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Happy Father’s Day. The Duty of Father Ephesians 6:4 – E^fe^so 6:4. E^fe^so 6:4 “Zoux die nyei mienh aah! Maiv dungx cuoqv meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv qiex jiez. Oix zuqc ei Ziouv nyei leiz dorh longx fu'jueiv, njaaux ninh mbuo muangx waac.”
Happy Father’s Day The Duty of Father Ephesians 6:4 – E^fe^so 6:4
E^fe^so 6:4 “Zoux die nyei mienh aah! Maiv dungx cuoqv meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv qiex jiez. Oix zuqc ei Ziouv nyei leiz dorh longx fu'jueiv, njaaux ninh mbuo muangx waac.” Ephesians 6:4 “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Biux Mengh Waac Introduction Naaiv yiemc Ging-Sou mbuox mbuo oix zuqc ei Ziouv nyei leiz njaaux fu’jueiv muangx waac. This verse tells us, we have to raise our children up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Se gorngv mbuo piatv maiv duqv hatc njaaux mborqv njaaux mbuo nyei fu’jueiv dongh mbuo dorh ninh mbuo hlo nyei ziangh hoc nor, ninh mbuo hlo daaih zoux waaic sic, mbuo ganh oix zuqc ndaam dorng ninh mbuo zoux nyei jauv. Maiv daan mbuoqc naaiv hnangv, liemh Tin-Hungh yaac maiv a’hneiv mbuo zoux nyei gong. Ndaawitv bungx ndortv ninh zoux die nyei gong, nqa’haav ziangh biauv mienh ziouc zuqc ndiev hnyouv mun, ndiev kouv naanc nyei jauv weic Absalom zoux nyei sic (2 Saa^mu^en 13 – 19). If we fail to discipline our children when we raise them up, when the growth up they doing bad thing, God will not happy for the job we do. David failed as a father of Absalom, but tragedy and heartache followed the entire family of David (2 Samuel. 13 – 19).
Nzamc Leiz-Latc 4:10: “Oix zuqc bun ninh mbuo hiuv duqv meih mbuo yiem Holepv Mbong souv jienv ZIOUV, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh, nyei nza'hmien wuov hnoi, ZIOUV gorngv mbuox yie, "Oix zuqc mbuox zuangx mienh gapv zunv yiem yie nyei nza'hmien. Yie oix ninh mbuo muangx haiz yie nyei waac weic bun ninh mbuo ziangh seix zaangc nyei hnoi-nyieqc haih hoqc hiuv taaih yie, yaac njaaux ninh mbuo nyei fu'jueiv hnangv naaiv nor zoux." Deuteronomy 4:10: “Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me,"Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children."
Nzamc Leiz Latc 6:7: “Oix zuqc jienh njaaux meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv hiuv duqv naaiv deix leiz. Maiv gunv yiem biauv fai yiem jauv zaangc, bueix njiec fai jiez sin, zungv oix zuqc buih jienv yiem. Deuteronomy 6:7: Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
1 Saa^mu^en 3:11-14 “ZIOUV gorngv mbuox Saa^mu^en, "Yie oix yiem I^saa^laa^en Mienh nyei mbu'ndongx zoux yietc nyungc. Da'faanh muangx haiz nyei mienh nyei i bung m'normh zungv oix nqingx nzengc. 12 Taux wuov norm hnoi yie oix zoux ziangx bun dongh yie gorngv jiex Eli nyei zeiv-fun nyei yietc zungv waac yiem gorn taux setv mueiz. 1 Samuel 3:11-14 “And the LORD said to Samuel: "See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle. 12 At that time I will carry out against Eli everything I spoke against his family—from beginning to end.
13 Yie zungv mbuox jiex ninh, yie oix yietc liuz dingc ninh nyei zeiv-fun nyei zuiz weic zuqc ninh hiuv duqv ninh nyei dorn mbuo nyei zuiz. Ninh mbuo ki Tin-Hungh, Eli yaac maiv baav ninh mbuo. 14 Weic naaiv yie houv waac bun Eli nyei zeiv-fun. Yie gorngv, 'Eli nyei zeiv-fun zoux nyei zuiz yietc liuz maiv maaih haaix nyungc ziec nyei ga'naaiv fai fongc horc nyei ga'naaiv haih fiqv duqv ninh mbuo nyei zuiz.” 13 For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, and he failed to restrain them. 14 Therefore, I swore to the house of Eli, 'The guilt of Eli's house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.”
Fu’jueiv biux mengh mbuo domh mienh zoux nyei gong longx fai maiv benx. Fu’jueiv longx fai maiv benx se yiem mbuo hnangv haaix nor dorh ninh mbuo hlo daaih. Fu’jueiv ziangh nyei maengc se ndorqc mbuo dorh ninh mbuo nyei bouc. Fongc horc ziepc gouv nyei yietc gouv jauv se ndorqc mbuo nyei sienx fim, mbuo hnamv Tin-Hungh ndongc haaix camv. Fu’jueiv longx fai ciouv se ndorqc mbuo zoux nyei gong, hnangv haaix nor dorh ninh mbuo hlo daaih nyei jauv. Our children reflect our job as parents – good or bad. The life of children is measures our duty as parents. Tithing is a measure of our faith, how much we love and trust God.
(1) Ndaawitv maaih damv longc ninh nyei kungx-buoz haih mborqv duqv jiepv yaac haih mborqv duqv Go^li^atc hingh nyei, mv baac ninh mv maaih damv hatc njaaux ninh nye dorn Absalom dongh ninh faix nyei ziangh hoc. David had the courage to kill a lion and a bear with his bare hands and to fight Goliath alone, but he lacked the courage to discipline his son Absalom.
(2) Naaic dauh dorn, nqa’haav se benx daix mienh nyei mienh, ninh maiv zeiz kungx oix longc Ndaawitv nyei ningv fai weic hnangv, ninh oix longc ninh nyei die m’nqorngv (2 Saa^mu^en 15:14). And that son became a cold-blooded killer, who eventually didn't just want David's crown-he wanted his father's head (2 Sam. 15:14).
(3) Tin-Hungh nyei Waac mengh-mengh nyei gorngv taux hatc njaaux fu’jueiv nyei jauv. “Haaix dauh nyienz jienv maiv longc biaav mborqv njaaux, wuov dauh maiv hnamv ninh nyei dorn, mv baac haaix dauh hnamv dorn se jienh mborqv njaaux.” (Cong-Mengh Waac 13:24). God's Word is clear about child discipline. "He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly" (Proverbs 13:24).
(4) “Dongh maaih lamh hnamv nyei ziangh hoc oix zuqc mborqv njaaux meih nyei fu'jueiv. Maiv dungx dingc sueih ninh zuqc mietc.” ( Cong-Mengh Waac 19:18). "Chasten your son while there is hope, and do not set your heart on his destruction" (Prov. 19:18).
(5) Naaiv se zoux die mienh nyei gong, liemh jienv mbaix nyei jauv. Gauh longx se meih oix zuqc longc nzengc meih nyei hnyouv njaaux, fai zuov jienv bun Tin-Hungh dingc meih nyei zuiz. It's the father's job, and it includes spankings. And you'd better do it with vigor, or waiting for God to punish you.
(6) Eli se I^saa^laa^en Mienh nyei sai-mienh, caux ninh yaac maaih i dauh dorn hlo aqv, dongh ninh maiv nunc mborqv njaaux nyei dorn mbuo nyei jauv. Ninh mbuo hlo daaih se benx diuv nqin nyei mienh, yaac zoux waaic sic, zoux laaih hlopv Tin-Hungh nyei singx dinc (1 Saa^mu^en 2:22-36). Eli was the high priest of Israel and had two grown sons whom he refused to discipline. They were drunkards and whoremongers who profaned the tabernacle (1 Sam. 2:22-36).
(7) Dongh ninh mbuo baamz zuiz nyei ziangh hoc, Eli jaev sin weic ninh mbuo nyei zuiz. Weic hnangv naaic, liemh Eli caux jienv ninh nyei dorn mbuo yietc zungv ziouc zuqc dingc zuiz zuqc mietc (1 Saa^mu^en 4:11,18). And when they sinned, Eli made excuses for their sin. The result was that both Eli and his sons perished in judgment (1 Sam. 4:11,18).
(8) Se gorngv meih gengh hnamv meih nyei fu’jueiv nyei nor, meih ziouc gaengh hatc njaaux mborqv njaaux ninh. Meih duqv zueiz jienv caux meih nyei dorn meih nyei sieqv gorngv waac orn hnyouv; horh kuinx; caux gorngv taux ninh mbuo hoz nqaang nyei maengc mbuox ninh mbuo nyei fai? If you love your child, you will be strong in your discipline toward him or her. Have you sat down with your child and counseled and comforted them and one over the blueprint of their life with them?
(9) Meih siou haaix nyungc jauv liouh bun meih nyei dorn meih nyei sieqv? Se gorngv meih bun jiem meih nyei dorn-jueiv, mv baac maiv njaaux ninh mbuo taux Tin-Hungh nyei jauv nor, meih se daix ninh mbuo hoz nqaang nyei maengc. What investment are you making in your son or daughter? If you leave them a fortune in gold without leaving them the knowledge of God, you have murdered their future.
(10) Meih maiv zeiz zoux weic mengh daauh, mv baac oix bun meih nyei fu’jueiv duqv njien-youh, maiv lamh guaix dorngx. Meih longc hnamv nyei jauv mborqv njaaux ninh mbuo, yaac zorqv ninh mbuo fungx bun Tin-Hungh tengx ziux goux, weic meih zoux nyei kuv sic, maaih norm hnoi dongh meih zuangx njiec ninh mbuo nyei hnyouv nyei nyim oix hlo daaih. You may not climb the path to fame, but give your children the joy of a blameless name. And after you have lovingly given them the rod, place them in the hands of God, because one day you're going to release your child and he or she will grow according to the seeds that are planted in their heart.
11. Oix zuqc ziux mbuo nyei hmuangv doic. “Se gorngv haaix dauh maiv goux ganh nyei cien-ceqv, lengc jeiv goux ganh nyei hmuangv doic, wuov dauh se ngaengc zien doz aqv. Ninh zungv gauh waaic jiex maiv sienx Yesu nyei mienh.” (1 Ti^mo^tai 5:8). “If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8)
Setv Mueiz Waac – Conclusion Singx Nzung 127:3: Naamh nyouz se ZIOUV bun nzipc nyei buonc, yungz daaih nyei fu'jueiv benx ninh nyei zingh nyeic. Psalms 127:3: Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.
Fu’jueiv se benx Tin-Hungh nyei fuqv, Tin-Hungh bun daaih, faix nyei ziangh hoc, mbuo oix zuqc goux longx. Children are God’s blessing, the heritage from the Lord, we have to take a good care of them, when they were small.
God’s Principles for Fathers – Psalm 128:1-6 “Dauh dauh taaih ZIOUV nyei mienh, dongh gan ninh nyei jauv yangh wuov deix, maaih orn-lorqc. 2 Meih duqv nyanc meih ganh nyei buoz zoux daaih nyei ga'naaiv, meih ziouc orn-lorqc yaac duqv fuqv-loqc. 3 Meih nyei auv oix yiem meih nyei biauv hnangv a'ngunc hmei ziangh biouv gitv nor. Meih nyei naamh nyouz oix weih gormx meih nyei dieh, hnangv ga'lanv ndiangx nyei cunx nor. 1 Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. 2 You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. 3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table.”
4 Mangc maah! Taaih ZIOUV nyei mienh zungv oix hnangv naaic duqv fuqv. 5 Tov ZIOUV yiem Si^on ceix fuqv bun meih. Tov bun meih yietc seix buatc Ye^lu^saa^lem duqv longx. 6 Yaac tov bun meih maaih maengc ziangh jienv duqv buatc meih nyei fun-faqv. Tov bun I^saa^laa^en duqv baengh orn. 4 Thus is the man blessed who fears the LORD. 5 May the LORD bless you from Zion all the days of your life; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, 6 and may you live to see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel.”
Naaiv zaang Singx Nzung Sou mbuox mbuo, zoux die nyei mienh fai Tin-Hungh nyei mienh, wuov deix se yangh gan jienv Tin-Hungh nyei jauv mingh, bun Tin-Hungh dorh ninh mbuo nyei hmuangv doic. Fiev Singx Nzung Sou nyei mienh gorngv, maaih kuv hmuangv doic nyei maengc wuov deix se dongh yangh gan jienv Tin-Hungh nyei jauv mingh wuov deix mienh, ninh mbuo duqv zipv Tin-Hungh ceix bun nyei fuqv. Tin-Hungh nyei Waac maaih jaax-zinh bun mbuo nyei maengc se, liemh jienv hnamv, fu-sux, ziepc zuoqv hnyouv, zoux kuv sic, caux daux gaux nyei jauv. This chapter of psalm tells us, as father or the man of God, who following God’s ways, and let God leaded their families. The psalmist wrote that a good family life is a reward for following God. The values outlined in God’s Word include love, service, honestly, integrity, and prayer.