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Welcome 2015 Senior Promotion Workshop Series Workshop # 2 – April 12 2016

A workshop on scholarly potential assessment, pre-application preparation, and identifying accomplishments for senior promotions. Topics include research, teaching, creative activity, and administrative service.

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Welcome 2015 Senior Promotion Workshop Series Workshop # 2 – April 12 2016

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  1. Dr David White, Interim Chair, DFCM Dr Barbara Stubbs, Director, Professional Development Program. DFCM Marie Leverman, Academic Promotions Coordinator, DFCM Welcome 2015 Senior Promotion Workshop Series Workshop # 2 – April 12 2016

  2. Friendly Reminder ….Confidentiality at the Workshops • con·fi·den·tial • 1. spoken, written, acted on, etc., in strict privacy or secrecy; secret: a confidential remark • 2. indicating confidence or intimacy; imparting private matters: a confidential tone of voice • 3. having another's trust or confidence; entrusted with secrets or private affairs: a confidential secretary.

  3. Goal of the Workshop #2 • To help you look at the work you are engaged in and evaluate your scholarly potential • To assist you in preparing the pre-application and identifying your five scholarly pieces

  4. Objectives At the end of this session, participants will: • Understand the criteria for promotion • Identify accomplishments of scholarship (research, teaching & education, creative professional activity and administrative service)  You will map the foundation of your pre-application

  5. Sample Pre-Applications • Samples provided • For reference purposes only • Please do not photocopy or take home!.

  6. Agenda and Work Plan Individual WORK TIME

  7. Video #1 Who has helped you in the senior promotion process? Produced by: Brian Da Silva Marie Leverman

  8. The Pre-ApplicationDr Barbara Stubbs

  9. The Pre-Application Faculty are required to submit a Senior Promotion Pre-Application to the DFCM Senior Promotions Committee (SPC) in order to obtain feedback regarding readiness for promotion.

  10. Claiming Excellence You need to claim “excellence” in one category .

  11. The Pre-Application For the first part of the pre-application, we are reviewing:

  12. 3.1 RESEARCH “Promotion based on research requires that the candidate has a record of sustained and current productivity in research and research-related activities.” • Research funding • Publications • Scientific presentations • Participation, leadership and mentorship in the research community

  13. 3.2 Creative Professional Activity (CPA) “The Faculty of Medicine acknowledges CPA under the following three broad categories:” • Professional Innovation and Creative Excellence • Contributions to the Development of Professional Practice • Exemplary Professional Practice Page 14 In the Manual

  14. CPA (continued) Here are a few examples: • Scholarly publications: books, chapters, monographs • Non peer reviewed and lay publications • Invitations to scholarly meetings, workshops • Invitations to lay meetings or talks/interviews with media and lay publications • Guidelines, consensus conference proceedings • Development of health policies Additional Examples: • Media coverage • Presentations to regulatory bodies, governments, etc. • Creation of media (e.g., websites, CDs) • Innovation and entrepreneurial activity, as evidenced by new products or new ventures launched or assisted, licensed patents. • Technology or knowledge transfer

  15. Pre-Application – Work Time

  16. The Pre-ApplicationDr David White

  17. The Pre-Application For the second part of the pre-application, we are reviewing:

  18. 3.3 Teaching and Education “Promotion requires that the candidate has contributed in a meaningful way to achievement of the Faculty’s and University’s educational mission. The nature, quantity and quality of these contributions will be evaluated with reference to department and hospital norms.” Page 18 In the Manual

  19. Teaching and Education (continued) In the Faculty of Medicine, teachers and educators can show evidence of excellence or competence in one or more of the following areas: • Undergraduate education • Graduate education • Postgraduate medical education • Post-doctoral training • Continuing education and faculty development • Patient/public education Page 18 In the Manual

  20. IMPORTANT TO INCLUDE: SAMPLE PROVIDED Document Name: Teaching data summary = typed in Word Teaching and education report = generated in WebCV

  21. 3.4 Administrative Service “Service to the University means primarily Administrative or committee work within the University. Consideration will also be given to activities outside the University, which further the scholarly and educational goals of the University.” Administrative Service in itself cannot be the main criteria for promotion. Page 23 In the Manual

  22. Administrative Service Such activities might include: • Service to professional societies directly related to the candidate’s discipline • Continuing education activities • Work with professional, technical or scholarly organizations or scholarly products • Membership on or service to governmental committees and commissions

  23. Pre-Application – Work Time Provide a summary of the evidence of impact, importance and/or innovation.

  24. Video #3 What has this senior promotion meant to you? Produced by: Brian Da Silva Marie Leverman

  25. The Pre-ApplicationDr Barbara Stubbs

  26. The Pre-Application For the final part of the pre-application, we are reviewing:

  27. Five Significant Scholarly Products • Five scholarly pieces of work/publications are required • You must clearly state the significance and geographic scope of impact (local, provincial, national, international)

  28. Five Significant Scholarly Products/ Publications Can include a variety of “work”: • Publications- peer reviewed journals • Book or book chapter • Government documents, reports • Curriculum design document • “Learning object” – e.g.. a teaching video • Websites • National level work • Creative professional activity

  29. Five Significant Scholarly Products – Work Time

  30. Closing Comments Marie Leverman

  31. Closing Comments Friday May 13 2016 is the deadline date to submit your pre-application.  DFCM Senior Promotions Committee will be meeting on June 2  report to candidate asap

  32. Important Dates WORKSHOP # 3 – TUESDAY JUNE 21 To review…. pre-application samples successful dossiers To be confirmed … webcv workshop drop in session

  33. Any Questions

  34. Evaluations Please complete using the iclickers

  35. Please wait for instructions….. Power “ON” your clicker Wait for instructions please…….. Do you have an iclicker in your hand? (test question) • A – Yes • B – No • C – What is an iclicker? • D – This is fun! • E – I do not understand…

  36. Evaluation I have a better understanding to identify my areas of excellence/competence for a senior promotion: • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  37. Evaluation I have a better understanding to identify my five scholarly pieces of workfor a senior promotion: • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  38. Evaluation I have a better understanding of the components and preparation of the pre-application? • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  39. Evaluation Upon completing this workshop, I have mapped outmy pre-application. • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  40. Evaluation Working in groups specific to the area I wish to claim “excellence” in was very helpful: • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  41. Evaluation I plan on submitting a pre-application for this academic year” • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  42. Evaluation I found the Videos to be informative and helpful in going forward in the senior promotion process: • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  43. Evaluation 3 hours was adequate time for Workshop #2: • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  44. Evaluation If a WebCV workshop was held (specifically for a senior promotion), I would be interested in attending: • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  45. Evaluation What time of day would work best for a WebCV workshop: • A 9:00 to 10:30 am • B 10:30 – 12 noon • C 12 noon to 1:30 • D 1:30 to 3:00 • E 3:00 to 4:30

  46. Drop In Session – optional review time The drop in is open to all candidates going forward in the senior promotion process in the current year. Candidates may meet with members of the Senior Promotions Committee to review and discuss their dossier. I would be interested to attend the drop in session: • A – Strongly Agree • B – Agree • C – Somewhat • D – Disagree • E – Strongly Disagree

  47. Evaluation Overall, I found the workshop to be: • A – Very informative and helpful • B – Somewhat informative and helpful • C – Okay • D – Just Okay • E – Won’t come again

  48. Comment Cards….please complete Comment cards have been placed on the table. Please let us know how this workshop will make a different to you in the future?

  49. See you at Workshop # 3 Power “OFF” your clicker Please leave at the table …….. Thank You

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