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1 What is Religion?. In Arabic and Urdu Mazhab is used for the same meaning for which Religion is used. Mazhab literally means a passage. Definition. To believe in supernatural beings and act according to their will. The Basic elements of a Religion. Beliefs .
1 What is Religion? In Arabic and Urdu Mazhab is used for the same meaning for which Religion is used. Mazhab literally means a passage.
Definition To believe in supernatural beings and act according to their will.
The Basic elements of a Religion • Beliefs. • Revealed Practices /customs. • Ethics.
Kinds of Religions • Revealed • Non –revealed
Need for a Religion • Accomplishment of natural desires. • To know the purpose of creation. • To know the way of life.
Impacts of a Religion on human life • Creation of good morality. • Duties and rights are balanced. • The fear of death and dangers is • Finished or minimized .
Different concepts about the inception of Religion • From darkness to lights • through the Prophets.
Revealed religions • This kind of religion started with the creation of ADAM ALAIHISSALAM .Allah Taala says in Quran:
Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not.“ Al-Baqara (Sura 2 - Ayat 30)
Continue from previous slide It was ended with Muhammad ( S.A.W.S). Different Prophets were sent for the propagation of this kind of Religions.
Unity of Religions • The fundamental message of all the Revealed Religions was one. • The difference in teachings of different Religions is a difference of rules and laws and customs due to different times and varying circumstances.
The major reveled religions • Islam. • Christianity • Judaism. • Note: All the three Religions were true.
What is the need of Islam after we had the other true Religions? • Comprehensiveness of Islam. • The previous teachings were corrupted. • The people attributed many sins to their Prophets. • Universality of Islam.
Do earlier revelations speak of Islam? Yes in the Holy Quran it is mentioned that ALLAH TAALA made a covenant with the previous Prophets that they would believe in the last Prophet and support him. The people who lived in the time of ignorance or did not receive the light of Islam will be asked only about the things which are in the range of reason.
Allaha taala says in Quran And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the apostle of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of an Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is evident sorcery!" (Sura 61 - Ayat 6 As-Saff )
Cont from previous slide The people who lived in the time of ignorance or did not receive the light of Islam will be asked only about the things which are in the range of reason.
2 what is Islam? Literal meaning: Is derived from (س ل م) which means peace, submission and reconciliation. Technical meaning: Submission to the will of God and obedience to His laws.
Connection between literal and technical meanings • Only through submission to the will of God and by obedience to His law can one achieve true peace. • Submission and obedience can resulted in re-conciliation with Allah Taala. • The difference between the obedience of human and other things is that they have no choice while human and JINN have because they are endowed with intelligence and the power of making choices.
Parts of Islam • Belief and Practices • Beliefs are the compulsory part of Islam while the practices are like fruits of a tree. Without belief one cannot be a Muslim while without practices it is fruitless. • Adoption of the Religion of Islam • Adoption of other Religion after one is Muslim • The position of Ihl-e-Kitab. • Any person who denies any of the essentials of the Islamic faith is unbeliever.
3Tawheed (Faith and the unity of the God) • Meaning • The Arabic word (توحید)Tawheed is derived from (و ح د) . • It literally means oneness. It technically means that Allah is one in his being and attributes, He is the only one who is worthy to be worshiped and obeyed.
The Importance of tawheed • It is the most fundamental and important teaching of Muhammad (S.A.W.S). • It differentiates a true Muslim from a Kafir • It is the basic teaching of Quran • It is the concept which has been propagated by all .the Prophet. • All the previous nations except two Of Shuaib (A.S) Loot (A.S) have been doomed because of its denial.
Importance cont… The real difference: Lies in confession and action accordingly. The meaning of Ilah: One who is worshipped, because of greatness. Position of Man: He is weak and need. He is not self sufficient. Man’s desires and achievements: Man struggles to get some valuable things which is got sometimes and is not sufficient.
Importance cont… The universe: In this universe here are many great things but they are not safe from changes. Mysterious Powers: Human beings thought of the power which controls the huge objects of the universe. Unbeliever’s belief in multiplicity of gods: They that the deities are more in number. Greatest Deity: They considered the kingdom of God like the earthly kingdoms.
Importance cont… Oneness of God: Two kings cannot be for one country. • Distribution of powers is also not possible because they are not dependent then. • The powers are not transferable, because the deities will have the powers at one time and will be deprived of the same at another time which is shameful for a deity.
The effects of Tawheed on human life Universaloutlook He looks on everything in the universe as belonging to the same Lord he himself belongs to. His intellectual horizons widen and his outlook becomes as liberal and as boundless as is the kingdom of God.
Effect cont… 2.Selfrespect: The believers know that Allah alone can benefit or harm a person, so he never bows his head to anyone other than Allah Taala.
Effect cont… 3.Humbleness:A believer never becomes proud of power, wealth and worth because he knows that every thing is provided by Allah and He can take away it. 4.Virtuous and upright: This belief makes man virtuous and upright, because a believer knows that there is no other means of success except purity of soul and righteousness of behavior. As against this, the Kafirs and the mushriks always live on false hopes.
Effect cont… 5.Patience and trust The believer never becomes despondent .The belief of Tawheed imparts to his heart extra ordinary consolation, because he knows that Allah is the Master of all the treasures. 6.Determination This belief produces a very strong degree of determination; nothing can make him give up his resolution.
Effect cont… 7.Bravery in man: Because the believer knows that his life, properties and every thing belong to Allah, no one can give life and take away it. A time has been ordained for him.
Effect cont… 8.Contentment and complacence This belief creates contentment and prevents its bearer from unfair means of earning. He knows that Allah bestows honor, power and wealth as he will and man’s duty is to struggle.
Effect cont… 9. Obey and observe God’s Law: The believer knows that Allah knows every thing and every thought and intention. He will punish if he does not leave sins.
4 Akhirat (Day of Judgment) • The essential ingredients of this belief: • Qiramah (the last day): this life will come to an end. • The record of practices will be presented before God. • Reward and punishment: according to deeds. • Paradise and Hell.
Akhirat cont… • The need of this belief • This belief is part of the teachings of all Prophets. • Essential condition of being Muslim. • other than this belief the other beliefs and deeds are useless.
Akhirat cont… • In our daily use: No one wastes his time for nothing. • disbeliever in hereafter practices for benefits in the world. While believer in it practices for benefits in hereafter.
A rational vindication Our belief is based on our trust in Messenger of God. Different view points: Life after death has no reality because it is not proved scientifically. Repeatedly re-generation according to deeds. Revealed view point.
Comments on the two none revealed view points Science neither rejected nor accepted the belief. A person who did not see a thing should not reject it. In the second view point one will ask: Which of them existed first, man or animal?
Rational vindication cont… • The 1st proposition • This world will end. • The existing system is not permanent. • Scientists are agree on this fact. • Evolutionary stage. • The 2nd proposition: Man will be given life. • Allah Taala who created 1st can give life once again.
Rational vindication cont… • The 3rd proposition • The record of deeds will be presented before God. • Sounds can be reproduced. (Scientific proof) • The 4th proposition • Reward and punishment. • Our reason and sense of justice dement it.
Rational vindication cont… • The 5th proposition • Paradise and Hell • Allah Taala who created this entire universe can create these two things.
Effects of Akhirat on human life Rectitude. Generosity. Purification of inner self. Humbleness. Hope and tranquility of mind. Patience and trust. Contrastment and complacence. Virtuous and upright. Determination and perseverance.
5 Al-Hadees Literal Meaning of Hadees New, information and incident Technical Meaning Information about sayings, deeds and silence (when some thing is happened in His presence) of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S) Kinds of Hadees:
Kind of Hadess • Qauli • Information about the sayings of the Prophet (S.A.W.S) • Faili • Information about the deeds of the Prophet (S.A.W.S) • Taqreeri • Information about the silence of the Prophet (S.A.W.S)
Difference b/w Hadees Faili and Sunnah • Hadees-e-Faili is a channel through which we know about Sunnah. • Kinds of science of Hadees: Ilm-e-Riwayat-ul-Hadees and ilm-e-Dirayat-ul-Hadees.
Kinds of science of Hadees • Ilm-e-Riwayat-ul-Hadees and ilm-e-Dirayat-ul-Hadees Ilm-e-Riwayat-ul-Hadees is the science of Hadees in which the text of Hadees is discussed. 2. Ilm-e-Dirayat-ul-Hadees is the science of Hadees in which the series of the narrator is discussed.
The Authenticity of Hadees • Hadees is next to the Quran (consensus) • In the beginning of the 20th century a sect denied it. • In initial stages they denied only those which are against the reason.
Three theories for their denial • 1st theory • The duty of the Prophet (S.A.W.A) was to preach only the Quran not to explain it. • Denial to this theory • In the Quran there are allusions not the details. They are explained in Ahadees. • -Sending of angels in Badar. • -The promise that the enemies will be defeated
Denial cont… • The promise is not mentioned in the Quran. It is in the Ahadees. • The holy Prophet (S.A.W.S) was to explain the Quran. • To obey Allah and His apposite is obligatory. • Implementation of the enjunctions given in the Quran is not possible without Ahadees.
Arguments of those who denied the authenticity of Ahadees • Ist arugument • In the Holy Quran it is mentioned that it is easy. • Answer to the argument • Two types of subjects: 1. Advises • Injunctions: the verse deals with the first one.
2nd argument • I am human like you. • Answer To The Arguments • The verse replied the request of those who demanded miracles.