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What do we mean by educational podcasting?

What do we mean by educational podcasting?. Andrew Middleton, Sheffield Hallam University Alan Hilliard, University of Hertfordshire. Outline. Educational podcasting Awareness of what is happening in UK FE & HE through themed examples

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What do we mean by educational podcasting?

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  1. What do we mean byeducational podcasting? Andrew Middleton, Sheffield Hallam University Alan Hilliard, University of Hertfordshire

  2. Outline Educational podcasting • Awareness of what is happening in UK FE & HE through themed examples • A shared understanding of the concept and its potential – activity and discussion

  3. Why podcast? - activity • What can you do nowthat you could not do before?(Yellow post-its) • What can you do better nowthan before?(Pink post-its) • Why?

  4. Category 1 - Tutor voice • Recording events (eg recorded lecture, summary audio notes) • Communicating (eg module announcements) • Motivating (eg tutor conversations, storytelling, etc) • Describing (eg interviews with professionals, clients, public) • Illustrating (eg testimony, vox pop) • Forming (eg instructional; feedback) • Building (eg key skill development) • Modelling (eg behaviour, techniques)

  5. Category 2 - Student voice • Individual • Noting (e.g. field data, reflection, commentary) • Presenting (e.g. summary, poster, review, stories) • Feeding (e.g. peer assessment, seeding) • Group • Presenting (e.g. findings, proposals) • Conversing (e.g. criticism, review) • Sharing (e.g. topic magazine) • Exhibiting (e.g. work without commentary/anaysis)

  6. Category 3 – External voices • Broadcasting and Commercial producers • Instructing (e.g. learning objects) • Describing (e.g. interviews with experts) • Updating (e.g. current affairs and developments) • Educational and Training Organisations • Various (e.g. learning objects) • Professional & Other Organisations • Marketing (e.g. product placement, initiatives) • Reporting (e.g. findings, proposals) • Conversing (e.g. criticism, review) • Advocating (e.g. political)

  7. What is Educational Podcasting? • Activity • Discuss - what characteristics define podcasting? • (2 minutes, then feedback)

  8. What is Educational Podcasting? • Social – ideas, questions and knowledge shared • Digital media – usually audio, increasingly video, PDFs • Accessible -  Internet distributed, downloadable media  • Flexible (time and location neutral) – hence 'time shifting', 'space shifting', mobile, flexible learning • Device neutral - media players, both software and hardware ----------------------------------------------------------------------Optional characteristics • Automatically delivered - Simple syndication technology (RSS + media enclosures) that allows interested parties to subscribe to published content ('feeds') from a particular supplier • Managed by the user - aggregation software designed to gather feeds

  9. A definition • Educational podcasting is:The development of shared knowledge through distributed, digital media, accessible to its community through flexible interfaces

  10. Benefits (Post-it activity feedback)

  11. Summary of Benefits • Efficacy (simple, quick, high impact) • Authentic (simulation or real worldness) • Currency (e.g. immediate, up-to-date) • Human (e.g. empathy, trust) • Constructionist (learning through making) • Engaging, varied, perspectives • Varied diet – another learning channel • Motivational

  12. Thanks – You've been listening to... David Morely, Warwick University, Writing Challenge; Anne Nortcliffe, SHU, Software Engineering Professional Experience;Alex Spiers/ Roger Morgan, Liverpool John Moores; June Clarke, Information Management, SHU;Noreen Axelby, Computing Foundation, SHU; Hilary Cunliffe-Charlesworth and Richard McCarter, Writing Pad, SHU; Graham McElearney, Richard Steadman-Jones and Duco van Oostrum, University of Sheffield, English; Alan Hilliard, University of Hertfordshire, Radiology; Stuart Lee, Oxford University, Medieval English; Denise Stokes, CIPL CETL Coventry/SHU; Jon Wood and Carl Senior, Aston University, Psychology; Peter Hillier, University of the Arts, London, CSM Foundation; Carol Pollard and Andrew Jackson, SHU, Clinical Practice; Peter Walder, SHU, Sport & Multimedia; Richard Lynch, SHU, Criminology; Andrew Middleton and Brian Irwin, SHU, LTI; Alan Carr, Mid-Cheshire College and Dark Horse Training; Engineering students, SHU; Computing students, SHU; Sport and Multimedia students, SHU;Art Mobs Moma, New York; Sarah Tiernan, The Psychology eZine, Aston University;Joe Davis, student, University of the Arts, London; Demos.

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