Why and how did Australia become a nation? The idea of bringing all the colonies together came after linking the state colonies by telegraph in 1872 . By the 1890s the idea became more popular, as one nation the colonies would be stronger for defence, controlling immigration and the economy . The Premier of New South Wales ,Henry Parkes chaired a meeting with all the colony premiers and convinced them to discuss federation. Work began on the constitution. Recession slowed progress but in 1893 a pro-federation conference decided that Australians should have a chance to vote on the constitution . In 1899 a referendum was held to vote for constitution ,but NSW did not approve it and Queensland and WA did not take part. Soon as they approved they had to declare which city was the capital city. Melbourne and Sydney wanted it. The bill past, but Western Australia believed federation was not the right thing to do but later changed its mind. In May the Commonwealth of Australian Constitution Act was passed by the British parliament and signed by Queen Victoria and became law. The Act declared that all the states would become Commonwealth of Australia on 9th of may 1901 would become federation. On that day the first Prime Minister of Australia was announced- Edmund Barton.
How did Australian society change in period of time? Suffrage and having rights was one of the things that Australia didn't take for granted for. Australia the first country to allow women to vote in Federal Elections and be a part of the parliament. Teenagers don't use books to study now, they use technology instead. Most men worked in factories. In summer it could be as hot as 40 degrees Celsius. Working at a factory was very dangerous. Ladies and children did household work. If they did work at a factory they would get payed 50 percent less than men. Normally they worked as servants for families or work in service industry with long hours. One of the most significant moments was when the gold rush changed Australia. Australia has become multicultural allowing people from different countries to come and live. Australia is one of the most multicultural counties in the world.
Who were the people who came to Australia? The discovery of gold in 1850 changed Australia extremely. People came from England, Ireland, China, Scotland and even United States of America in search of gold. In the 1850’s people came over because of the potato famine in Ireland. For that reason many people came over from Ireland. After the end of World War Two many people with no homes came to Australia. They mainly came from Britain, Holland, Germany and Italy. For industrial reason many immigrants came to Australia because unskilled new labour in factories and engineering jobs were opening up. A large number of immigrants that came for that reason were from Britain , Ireland, Italy, Greece and turkey. Those immigrants also brought cultures, customs and cuisines with them. Which makes Australia what it is today.
What groups or people helped to complete federation? Sir Henry Parkes was a very important person. He was born in England 1815 ,but migrated to New South Wales in 1839.He came up with the idea, his role was to get it popular. He died in 1896 , 5 years before federation began. Another important person is Edmund Barton. After Parkes Tenterfield speech he a support to him. He, himself started speaking to the public about federation. He toured N.S.W. local towns encouraging people about federation. He helped to establish the Australasian Federation League. In the end he became the first Australian Prime Minister, but resigned in 1903 to become Australia's first High Court Judge. He died in 1920.
Biology http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/austn-suffragettes http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/federation.htm http://panique.com.au/trishansoz/people/peoplehi.html http://www.skwirk.com/p-c_s-1_u-97_t-238_c- 798/nsw/hsie/australian-democracy/federation/the-fathers-of-federation-parkes-and-barton
Dictionary Federation: The Federation of Australia was the process by which the six separate British self-governing colonies of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia formed one nation. Immigration: The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Suffrage: The right to vote in political elections. Colonies' Country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country. Constitution: Abody of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed Recession: A period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters Referendum: A general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred decision to them for a direct Multicultural: Relating to or containing several cultural or ethnic groups within a society