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Hate Crime & Prejudice Based Incident Awareness

Hate Crime & Prejudice Based Incident Awareness. Pc 3058 Emma MAKEY Essex Police Hate Crime Officer – Rayleigh 101 ext 490001 Pc 2208 Jürgen REID Essex Police Hate Crime Officer - Southend 01702 423151. www.stopthehate.org.uk. W HAT I S H ATE C RIME?.

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Hate Crime & Prejudice Based Incident Awareness

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  1. Hate Crime & Prejudice Based Incident Awareness Pc 3058 Emma MAKEY Essex Police Hate Crime Officer – Rayleigh 101 ext 490001 Pc 2208 Jürgen REID Essex Police Hate Crime Officer - Southend 01702 423151

  2. www.stopthehate.org.uk


  4. What Does Hate Crime Mean To You? Intolerance Violence Bigotry Prejudice Narrow-mindedness Bias Xenophobia Discrimination Imbalance Inequity Unfairness Inequality Racism Stupidity

  5. What is Hate Crime? There is NO statutory definition in Law, ACPO& the CPS have an agreed definition. Hate crimes are taken to mean –

  6. Hate Crime Any incident, whether a crime or not, which is perceived by anyone to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic.

  7. Personal Characteristics (Strands) Race Religion or Belief Sexual Orientation Disability Gender Identity Other

  8. Recorded Stats by Strand (Essex 2013)

  9. Under Reporting Based on 2011 British Crime Survey we can get an indication of the level of under reporting of Hate Incidents • Race 136000 identified 35875 recorded 26% • Disability 65000 identified 2095 recorded 3% • Sexual Orientation 50000 identified 4477 recorded 9% • Religion 39000 identified 1773 recorded 5%

  10. Types of Incident? • Can take any form of Anti Social Behaviour: • Verbal abuse (name calling, derogatory remarks) • Physical violence (spitting, pushing, murder) • Damage to property: including vandalism and offensive graffiti • Threatening behaviour/intimidation including threatening correspondence or calls • Harassment

  11. Essex Police Response to Hate Crime http://www.stopthehate.org.uk

  12. Essex Police – Hate Crime Team Call 101 Headquarters Dc 1570 Phil Merriam Performance & Review ext 180026 DI 3171 Nick Burstonext 182000 WEST Dc 3168 Lisa BrodieThurrock ext 360204 SOUTH NORTH Pc 3058 Emma Makey Rayleigh ext 490001 Dc 2565 Jackie Long Colchester ext 430140 Pc 72242 Rebecca Paget Harlow ext 300160 Pc 2208 JürgenReid Southend ext 470450 Pc 1996 Garry Munoz Chelmsford ext 400177 Pc 2760 Jenny Paget Harlow ext 300160 Dc 3210 Sharon Hall Tendring ext 440155 Pc 3073 Diane Murphy Basildon ext 382575 Pc 1808 Claire Rawlins Brentwood ext 320169 • firstname.secondname@essex.pnn.police.uk

  13. Dynamic monitoring and daily management reporting; Providing tactical advice, guidance and assistance; Case building and CPS liaison; Victim point of contact for protective measures in all high-risk cases; Advice and guidance to victims; Maintaining records of actions taken in respect of victims and investigations; Enhanced risk management in individual high risk cases; Commissioning protective / preventative / reassurance measures; Problem identification and solving; Promote community confidence in Essex Police through partnership working; Promoting the reporting of Hate Crime, either directly, via third parties or on-line; Conducting and reviewing risk assessments; Hate Crime Officers - Role

  14. Perpetrator known to victim Targeted at place of residence Targeted at place of education/work Injuries Fear of further harassment, injury or violence Believe perpetrator could seriously harm or kill Weapons Organised group Criminal history of perpetrator Alcohol/Drugs/mental health/financial problems Fear of Harm to family Sexual assault Pattern/frequency/repeat victimisation Isolated Suicidal tendencies Lack of understanding of their situation and risk. Risk Factors


  16. What Is A HIRC? It is..... A community response to provide a facility to report a hate incident or hate crime without having to talk to the Police HIRC? Police

  17. What Is An HCA? They are….. Community members who raise awareness about hate crime and promote the reporting of hate incidents or crime

  18. The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Recommendation 16 “The ability to report at locations other than police stations”

  19. Under Reporting Estimate only 15% of Prejudice Based Incidents are reported/recorded by Police Services

  20. Barriers to Reporting Non recognition of Hate motivation Ashamed or Embarrassed Believe they are to blame Not serious enough Will not be believed Nothing will be done Low chance of a positive outcome Normalised to abuse Cultural issues/pressure Fear of reprisals Not knowing how/where to report Accessibility difficulties Mistrust of Police & other Services Negative experiences of reporting Feeling Mistrust in authorities Sense of ‘that’s just how it is’ Time/inconvenience Sensitive and emotive subject Embarrassment Secondary Victimisation

  21. HIRCs Role • To provide a safe environment to facilitate the reporting process • Offer support, advice and signpost

  22. Hate Crime Ambassador Role • Work in the community to increase awareness around hate • Engage in community activities • Support, advise and signpost • Link to local HIRC • Enable reporting

  23. Thank you for helping us and giving us hope and showing us that there are caring people in this country. We appreciate this a lot and a huge and mighty thank you!! For rescuing us from perpetual bullying, hatred, harassment, ridicule, insult, assault, wickedness and abuses all because of our colour that we have no power over. For a better place to live. Our nights have been uninterrupted. No-one called us “nig” at sight here at all. We have peace and hope to continue with this peace.

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