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Buddhism in Mo’ili’ili With a focus on: Tensho Kotai Jingu Kyo The Dancing Religion. Alicia Fung HON291S Fall 2010. Hypothesis.
Buddhism in Mo’ili’iliWith a focus on:TenshoKotaiJinguKyoThe Dancing Religion Alicia FungHON291S Fall 2010
Hypothesis • Noting the abundance of Japanese in Mo’ili’ili, the most prevalent religion in Mo’ili’ili is Buddhism. The symbol that appears on numerous gravestones in Mo’ili’ili cemetery is related to either Shingon Buddhism or the TenshoKotaiJinguKyo.
The beginnings of TenshoKotaiJinguKyo • Founded by Sayo Kitamura • Known as Ogamisama (Great God) by followers • Believed to be “God’s only daughter” destined to save mankind • Starting preaching in 1945 in Yamaguchi, Japan • May1952, came to Honolulu
Followers • Attracted many Issei Japanese after WWII • Sought a new religion with promise of fulfillment • Wanted world peace, brotherhood • TenshoKotaiJinguKyo offered just that • 75-80% were between 40-60 years old • Although Japanese were dominant, also attracted Chinese, Koreans, Puerto Ricans, Filipinos and Caucasians
In Mo’ili’ili • Main branch was formed in Mo’ili’ili • Mr. Takeyoshi Hirai (A tailor)2716 S. King StHonolulu, HI • Gather weekly in living room of his cottage • One Sunday each month, meet for “Consolation Day” at park • Members pray until dancing • Hence “dancing religion”
Mantra “Nam myohorengekyo” • Prayer recited vigorously and rhythmically so it’s almost sing-song
Ecstasy Dance • Followers are in an emotional state of prayer • Supposed to give participant supernatural insight into universe • Prayers have power to “redeem all evil spirits..” • Efficacy carries on into daily life
Shingon Buddhism 南無大師遍照金剛 “Namudaishihenjokongo”
hrīḥ • Sanskrit Symbol • Seed syllable for Amitābha (Buddha of the Western Quarter) • In Japanese: AmidaNyorai • Represents chiefly meditation and compassion • Pronounced (キリーク)[kiri-ku] in Japanese • Shingon Mantra • On amirita teizei kara un • Pure Land Buddhist Mantra • Namu amida butsu
Shingon vs. Pure Land Buddhism • Shingon Buddhism • Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism • Characterized by dancing, eccentric rituals, prayer and chant etc • Pure Land Buddhism • Focused on AmitabhaBuddha • Of all Buddhism sects, Pure Land is the most practiced Buddhism in Hawaii • JodoShinshu Sect is largest • Recitation & reading of Pure Land Sutras • They are both two different schools of Buddhism • But they share similar concepts
Conclusion • TenshoKotaiJinguKyo & Shingon Buddhism were both popular religions in Mo’ili’ili. The symbol on many gravestones that was thought be a Buddhist sect symbol is actually a Sanskrit symbol – related to Shingon Buddhism.
Sources • Brady, Spence. Hawaii’s ‘Dancing Goddess’ Prays for World Peace. The Honolulu Advertiser. January 26, 1961. • Jabbour, Miller E. The Sect of Tensho-Kotai-Jingyu-Kyo: The Emergence and Career of a Religious Movement. University of Hawaii. August 1958. • TenshoKotaiJinguKyo. The Prophet of Tabuse. Tabuse, Yamaguchi Pref., Japan. 1954. • "Amitābha and Amitāyus." Visible Mantra. Jayarava, 2009. Web. <http://www.visiblemantra.org/amitabha.html>.