, instructional timeline, assessment dates, and important reminders). • Based on the needs of the students, the teacher continues to design the appropriate lesson plans using suggested resources and/or nay other resources that address the focused concept/skill.
Benefits of Instructional Focus: • Reinforces the instructional timeline • Addresses priority needs • Promotes high quality of instruction • Provides a clear and concise focus based on the needs of the students Can you list some additional benefits?
Step 4: Frequent Assessments • Without a commitment to when a skill will be taught and assessed, there is not commitment. -Hayes-Jacobs
Step 4: Frequent Assessments (continued) • Frequent assessments check for understanding. They tell us which student are learning, which students need more help, and how to stay on track.
Step 4: Frequent Assessments (continued) • Frequent assessments help us chart student progress and identify students who require early intervention. • They also tell us when and where we need to adjust our own teaching methods. In addition, when a large number of student have not mastered a skill, they tell us to modify the instructional timeline – that we must devote more time to a particular concept.
Benefits of frequent assessments: • Provide immediate feedback • Diagnose teaching effectiveness/weaknesses • Provide the data needed for early intervention • Eliminate surprises on the state standard assessment • Track student performance for teacher and parents
Step 5: Tutorials • What makes all of these approaches (various successful strategies) work is one common characteristic. They say to each child, ‘You are important. You can succeed. We need you to succeed. And we are going to work to provide you with opportunities for success.’ -Frank Newman, Education Commission of the States
Step 5: Tutorials (continued) • How did I ensure that all my students excelled? Quite simply, I had to reteach non-mastery students.
Step 5: Tutorials (continued) • Additional instructional time for review and refocus is a requirement if we are to ensure that success of all students.
Step 5: Tutorials(continued) • To be effective, tutorials must be offered frequently and by talented staff
Step 5: Tutorials(continued) • The instruction must be focused and intense. Tutorials should never be perceived as a punishment but instead as an additional opportunity to “catch up”.
Benefits of tutorials: • Prevents students from falling through the cracks • Assures students that you will not give up on them – that your expect them to “get this.” • Provides time for small group or one-on-one instruction • Provides alternative instruction
Step 6: Enrichment Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. -Ronald E. Osborn
Benefits of enrichment: • Encourages students to work hard during regular class so they can participate in enrichment periods • Offers new ways to see how the classroom relates to the real world • Stimulates new insights • Provides intellectual and creative challenges
Benefits of enrichment:(continued) • Enhances knowledge, which allows students to learn a subject in greater depth • Generates interest • Develops advanced skills in critical thinking • Challenges students to operate at higher intellectual levels • Promotes personal growth
Step 7: Maintenance “Unless we remember , we cannot understand.” -Edward Morgan Forster
Step 7: Maintenance (continued) • Maintenance involves reinforcing skills that were taught earlier.
Step 7: Maintenance (continued) • Scheduled formal review throughout the calendar year and scheduled these more frequently as we approached the time for standards testing.