1. Chapter 10 Artemis
2. Artemis and Apollo
3. Niobe Good example of thoughtless hubris
Even so, what about the reaction of Artemis and Apollo?
Was there some rain worn rock that looked like a woman weeping?
4. Actaeon (Ovid, Metamorphoses III, 138-255), M & L, pp. 215-17 [8th ed.]) Story probably originally intended to emphasize Artemis purity.
Ovids sympathy for Actaeon
there was no sin it was an accident
Actaeon is follower of Artemis
5. Callisto (Ovid, Metamorphoses II, 409-507), M & L, 215-218 [8th ed.]) Another story emphasizing Artemis severity and inviolability
What does a story like this have to say about the relation of mortals to the gods?
What did Callisto do wrong?
6. I knew Doris Day before she was a virgin Otto Preminger Artemis as a fertility figure
Artemis figure at the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus
That carries over into her role as nature goddess, even childbirth sometimes.
What happened?
7. Euripides Hippolytus (428 BC) M & L, 221-236 [8th ed.] 2nd production, Hippolytus Stephanophorus, won 1st prize.
Earlier production, Hippolytus Kalyptomenos does not survive.
How are the gods portrayed in this play?
What does this film say about the human condition?
A common word in this play is sophrosyne (being temperate)
How do our characters contribute to our situation?