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Broughton Hall High School

Broughton Hall High School. Laptops for Pupils Information for Yr 7 Parents. Welcome and introduction. What is the scheme all about? Why are we doing this? What is being provided? What do we have to do? What help will there be? How will my child benefit? What do I need to know?

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Broughton Hall High School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Broughton Hall High School Laptops for Pupils Information for Yr 7 Parents

  2. Welcome and introduction • What is the scheme all about? • Why are we doing this? • What is being provided? • What do we have to do? • What help will there be? • How will my child benefit? • What do I need to know? • How will we receive the kit? • Any questions?

  3. What is the scheme all about? • Aims to provide school laptop access to girls • Impact will be monitored & measured • The money primarily comes from the school’s ICT budget • Parental contribution • MOODLE provides support materials

  4. New ways of learning for a new school

  5. Why are we doing this? Schools need to change: • 140 people a second joining the web • 4 out of 5 pupils starting school now will go into jobs that do not yet exist and use technology that has not been invented • 2013 a PC with capacity of human brain • Amount of technical information expected to double every 72 hours by 2010 • 2.7 billion searches on Google each month • 8 out of 10 US pupils use Face book

  6. As our world continues to change • 9/10 toys are made in China • Half of all tvs & cameras are made in China • Your computer can be repaired on line in India • Your brain scan may be checked in Australia • You will need the skills of…..team work, empathy, good communication, problem solving, initiative, determination and most of all enthusiasm • By the age of 16 you are likely to have spent more time watching television than you have spent in school…. Have schools changed enough in recent years?

  7. Our aim… To help your daughter: • Improve in all her school subjects • Raise attendance levels & improve the behaviour of target pupils • Develop the skills needed for the 21st century • More easily do homework and revision • Better present her work

  8. Help raise the achievement of particular pupils: • those at risk of not achieving level 5 in English, mathematics, science or ICT • whose homework needs improving • Whose attendance or poor health affects learning • who are gifted and talented

  9. What is being provided? • Asus EEE PC 1005HA or similar • Office Suite • Up to 8hrs battery • Built in camera • Chosen by pupils • Compact/lightweight model • Shock proof • To be used at home and in school

  10. What will coste ask of you • One off payment of £30 in yr 7 • Annual insurance payable - £15 per annum • Ensure your daughter brings the laptop/case to school daily • Help them look after the laptop • Make sure the laptop isn’t used inappropriately • Report damage or other problems promptly

  11. What do I need to know? HEALTH AND E-SAFETY • Beware trailing wires, electricity supply, sitting position, usage • Re-charge your laptop over night at home E-SAFETY • Commercialism, inappropriate content, chat rooms • www.childnet.orgwww.parentscentre.gov. uk/usingcomputersandtheinternet/ • Web checker: www.home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html

  12. What help will there be? • In-house technical support • Warranty work – pool of laptops • ICT teachers • Support materials/websites • Free ICT classes: www.ufi.com/ukol and www.learndirect.co.uk • Periodic PAT inspection

  13. Any Questions? • What if my child has additional needs? Please liaise with Mrs Hible (SENCO). • Who does the equipment belong to? The equipment belongs to the school, even when it’s in your home. • What if we have a problem? Let the school know.

  14. How long can I keep the laptop? Until the end of yr 11. If you daughter changes school the laptop should bee returned. What happens at the end of yr 11? If the insurance has been paid annually, pupils will be allowed to keep the laptop for personal use.

  15. I’m worried about crime – what if its lost or stolen? Research suggests this is very unlikely. • Can we load other software? We would ask you not to do this with out first checking with the school.

  16. What does the insurance cover …… accidental damage/theft in yr 7 The policy needs to be renewed in yr 8 and again in yrs 9, 10 and 11 (at a cost of £15 per annum)

  17. What isn’t covered by the insurance policy? Cost of a replacement case. A new case will cost £15. Cost of replacing a lost or damaged charger. A new charger will cost approximately £20.

  18. How does my daughter join the scheme? There are sufficient laptops fro all girls in yr 7 Girls are invited to join the programme as part of a rolling programme Girls who have demonstrated high levels of majority and responsibility since joining the school will be invited in the first instance

  19. Other girls will be invited to join the programme as they grow and develop as students The intention is for all girls to be offered the opportunity to join the programme by the end of yr 7

  20. What if my daughter ……? Misuses her laptop eg. Cyber bullying, illegal downloads Fails to repeatedly bring the laptop to school Regrettably in such circumstances the school reserves the right to withdraw the laptop. Please be aware that any monies paid are non-refundable.

  21. What if we move house? As long as your daughter remains on roll she may keep the laptop. Just inform the office of your change of address. • How much will it cost? * yr 7 - £30 yrs 8-11 - £15 per year (Total = £90) • These payments are non-refundable • Additional costs may be incurred eg. To cover the cost of a new charger

  22. What next? • Recommendation to join the scheme • Letter of invitation • Schedule of Equipment and Software • Home-School Agreement • Cheque • Appropriate school bag

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