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The COFRET project is co-financed by European Commission Directorate General for Research & Innovation as part of the 7th Framework Programme. Overview. Objectives. Partners. WP1-7. Resources. Contact Us. Project Overview 1/2. NEXT – COFRET Project Overview Pg 2.
The COFRET project is co-financedby European Commission DirectorateGeneral for Research & Innovation aspart of the 7th Framework Programme Overview Objectives Partners WP1-7 Resources Contact Us
Project Overview 1/2 NEXT – COFRET Project Overview Pg 2 COFRET is a collaborative research and demonstration project, part-funded by the European Commission, which will deliver a methodology for the calculation of the carbon footprint along the full supply chain. The energy use and the associated carbon emissions from the freight element of the transport sector has grown faster than almost any other sector between 1995 and 2005. This is despite the greening of freight transport at the operational level gaining prominence over the last two or three years, as many stakeholders began to bundle their strategies, technical developments and operational concepts for reduction of transport carbon emissions. This trend demonstrates clearly that many stakeholders in the freight transport sector in the EU-27 have recognised that additional worldwide efforts are necessary to reduce overall carbon emissions.
Project Overview 2/2 NEXT – COFRET Project Methodology In recent years several national Governmental and industry-led initiatives have emerged that address the issues of measuring and reducing CO2 emissions within various elements of the freight transport supply chain. These initiatives provide an extremely valuable starting point. However, potential inconsistencies in approach within what is a global industry (e.g. which greenhouse gases are taken into account ,or whether emissions from particular supply chain elements are included in or omitted from the calculation) may present problems in terms of comparability and accuracy. COFRET has been formulated to work with the existing initiatives in terms of alignment of content and approach and to use this to help in the standardisation of a carbon footprinting approach for supply chains and supply chain elements. COFRET Methodology
Project Methodology NEXT – COFRET Project Objectives The COFRETmethodology will draw upon existing initiatives already being developed by various stakeholders in the supply chain so that it is aligned with the needs of those responsible for shipping and transporting goods by whatever means. This will be supplemented through stakeholder consultation and a gap analysis so that any missing elements can be identified and plugged. The development of the methodology will be supported and tested through practical application by key stakeholders in real supply chain situations with a view to incorporation into standardised supply chain management systems. As part of the process of forging links with existing initiatives the aim is to make the COFRET website the first point of reference for information on this issue.
Project Objectives NEXT – COFRET Project Partners • COFRET's objectives are: • To establish a complete GHG emission calculation methodology and framework in the context of complex supply chains based on available calculation tools for CO2 and other relevant greenhouse gas emissions • To cover all types of shipments, all types of transport relations (short-range to long range), both at company level and at the aggregated level of transport and logistics • To provide a methodology that is applicable for supply chains within the EU as well as in the global context • To embed practical exploitation as a key element of the technical work programme to maximise uptake of the COFRET methodology, tools & outputs.
Project Partners NEXT – Individual COFRET Project Partner Pages The COFRET consortium comprises fourteen partners from ten different countries. All of the partners have been involved in large-scale collaborative projects and have proven track records in the production of high-quality research work and novel solutions. The fourteen partners of the COFRET Consortium are as follows:
Workpackages 1-7 NEXT – COFRET Workpackage 1 • To achieve the project objectives COFRET is divided into the following work programme elements: • WP1 Management • WP2 Review of Existing Resources and User Needs • WP3 Methodology Development • WP4 Demonstration of the COFRET Methodology • WP5 Case Studies • WP6 Evaluation • WP7 Dissemination & Exploitation
WP1 – Management WP1 - Management NEXT – COFRET Workpackage 2 • The main objective of DLR within COFRET as project manager is to ensure an effective and timely management and coordination of the project activities through the dedicated management activities of workpackage 1. • There are three main priorities of Workpackage 1: • Coordination of the project and provide overall project management • Realisation of the project work in close contact to the Scientific Officer of the EC • Control the Project reporting and financial management of project • The input of the COFRET advisory board, a group of • industry stakeholders who will shape the project’s activities, • is also managed through WP1
WP2 – Review of Existing Resources and User Needs NEXT – COFRET Workpackage 3 • The objective of WP2 is to investigate user needs and state-of-the-art methods, tools and data for calculation of carbon footprint for logistics chains as a part of supply chain management. • The main tasks of WP2 are: • To review existing carbon footprint calculation methods, tools & databases • To identify user needs, practices & experiences in the context of carbon footprint calculation • To review future technologies and innovations relevant to freight transport carbon footprint calculation
WP3 -Methodology Development NEXT – COFRET Workpackage 4 The objective of WP3 is to compile a technically harmonised methodology for the calculation of CO2 emissions. To reach this goal, we will use (the knowledge behind) existing CO2 calculation tools and methodologies in order to create a harmonised methodology. We will involve the developers of existing tools and methodologies through a workshop. The result of this WP is the definition of framework of and requirements towards development of prototype.
WP4 - Demonstration of the COFRET Methodology NEXT – COFRET Workpackage 5 • The aim of WP4 is the development of the COFRET prototype which will be used to calculate the CO2 equivalent emissions from freight transport along the functional elements of supply chains. • The main tasks in WP4 are: • The technical specification of the COFRET prototype • The set up of the prototype model • The development of the COFRET prototype using the harmonised methodology for calculating of CO2 equivalent emissions from freight transport • The validation of the developed prototype by means of • simulated tests
WP5 – Case Studies NEXT – COFRET Workpackage 6 • The aim of WP5 is the development of case studies to test the practical application of the COFRET methodology. • It is anticipated that approximately 10 case studies will be developed, drawn from a range of different logistics sectors and covering a range of transport modes in order to fully test the COFRET methodology and including many well-known national and international companies. • Case studies will be developed and supported through a standardised process including: • Developing and agreeing guidelines for the case study • Confirmation of the detailed application • Implementation • Collection of results and feed-back on the • methodology / application for revision, if required
WP6 – Evaluation NEXT – COFRET Workpackage 7 • The objectives of WP6 are to review and validate different user requirements for the measurement framework on carbon emissions and to evaluate how these requirements have been fulfilled by measurement framework as applied in the case studies. • This includes: • Establishment of an evaluation methodology including assessment criteria • Validation and evaluation of the measurement framework • Developing conclusions and recommendations
WP7 – Dissemination & Exploitation NEXT – COFRET Project Resources • The overall aim of WP7 is to ensure the optimum level of close engagement with freight transport providers, their industrial customers, systems suppliers and policy makers. This is to be achieved through two tasks: • Dissemination activities focused around the development of the project identity and the production and distribution of dissemination materials (brochures, website, newsletters etc.) in a timely manner. • Exploitation tasks within the COFRET project to ensure, through proactive external liaison, that the role of the project and its various outputs are well positioned in the eyes of its target groups in terms of visibility and the perception of relevance and usefulness.
Project Resources NEXT – COFRET Contacts An important element of the work of COFRET is to review existing tools, methodologies and initiatives that are relevant to the carbon footprinting of freight transport. As part of this we aim to provide a comprehensive directory of information relevant to this subject to help others working in this area. The information is currently categorised as Calculation Models, Tools, Databases and Reports to match the initial review work being conducted within COFRET and is available via the COFRET website: www.cofret-project.eu
Project Contacts Home Page If you have a specific query or a more general issue which you would like to discuss with the COFRET team please use the list below to contact the most appropriate team member. Research Review & User Needs VTT (kari.makela@vtt.fi) Methodology Queries TNO (diederik.deree@tno.nl) Queries relating to Calculation Tools PTV (florian.krietsch@ptv.de) The COFRET Case Studies NEA (JKI@nea.nl) COFRET Evaluation Queries DLR (andreas.lischke@dlr.de) Interested in linking up with COFRET? TTR (alan.lewis@ttr-ltd.com) General queries about the COFRET Project DLR (verena.ehrler@dlr.de)